What's in a sign, anyway?
The signs are up, and someone has been going around tearing down the pro-recall signage. This is the American politial system incarnate, but as a result of this cheap behavior, and though I was originally not going to do it, I have allowed RM to post a 2’x4’ sign on my property. To be fair, I will also allow an anti recall sign, but it has to be much smaller, to punish the anti-recall element for stealing opposition signage.
Being posted on private property, if someone takes either one of these signs, I can have them arrested for trespassing, or for vandalism, or even better, I can just stop them and find out who they are. I’m sure we’re all eager to know. The Murrieta PD and Fire Dept. are too busy for this sort of shenanigans, so whoever it is will have to tone down their activism.
Being posted on private property, if someone takes either one of these signs, I can have them arrested for trespassing, or for vandalism, or even better, I can just stop them and find out who they are. I’m sure we’re all eager to know. The Murrieta PD and Fire Dept. are too busy for this sort of shenanigans, so whoever it is will have to tone down their activism.
Two words... Carol Carson
Heeheeheehee - now who's the 'bad guys'?
Also noticed along Cal Oaks Monday that Gibbs new signs were all up and most of No Recall weren't there anymore - Oh I know - the 'anti-recall element' probably took them down themselves to make the recall people look bad. That's the conspiracy theory, ain't it Joe?
no Wonder
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:20:00 PM
Is Carol Carson (a RM member) the one who was caught with the NO RECALL signs in her garage?
Anonymous, at Friday, April 15, 2005 7:34:00 AM
Strange no one answers the question. Ashamed?
I looked on the RM website and they just shruggs it off like its not a big deal. Is that how the RM canadates will react when something goes down in Chambers?
No statements that one of thier own Effed up. Just an 'oh well' kind of attitude.
Thats not what I want in office... Gibbs should know that accountablity is a huge thing in the military.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:27:00 AM
I am sure the the military,taught Mr.Gibbs very well. Especially
about character, integrity, accountability, and professionalism.
The signs are an issue. I am
sure those of us on both sides,
are alittle frustrated, when they
keep coming up missing. At this point, it doesn't matter who started stealing signs first. It
just sounds so juvenile. So how
about, everyone start acting like
adults, and everyone leaves everyone else's signs alone. That
means, STOP STEALING. Last time I
checked, we all lived in the United States. Where we enjoy, unlike alot of other countries,
freedom of speech, and the freedom
to elect our officials. So let's just cut it out!, and show a good example to our children, on how adults are supposed to act. The election is just two weeks away. I am sure we can all last that long, before the urge to take someones freedom of speech (signs) away, takes over.
Make your vote count!!
May 3rd 2005
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:55:00 PM
There are jerks and idiots on both sides of the issue. If you believe that only one side is stealing signs, then you are deluding yourself. It's true of all politics - there are honest, earnest people on both sides of an issue, and there are narrow-minded, bigoted people on both sides.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:57:00 PM
If the April 23rd, comment is
a response to what I said about
sign stealing,and calling a truce.
Then you misread whatI wrote. If you were not responding to me, than, i apologize. But I am not
deluding myself. I do not think
the sign stealing is one sided. I said it doesn't matter at this point, who started it first, who
cares, just cut it out. For example on Monday I put up two
signs on Jefferson and Nutmeg,and
two on Jefferson and Kalmia, all
were replacements, for signs that
were taken a couple of days ago.
Then on Wed. morning they were taken again. So whoever you
are out there, this time I will
be watching.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 23, 2005 6:06:00 PM
You guys set the rules and now you're griping about it? Typical. If you didn't want to start a ridiculous signage war, why did you start stealing RM's signs? You can dish it out but you can't take it.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, April 25, 2005 7:29:00 PM
Dish it out?!? Are you serious!!?? Ok then, Tell your children and grandchildren that spray painting on school bathroom walls, Fences, Mailboxes, street signs are OK. Go ahead and deface Murrieta's walls and then piss on it. That is what the members of the RM are dishing out for our city. Nice example... really nice. You think that is going to change someone's opinion to vote yes on the recall?! Whats wrong with you people.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:43:00 PM
Although, I do not condone, the
spray painting of the no recall
signs. I admit It brought a smile
to my face. Especially since those
signs are illegal. Political signs
according to Murrieta City Codes
for political signs, can be no larger than 16sq.ft. But the no recall signs are 32 sq.ft. Also you may have seen the smaller no recall signs, on street lights in shopping ctrs. and on the road.
They are posted on those poles
about 15 ft or so high. Which is
also not allowed. Many people have complained about this to our
city manager Lori Moss. More so about the 32sq.foot. signs. But
she has found a so called loop hole for the anti recall signs. Calling them "Commercial Signs"
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:06:00 PM
Sooo what if there is a loop hole, why dosent RM and the yes on recall people use that to their advantage??!!! Make your signs just as big!!
It may have put a smile on your face but may have cost the yes on recall vote to change.
I think that keeping the spray painted signs up shows voters what type of people are behind/for this recall.
I just love to see graffiti in my city. Nice ... good job. Would have been even cooler if you used a gang signature and different colors.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:50:00 AM
noo no babe you have that all wrong. Twisted thinking comes from the people of RM. I have heard it and seen it.
It shows in thier words, it shows in thier endorsed, it shows in thier actions and it shows in thier faces.
Hummm and I wonder why would I assume. Carol Carson was caught red handed taking down signs and even had a crapload in her garage.
Please dont shrugg her off like the website did. Not cool.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:25:00 PM
Do not disagree with ME. After all she knows every trivial detail of the goings on in Murrieta. The rest of us common folk are just part of the ignorant Murrieta masses. Who did what to which sign will be irrelevant after the old guard political fringe RM is kicked to the curb May 3. Hey ME how do you like my large illegal sign? It does a good job of over compensating for my low self esteem doesn't it?
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:32:00 PM
I think Lori Moss was completely correct in calling Murrieta anti-recall signs "commercial".
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, April 29, 2005 8:39:00 AM
Anonymous, if you would please get a screen name so I can tell you apart from all the other anonymouses it would be greatly appreciated.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, April 29, 2005 8:41:00 AM
To the person who thinks that the
spray painting of the gigantic
no recall signs, will turn the
election against the recall.
Are you serious?
The candidate signs are being stolen left and right, as soon as they are put up. I had a sign today, that was gone an hour and a half after placed it near the 15 south on ramp off Kalmia.
You say the candidates could have
put up oversized illegal signs also. The Candidates were all given "GuideLines for Politcal
Signs for the City of Murrieta".
by Lori Moss. Obviously the
No Recall proponents, were given
a different set of Guidelines.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:38:00 AM
Mr Enochs was observed spray painting "yes" over the "no" recall signs in certain areas by a citizen who was looking out his window at approximately 10pm one night. How nice.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:44:00 PM
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