Next in line...
Unfortunately, due to health reasons, Mr. Jon Sparks has withdrawn from the race for Doug McAllister’s council seat. Dr. “Doc” Larry N. Francis has stepped up to the Rescue Murrieta plate and will run the RM ticket instead. Dr. Francis was narrowly beaten by Sparks for the original endorsement.
On of the problems with the people running for council is that they rely on the city staff as their sole source of information and neither have the experience or knowledge to make an informed decision on a varity of issues. Elected official should alway question the advise they get from staff. The employees of the city have their own agenda. The back slapping relationship between the present council and staff is not good for the residents. Government is like a cancer it will overtake you if not kept in check. I hope our new representitives do their homework and restaff our commissions with competent people not polital buddies. Do not be afraid of people that disagree with you.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:47:00 AM
Given Ed's (nonsensical)rants about how the Murrieta Chamber is controlled by Temecula businesses, you can't be supporting a candidate who is actually a board member of the Temecula Chamber and works in Wildomar. Ed's sense of humor and irony is truly awe inspiring. Hat's off for this week's political doublespeak award to Mr. Ed.
Awestruck Anon
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 09, 2005 3:13:00 PM
By the way, no disparagement intended to Larry Francis. I know Larry and he's a heck of a guy. Does a lot for the community and is way involved, which is more than I can say for most of the RM'ers. Just find it humerous that Ed's new candidate is everything he is criticizing about the Murrieta Chamber.
Good call with the 'health issue' by the way. If that candidacy would have continued there would have been enough egg on RM's face to host another Fireman's breakfast.
Awestruck Anon
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 09, 2005 3:28:00 PM
To Awestruck Anon:
Dr. Larry Francis is not “Ed’s new candidate.” Dr. Francis solicited Rescue Murrieta for an endorsement. The membership listened to his presentation and voted to support him.
It is my understanding that Dr. Francis is a former member of the Temecula Chamber of Commerce. He does live in Murrieta – which is the essential sine qua non for being a City Council member. There is no requirement that a City Council member work in Murrieta. Seyarto works in Los Angeles County and McAllister just sold his Temecula based business.
RM’s criticism of the “Murrieta” Chamber of Commerce is its pretense that it is unbiased and neutral when it is a special interest organization. The Chamber and its City pals (van Haaster, Seyarto, McAllister) have joined to try to fool Murrietans into thinking that the Chamber’s forums are designed to educate voters on the recall issues.
Your reference to a “good call with the health issue” cynically implies that RM or myself made such a call. It was the candidate’s own physician who said that there was a health issue which precluded his continuing.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:50:00 PM
How can anyone form an opinion about the forums if they dont bother to come?
That room was packed full of voters. I didnt not see anyone from above attend. (faunce,murphy..rm supporters)
There were many questions taken from us regular citizans. There were even quesions from Mrs. Knight.
Every Murrieta citizan should attend or watch it on TV.
If someone else is willing to do another set of debates then by all means every Murrieta citizan should attend. Its important! When we voters go to the polls we should be well informed for ALL candidates.
VOTERS don't go in blindly, attend every debate/forums/meetings if you can. Dont let anyone tell you different.
Every vote counts no matter whos side you are on.
Anonymous, at Saturday, March 12, 2005 9:24:00 AM
Does being arrested for drunk driving count as a "health condition"? Great pick RM and way to go on the spin job Mr. Ed. (no offense to the horse, of course).
So I guess the only real question here is do you want those eggs scrambled or fried?
Anonymous, at Saturday, March 12, 2005 11:08:00 PM
Oh Oh Ed. Sounds like somebody else knows at least part of the truth. Better get on your spin cycle pardner because your train is starting to come off the track.
The previous guy had a good question too, Ed. Given your great chamber conspiracy theory - why don't you encourage your people to come. It should be easy to show the chamber up for the biased special interest group they are (even your buddies at the newspaper aren't buying that line). Plus your people would actually get to ask questions of the other candidates and answer questions from members of the PUBLIC. Ooops, may have just answered my own question there.
In the meanwhile, we're still waiting for the answers and solutions proferred by RM. The Calif. has assured us that they are going to be providing 'in depth' profiles of your condidates - should be fun. It'll be even more interesting to see how you dodge that issues forum. Let's see - the newspaper takes advertising from realtors so they have a vested interest in keeping Murrieta growing so they don't lose ad revenue. Damn - I've been reading too many of Ed's rants.
Awestruck Anon
Anonymous, at Sunday, March 13, 2005 12:18:00 PM
I am a very active member of Rescue Murrieta and have attended both of the forums, and as many City Council meetings, Planning Commission meetings, GPAC meetings, etc. that I can. Introduce yourself at the next forum Anonymous, and I will introduce you to the other RM members in attendance. Perhaps you should spend some time doing your homework too.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 25, 2005 9:13:00 PM
As an active member of Rescue Murrieta, I have been attending the forums, the City Council meetings, as many of the Planning Commission meetings as possible, the GPAC meetings, etc. Please introduce yourself at the next forum "anonymous," and I will make sure you meet the other RM members there.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 25, 2005 9:21:00 PM
Thanks for the offer - Oh Joy - meet all the other disillusioned people who haven't a clue. I can hardly wait. Honestly, Barbara, who cares? What I'm looking for is some answers, some proposals, some solutions, something besides negativity from your candidates, not a chance to sit a schmooze with Ed. All we hear is what's wrong with Murrieta but nothing about how to address the supposed faults, nothing about where the money is coming from to fix all the alleged problems once you shut the developers down, nothing but personal attacks and innuendo's from your spokesperson - why would I want to meet more of you to repeat the same tired BS you've been spouting for months now.
I've done my homework, Barbara, and the facts don't mesh with what RM would have us believe. You got your way at Clinton Keith & Cal Oaks switching commercial zoning to residential, but when they shut you down at Nutmeg & Jackson, and then changed the zoning at Nutmeg & Washington to address the imbalance you created at Clinton Keith & Cal Oaks, you initiate a recall. A waste of time, money and effort and you know who it was initiated by. Please don't insult our intelligence by playing coy and disavowing the facts. You can fool some of the people all of the time (as evidenceed by the fact that there are 'active' RM'ers), and you can fool all of the people some of the time (as evidenced by your 8,000 signatures), but you can't fool all the poeple all the time - and that will be evidenced on May 3rd when the citizens of Murrieta in fact decide to Rescue Murrieta from your little band of malcontents.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Anonymous, at Saturday, March 26, 2005 11:25:00 AM
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