One of Warnie’s ideas for advisory initiatives was term limits for the City Council – If this passed, both he and VanHaaster would become ineligible, talk about taking one for the team!
Term limits are a great idea. The current Council and the bickering which Kelly Seyarto continues to perpetuate for all of us in this Forum is a direct result of being in a position too long. The position on the Council has become way to "personal" for Warnie, Seyarto, Van Haaster, and Ostling. The notion of serving the public is clouded with such trivial statements as implying the "pay is too low." It's unfortunate our City, in it's race to become significant, is becoming the laughing stock of the Valley.
Kissinger said "power is the strongest aphrodesiac". The stipend is small, relatively speaking. So why don't they all donate your stipends to the homeless if they have no use for such a paltry sum? The real drive to be, and stay being, a city councilmember is the thrill of being at large and in charge, a big fish in a small bowl.
Mr. Seyarto, what is the purpose of MSHCP funds? Are they earmarked for protection of habitat for local species, or are they discretionary income available to the city council? I don’t see how purchasing acreage in undesirable areas statewide in order to build more houses locally is beneficial to people no matter what their species. This is not true mitigation. Use of TUMF fees relies on new development which puts strain on existing services/roads before public road upgrades are in place, thus exacerbating an already undesirable condition.
What I see is akin to a feeding frenzy of zone 2 cities vying for these TUMF funds by issuing as many building permits as they can. This in order to build the infrastructure to support the corresponding population created thereby. In short, insane behavior. If Mr. Seyarto can step back from his obsession with growth long enough to countenance this fact, perhaps he can see that there are other, less aggressive ways to grow a city. And that continuing to operate this way is only placing this city into a dilemma that I don’t think even Mr. Seyarto can solve.
I have created this blog as a place for all Murrietans to post facts and opinions concerning the city and the people of Murrieta, California. Please keep your comments well thought out and civil. The opinions expressed in this blog come from independent sources throughout the community and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management.
Term limits are a great idea. The current Council and the bickering which Kelly Seyarto continues to perpetuate for all of us in this Forum is a direct result of being in a position too long. The position on the Council has become way to "personal" for Warnie, Seyarto, Van Haaster, and Ostling. The notion of serving the public is clouded with such trivial statements as implying the "pay is too low." It's unfortunate our City, in it's race to become significant, is becoming the laughing stock of the Valley.
Anonymous, at Friday, February 04, 2005 11:17:00 PM
Kissinger said "power is the strongest aphrodesiac". The stipend is small, relatively speaking. So why don't they all donate your stipends to the homeless if they have no use for such a paltry sum?
The real drive to be, and stay being, a city councilmember is the thrill of being at large and in charge, a big fish in a small bowl.
J. L. Kunkle, at Saturday, February 05, 2005 5:44:00 PM
"The people who mean the most to me." Do you mean the developers?
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, February 09, 2005 5:07:00 PM
Mr. Seyarto, what is the purpose of MSHCP funds? Are they earmarked for protection of habitat for local species, or are they discretionary income available to the city council? I don’t see how purchasing acreage in undesirable areas statewide in order to build more houses locally is beneficial to people no matter what their species. This is not true mitigation. Use of TUMF fees relies on new development which puts strain on existing services/roads before public road upgrades are in place, thus exacerbating an already undesirable condition.
What I see is akin to a feeding frenzy of zone 2 cities vying for these TUMF funds by issuing as many building permits as they can. This in order to build the infrastructure to support the corresponding population created thereby. In short, insane behavior. If Mr. Seyarto can step back from his obsession with growth long enough to countenance this fact, perhaps he can see that there are other, less aggressive ways to grow a city. And that continuing to operate this way is only placing this city into a dilemma that I don’t think even Mr. Seyarto can solve.
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:15:00 AM
Mr. Seyarto says "I lost someone who I thought was a friend because I didn't vote the way he wanted me to on the preschool issue."
Bet the Mayor is still his friend!
Anonymous, at Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:40:00 PM
Where does this $120M go?
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, February 16, 2005 6:11:00 PM
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