Why Rescue Murrieta? By Ed Faunce
RM members realize that it’s not enough for residents to restrict their involvement to voting for the City Council candidates. Murrietans have been there, done that. It doesn’t work! City Council election results show that incumbents are often returned to office even though the total number of votes for their opposition candidates exceeds the vote for the incumbent. But with so many candidates splitting the opposition vote, the incumbents are reelected without a mandate.
In fast developing areas, like Southwest Riverside County, residents’ predominant complaint is that developer interests always seem to get the upper-hand over residents’ concerns. And why not? The developers are constantly vigilant identifying acceptable candidates and supporting them financially. Ordinary residents, who are trying to cope with busy schedules, raising families, commuting to work, and paying the bills, cannot individually devote their time and effort to supporting candidates.
So what’s the answer? Are we Murrietans forever condemned to just complain about how we - the ordinary residents - aren’t heard? Isn’t there something we can do that will ensure that our interests are paramount with our elected representatives?
RM believes that there is a new idea in town. RM asks, what if the residents actually organized? You know, businesses have their Chamber of Commerce why not a Chamber of Residents? What if Murrieta residents formed a Political Action Committee, a PAC? What if Murrietans formed a nonpartisan PAC whose mission is to identify those residents among us willing to be our representatives? What if Murrietans were involved in the grooming, selection and financial support of their future elected leaders? And then, what if thousands, even tens of thousands, of Murrietans voted for their endorsed candidates? It would be a 10.0 quake on the political landscape.
Murrietans would be organized, on a long-term basis, for selecting and running our own representatives for the City Council, the School Board, the Water District Board, etc. Murrietans could plan initiatives to cover such issues as term limits, campaign contributions, rate of growth, quality of businesses developed and the like. But wouldn’t the developers simply outspend Murrietans? Wouldn’t the developers defeat our efforts by running their own candidates and pouring in their financial contributions? Wouldn’t the developers go outside the City, even outside the County, to get the finances to whip us?
In fact, the developers are already doing exactly that. The Southwest County Taxpayers for Responsible Government (we call it "Developers’ Inc.") has raised 40% of its reported $111,000 from outside of Riverside County. Developers’ Inc. But Developers’ Inc. has raised only $320 from individual Murrietans.
RM has raised $5,000, nearly all of that from individual Murrietans. When RM’s $5,000 contributions are compared to the Developers’ Inc.'s miserly $320, isn’t it clear that RM is the overwhelming choice of individual Murrietans?
But the Developers’ Inc. still has a financial advantage of $106,000. Why does RM still believe it can prevail over such financial excess? Because there is one thing individual Murrietans control that the Developers cannot touch. That one thing is the BALLOT BOX.
If Murrietans join RM, support this new kid in town in its efforts to find and endorse suitable candidates and then vote for those RM endorsed candidates, the Developers Inc. can spend all the money they have - THEY WILL NOT WIN.
When that happens, it will be the "shot heard round California." You will be sending the message that pay-to-play development is over in Murrieta! Those Murrietans are "Mad as Heck," and they aren’t taking it any more! Murrieta is no longer for sale!
If you agree with these ideas, then join RM and register to vote, vote a permanent absentee ballot and vote for the RM endorsed candidates. We live here! We will defend our City!
Edward Faunce, Rescue Murrieta Spokesman