MURRIETA OPEN FORUM - Get it said, get it read, communications for the community.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Its about zero value imminent domain!

I've been reading through many of the posts and I have realized that both sides of the recall are off the mark as to the original intention of the recall. The influence accredited to RM is a good focal point for divisive politics, but their complaints were only the small sound to make all the other offences of this council avalanche back on them.

For many Murrietans, new or old timers, the threat of zero value iminent domain was an issue that could not be ignored. The people who had to pay for thier legal defense against the city to protect thier property was why this recall has happened.

Not everyone who owns property in this town owns a tract home or land soon to become a housing tract.

Desperate Criminals

It occurs to me that though the police are willing to allow either side of the recall initiative to prosecute the sign vandals, aren't the people who poached the signs in the first place guilty of trespassing?

Monday, April 25, 2005

A hefty cash injection.

With the disproportionate amounts of currency spent by the anti-recall groups, it is not too hard to see the developer's special interests are at risk should the recall succeed. Why would anti-recall bring in over $300,000 compared to RM's paltry sum under $6,000? They are trying to protect there interests with a cash injection; would they do this if there wasn't a much bigger payoff later?

This recall is a good opportunity to show special interests that sometimes they can't just buy American votes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"Election Letters -

"Election Letters - to assure that all letters about the May 3 Murrieta recall election can be published before the election, The Californianwill not accept any letters on this topic after midnight April 21. We will attempt to publish all letters about the recall election received by that deadline no later than April 29."

Many of you who sent in letters last week to the Press Enterprise, do not be discouraged if yours has not been published yet, they are still including letters on the recall daily and did tell us there would be a special edition with letters included on both sides of the issue.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The recall an abuse of power? You're joking, right?

I noticed a quote by Jerry Allen on the anti-recall site indicating that the recall was "An outrageous abuse of power." Being a former mayor, I would suspect that Mr. Allen is quite familiar with abuses of power.

What's in a sign, anyway?

The signs are up, and someone has been going around tearing down the pro-recall signage. This is the American politial system incarnate, but as a result of this cheap behavior, and though I was originally not going to do it, I have allowed RM to post a 2’x4’ sign on my property. To be fair, I will also allow an anti recall sign, but it has to be much smaller, to punish the anti-recall element for stealing opposition signage.
Being posted on private property, if someone takes either one of these signs, I can have them arrested for trespassing, or for vandalism, or even better, I can just stop them and find out who they are. I’m sure we’re all eager to know. The Murrieta PD and Fire Dept. are too busy for this sort of shenanigans, so whoever it is will have to tone down their activism.

Verizon has been naughty to Murrieta.

The delays involved in the old town project, regardless of who was at fault could have been handled better with more community participation. In the future, if Verizon or any other utility causes a delay in construction in Murrieta, the city should let the people know about it. We’re politically active now, and Verizon would probably up the pace if enough local citizens called to complain or cancel service.

Agrarian roots of Murrieta

The appearance of old town begins to resemble the agrarian roots on which Murrieta is based (Temecula can have their cowboys), and this leads me to suggest that a farmer’s market of some sort could be an annual or semi-annual old town event. Is a similar road treatment going to be done to Ivy?

Old Town Clean-up '05

The old town clean up was a great way to unite the west-side community in taking care of the heritage center of Murrieta. Click on the title of this post for photos. My section was sent to clean up between Kalmia and Ivy on Hayes, an area that is already patrolled by the old ladies of Murrieta (they pick up garbage along Murrieta streets almost every morning). We finished the section by somewhere around 9:30 so I went to take pictures and help offload at a collection site.
The only commentary that I wish to make is regarding the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I didn’t see Kelly Seyarto, he was probably on duty with the OC fire dept., but McAllister, VanHaaster, Enochs, and Ostling were there for the ceremony. I noted that out of all the council-members, only Enochs wore an orange safety vest, which implied that he was the only one who was actually prepared to work. McAllister, though he didn’t wear a vest, was working very hard at the event. Jeff Stone, who was also at the ceremony wore blindingly bright white pants. He was not there to work, but then again, I guess he doesn’t have to, it’s not his town.
The amount of junk pulled out of old town was impressive, but I think that this was only a good start. It is a good thing that the city is conducting these community clean-ups, and it behooves the old towners to make good use of these events. The citizens of Murrieta have done their best to help stop urban blight in old town, and especially by RMers, and now the responsibility for avoidance of an urban blight designation is back on the shoulders of the property owners.
I am starting to see the completion of the old town project on the horizon, and though it did seem awkward to have a ribbon-cutting when the work is still unfinished, I can understand the need for the council members subject to possible recall to do something tangible prior to the May third election.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

