I saw a sign...
The election day is looming and apparently it is time for the block boys (or those who appreciate them)to start turning up the anti-recall heat. The signs I have seen are very patriotic looking with their red, white and blue color scheme, but I was surprised to learn that "cops and firefighters" oppose the recall. Seyarto is a firefighter, but who is this cop they are talking about?
Ask and ye shall receive, Joe. Here's some more conspirators.
MURRIETA : The Riverside County Republican Party has announced its opposition to the upcoming Murrieta recall election.
"We strongly encourage Republicans and all citizens of Murrieta to vote NO on the recall," said County Chairman Kevin Jeffries.
"This recall appears to be purely because of political differences," said County Executive Director Dave Everett. "None of these issues warrant a recall."
Everett noted that the recall election is costing Murrieta at least $250,000, which includes the cost of the election and the cost of lost sales tax revenue from projects that have been put on indefinite hold.
"The Republican Party cannot condone this waste of tax money," said Everett.
The Riverside County Republican Party joins the Murrieta Police Officers Association, the Murrieta Firefighters Association, all five members of the Riverside Board of Supervisors and dozens of city leaders and community organizations in opposition of the recall.
C. Ed Dodge
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:43:00 AM
It sure is interesting to see so little interest in this blog. Could it be a sign of how weak RM is?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:17:00 PM
I know firemen and cops that support the recall, we should put up sign that say COPS Support the recall. As for the republician party, there will be hell to pay in the next election. I for one will not back the candidate they endorse, Mr Jefferies can run for dog catcher enstead of Ray Haynes seat. We will remember.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:35:00 PM
I heard MacAllister and Jack vanHaster were lovers, not really any of my business but is it true. Did Kelly Seyarto get fired from his job for stealing office supplies? I also heard the the three recall targets were being investigated by thr FBI for bribery. The power of words! Most people are stupid!( Kelly Quote)
by DVB
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:47:00 PM
As long as we're developing a sense of humor - yes Doug & Jack are lovers, just not with each other. Their wives are very happy with them however. I understand Kelly did not steal office supplies but rather made off with an entire fire truck which he cleverly disguised as a cement truck and is using it to disrupt traffic in front of Ed Faunce's house.
To the previous anonymous - oooooooh, the Republican party is now shaking in awe of the power of RM. I understand GW Bush himself wanted to call you and grovel for your vote but since you remain anonymous, he is said to be in seclusion from grief. But go ahead and put up a sign about whatever you want. The entire recall premise is based on the big lie - so extending it to include whatever supporters you want is no stretch in credibility. There was this kid making fries over at McDonalds that spelled recall correctly in a junior high essay - you should probably include him.
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:58:00 AM
Read this morning that RM had to cancel their first 'non-biased debate'. Couldn't find a moderator? Sounds like a smoothly running machine to me - all those blowhards but they couldn't find one with the gumption to stand in front of the current council members to ask a few simple questions.
And their darling Robert Ross taking credit in the Calif for 'coining the phrase' 3 amigos. What a sap. Now he's suing the people who used that phrase 6 years ago in the City of Temecula and he has launched a copyright infringement against WB for appropriating HIS phrase for their move of the same name many years ago. At least Robert had the good sense to get out of this election. As history has shown us, Robert couldn't get elected if he was running unopposed. Better to just sit back and take credit for stuff he has no connection with.
Comedy at it's finest, unless you consider the negative impact this has on our city.
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:07:00 AM
Maybe someone could make some T Shirts with the likliness of Bozo The Clown on the front and the name Rescue Murrieta on the back. True or Faunce: Rescue Murrieta did not start the recall effort. Faunce 8000 petition signers represents a majority of Murrietans. Faunce Distortions and misrepresentations are a form of the truth. True (If you are a member of Rescue Murrieta. Candidates that are endorsed by RM are qualified to sit on the council. Faunce Overcrowded schools and traffic are extremely valid reasons for recall Faunce
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:55:00 PM
Just a little heads-up, the statement posted and attributed to the republican party at the top of this page is NOT the same as the one I was sent.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 01, 2005 5:49:00 PM
Interesting - since this is the one quoted in todays Calif. Why don't you post the one you got so we can see what the differences are? Thanks.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 02, 2005 10:52:00 AM
Kelly Seyarto is alive! Read reponse re: Robert Ross. The reference to suing has to be him. Ross threatened to sue him and the city over his slanderious mouth. His PR firm told him to shut up but he can't. HA HA HA what a small man. Recall the little guy!
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 09, 2005 8:13:00 AM
Sorry Ace, not Kelly. Anybody who has lived here more than 6 months knows Robert Ross and his record of running (and losing) council races. The only person who has lost more and consistently is Nancy Knight - this will make 6 for her I believe. Ross threatened to sue him? You people are threatening to sue somebody every time you open your mouth. Who cares. As Brian {Padberg said in his Calif. letter this morning - people have been threatening and blustering and lieing to the citizens for years trying to get a recall together. Once this one is over you'll disappear back under your rocks for a few more years and never NEVER contribute a positive damn thing to our community. All hat and no horses. HA HA HA - what a fool.
no Wonder
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 09, 2005 10:01:00 AM
Someone so brave should state his name. We owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping us from the grips of such unsavery people. We should ask all the resident who disagree with us to just leave. Wouldn't it be nice if we all thought the same.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 10, 2005 12:49:00 PM
So, has everyone seen(and how could you miss it)the No Recall,
and Doug McAllister rhetoric. Lining the streets, every few feet
along Madison, Washington, and
Cal Oaks, etc.
Gee, could this be a "SIGN"....
of desperation.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 24, 2005 11:17:00 PM
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