There have been persistent attempts made by those who have endangered their jobs in the Murrieta City Council. These are attempts to try and point fingers anywhere but at themselves. Especially when facing criticism on their handling of the office granted to them by the town’s citizens. Because of this defensive response, there has been much mudslinging, but no corresponding acceptance of personal responsibility is taking place. I joined the recall effort because I saw the Murrieta that I have lived in since 1987 being buried under cookie-cutter developments, unchecked population growth, and rapidly deteriorating infrastructure.
That said, I will attempt to explain what I feel are the real reasons behind this recall: This recall is not a power grab, nor is it motivated by revenge. This recall has come to pass because enough people thought that the council was doing a bad job. When they went to council meetings to try and voice their dissatisfaction, they were silenced. Contrary to popular belief, Rescue Murrieta did not really create this recall, they just provided a focal point for the people’s frustration. Do I agree with the recall? Not completely, but it was something that would have never occurred if the council had been taking care of people instead of (developer) business. RM needed one thing to get this recall on the ballot, angry people. The unapproachable arrogance of the Murrieta city council provided 8,000 of these.
I don’t care how much of a baldfaced liar someone might be, if they tell me something is so and put a signature sheet in my face, I will (and do) ask what the signatures are about, get information and if necessary research the issue further before signing. There were many like me who asked for information one day, researched what they were told and came back the next day to sign the petitions. For some, the conditions of the streets was enough. Citizens who are denied any voice to stop the deterioration of their town will find a way to take back control. This recall is on the ballot May 3rd for this very reason.
If you must find someone to blame for the $80,000 cost of this election, look no further than the five seats in the council chambers. They have been at the helm and have steered us right into a storm, but we are the ones who must navigate back out of it. We cannot allow bad government free reign any more. If we Murrietans vote yes on this recall, it will send a tangible message to this and future city councils; “don’t ever forget about us citizens again.”
That said, I will attempt to explain what I feel are the real reasons behind this recall: This recall is not a power grab, nor is it motivated by revenge. This recall has come to pass because enough people thought that the council was doing a bad job. When they went to council meetings to try and voice their dissatisfaction, they were silenced. Contrary to popular belief, Rescue Murrieta did not really create this recall, they just provided a focal point for the people’s frustration. Do I agree with the recall? Not completely, but it was something that would have never occurred if the council had been taking care of people instead of (developer) business. RM needed one thing to get this recall on the ballot, angry people. The unapproachable arrogance of the Murrieta city council provided 8,000 of these.
I don’t care how much of a baldfaced liar someone might be, if they tell me something is so and put a signature sheet in my face, I will (and do) ask what the signatures are about, get information and if necessary research the issue further before signing. There were many like me who asked for information one day, researched what they were told and came back the next day to sign the petitions. For some, the conditions of the streets was enough. Citizens who are denied any voice to stop the deterioration of their town will find a way to take back control. This recall is on the ballot May 3rd for this very reason.
If you must find someone to blame for the $80,000 cost of this election, look no further than the five seats in the council chambers. They have been at the helm and have steered us right into a storm, but we are the ones who must navigate back out of it. We cannot allow bad government free reign any more. If we Murrietans vote yes on this recall, it will send a tangible message to this and future city councils; “don’t ever forget about us citizens again.”
For what it's worth, I was approached by a signature collector for the original recall petition in front of the Ralph's Market on Washington. I must say I was astounded at the inaccuracy of statements this well-intentioned senior citizen made. In particular, I was offended by her comments that one of the current councilmembers was backed by the LDS Church.
If this woman was even remotely similar in makeup to the membership of Rescue Murrieta we taxpayers of the City had better make darn sure we vote appropriately in the election.
Murrieta resident since 1993.
Anonymous, at Sunday, February 06, 2005 5:00:00 PM
If Murrietans choose to recall VanHaaster, Seyarto, and McAllister, all the candidates running to replace them are not neccesarily backed by RM. Though this alleged misrepresentation by RM sigature gatherers is out there, anyone who just got off of a 2 hour commute and then has to wait another hour just to get off the freeway is angry enough at the powers made it that way to do something about it. Signing the petitions made it convenient to do so.
RM has given Murrieta a much-needed wakeup call about what is really going on in this town, and if nothing else, we owe them some gratitude for that.
If I was a developer, I would be trying to use this recall election to put one of my own guys on the council. If Comerchero or someone backed by Jeff Stone is elected, then that is likely what will have taken place.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, February 07, 2005 11:48:00 AM
Backing by LDS? Does that mean the Mormon Church? If someone collecting signatures had brought that one out, it would immediately have set off my B.S. detector (common sense) and I would have politely declined.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, February 07, 2005 12:26:00 PM
FYI, I did exactly as you would have--I politely declined to sign.
Murrieta resident since 1993
Anonymous, at Monday, February 07, 2005 5:00:00 PM
"However, we can do our share by allowing the demand in our area to be met within the confines of the general plan. "
I hope Mr. Seyarto reads his own words... how often does he allow "tweaks" to the GP????
Anonymous, at Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:15:00 PM
Kelly - We need to have the funds for wider bridges like the one desperated needed at Clinton Keith and the 215. Even without your way over the top developer-pleasing Orchard Mall plans.
The city spent over $22M enriching the Domenigoni's property value at the "Golden Triangle." This was to be the gateway for the fabulous RogersDale fiasco that you so vigorously championed (along with Jack and Chuck---the old 3 amigos.)
You didnt listen to the community then and you're still not listening. Inductively, one may assume that you'll never listen.
Kelly you and dishonest Jack have made this recall necessary. You have only yourself to blame.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, February 23, 2005 3:22:00 PM
Kelly said:
"I also have to commend the staff (like Steve Mandoki) for devising a financing plan..."
Kelly, you and your amigos FIRED Steve Mandoki. Are you now commending him for his silence in exchange for his excessive severance pay.
What did he do to get fired? You amigos never really said much.
Did he tire of rolling over, to accomodate things like blatant violations of the Brown Act!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 08, 2005 1:06:00 PM
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