McAllister withdraws

Doug McAllister withdrew from the vote on Bill Dendy's project. I think he did the right thing, though the odds were in favor of the original decision going through as voted. A deadlock would have caused the original approval to stand.

I got an e-mail from RM about a poll being conducted by SWTFG opposing the recall. If the claims made by this poll are true, then it is up to citizens to make up their own minds about the recall.

If they are untrue, then SWTFG is pulling the same tactics that RM has been accused, but never convicted, of using. Here is the text of the pollster instructions sent to me by RM; I would welcome commentary regarding the misleading slant, if any, reflected in this poll. I am ambivalent on the matter, but I am still suspicious of the amount of money that has been poneyed up for resistance to the recall.

Here is the poll as sent to murrietablog:

No on the Recall: Stand Up for Murrieta

website: (I checked the link and at the time of this posting there is was yet no site, just a "to come" page, I've embedded the link in this post title. - JLK)

40119 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, Murrieta CA 92563

Tel. (951)696-4040


1. Please only speak to the person listed.

2. Please code on your sheet only the voters you speak to.

3. Leave literature only with Supporters and UND voters.

4. Shake gates to ensure that there are no dogs in the yard.

5. Never go inside the house even if the owner invites you in.

6. After ringing the doorbell, step away from the door so that the voter can clearly see you.

7. If you run into any problems please don't hesitate to call the office at (951) 696-4040


No Recall = Supporting No on the Recall or Voting No on the Recall

AV = Supporting No on the Recall w/ a completed VBM application that you bring back to the office.

U= Undecided - Voter is uncertain as to how they will vote.

Yes Recall = Supporting Yes on the Recall or Voting for the Recall

MV= MOVED - Voter is permanently unavailable (moved, dead, in prison, etc...)

Gated = House is inaccessible and can't get in.


Hi, is (Name listed) home? Hi, my name is (Your Name) and I'm walking in your neighborhood today with Stand Up for Murrieta. We wanted to inform you that Murrieta police and firefighters oppose the Recall. If this recall is successful it will make our traffic problem much worse by blocking the plan that is in place. (Voters will be mailed the traffic plan for Murrieta)

Can we count on you to vote NO on the Recall?

If Supporting NO on the Recall: (Circle "No Recall")

Thank You!! We are encouraging everyone to vote from home this election. There is nothing else on the ballot. It is the best way to guarantee your vote counts. Would you like to vote by mail?

If yes (Circle AV): Great (Show the voter the application and get the clip board in the voters hand) All you have to do sign here. (Point to the application). Your ballot will be sent to you shortly by the county registrar's office.

If Not voting by mail: (Circle "No Recall") Thank you and don't forget to vote on May 3rd.


Did you know the City council has a plan to deal with traffic and improve our quality of life? They're working hard to protect your safety and guard your tax dollars. The people behind the recall oppose traffic improvements. That is not what Murrieta needs; before we put our city in Jeopardy please take a serious look at what is happening. Thank you

If Supporting Yes on the Recall: (Circle "Yes Recall")

You should know that Fire Chief Phil Armentrout, Assemblyman Ray Haynes, Supervisor Jeff Stone and every former Murrieta Mayor and Councilmember oppose the recall because they know it will delay needed road improvements.

(It is to be noted that no disparaging remarks against recall proponents were made - JLK.)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Should MacAllister abstain from voting?

The anti-recall campaign for Councilman McAllister accepted a $10,000 donation from Bill Dendy, the developer who wants to build a shopping center at the corner of Nutmeg and Jackson. Approval of this project is coming before the council for a vote tomorrow. I see a clear conflict of interest here; John Harper and Doug MacAllister, because of a semantics loophole, do not. What do you think; should he abstain from voting?
