Bon Voyage to Kelly's Coward.
Mr. Seyarto has managed to intimidate a person who disagrees with him into no longer contributing to this blog. Kelly's Coward posted many interesting counter views to Mr. Seyarto, but Mr. Seyarto has built an impenetrable wall around himself and his actions that Kelly's Coward gave up trying to breach. An exchange of ideas to this man is a one-way process, all outward. However, Mr. Seyartro has posted enough commentary onto this blog that any Murrieta citizen who wants to know the true Kelly Seyarto, need only read them to form a pretty definite opinion of what kind of man he is. Bon Voyage, Kelly's Coward.
Mr. Seyarto,
You have a record of treating residents of Murrieta as if they are stupid children and you are the adult.... that you know what's best for the children. I believe you know that you are in way over your head and try too hard to portray yourself as the smartest guy in the room. Your statement that the anti-recall effort is primarily funded by "normal trade folks" is yet another example of treating residents as if they are stupid. The published list of donors to the anti-recall effort make clear that the contributors are your developer friends hell bent on building out Murrieta and leaving the residents holding the bag when it comes time to figure out how to match up needed infrastructure with growth.
So is the recall effort primarily funded by trademen or will you actually admit you were wrong and you made a mistake that intended to mislead residents about the nature and composition of the anti-recall effort.
Anonymous, at Saturday, February 19, 2005 9:53:00 AM
Mr. Seyarto,
These “personal attacks” on you by me in my writing are not attacks at all. I have an opposing viewpoint to yours and your referring to them as attacks is either a distracting ploy on your part or the act of a very insecure person imagining everything counter to his opinions is threatening. I am sure there must be some other reason, but I’m stumped as to what that reason could be.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, February 25, 2005 4:55:00 PM
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