Old Towners to clean up their act
The old town area along Washington in Murrieta is looking much better these days. Traffic is again flowing in two directions (intermittently) and some of the landscaping has been installed. As the dust finally begins to settle, I wonder if it was worth it. The old town project cost taxpayers $4.5 million, and for this princely sum, Murrieta got some sidewalks, some lamp posts, much congestion and wasted time, major potholes in surrounding streets, and corresponding damage to the vehicles falling into them. All this and it only cost 4.5 million, what a bargain. To ease the congestion that his tax clients must endure, Vanhaaster thinks it might be a good idea to hire sign dancers to direct traffic around the still delayed construction. This might help, but then the mildly effective Juan Murrieta signs would be out of a job.
When asked about the light posts in old town and an explanation of why they weren’t aligned, Jack reportedly mentioned something about buried utility lines. I can live with that excuse, but I notice that old town nights are darker than they used to be; why aren’t the new lights working?
Now that the project is finishing up, is the city going to do the same thing to Ivy? It would be nice to know so I can put up a "for sale" sign now and avoid the rush. Early next month, the city of Murrieta is sponsoring a citizen clean-up of old town. This is to give the people likely to experience loss of their old town property to the Murrieta RDA a chance to clean up their act. Large items will be taken away at city expense. The clean up will take place from 7:30 until 12:30. Old towners would do well to take heed of this and be there, at 7:30 a.m. in front of the Mill (restaurant) on the ninth.
The old town clean-up drive is another instance where Mayor Vanhaaster, while mired in a dung heap of allegations of corrupt politics, comes out smelling like a rose. He actually managed to get his arch enemies in Rescue Murrieta to participate in a clean up of his own backyard, for free. Again, what a deal. Hats off, Jack.
When asked about the light posts in old town and an explanation of why they weren’t aligned, Jack reportedly mentioned something about buried utility lines. I can live with that excuse, but I notice that old town nights are darker than they used to be; why aren’t the new lights working?
Now that the project is finishing up, is the city going to do the same thing to Ivy? It would be nice to know so I can put up a "for sale" sign now and avoid the rush. Early next month, the city of Murrieta is sponsoring a citizen clean-up of old town. This is to give the people likely to experience loss of their old town property to the Murrieta RDA a chance to clean up their act. Large items will be taken away at city expense. The clean up will take place from 7:30 until 12:30. Old towners would do well to take heed of this and be there, at 7:30 a.m. in front of the Mill (restaurant) on the ninth.
The old town clean-up drive is another instance where Mayor Vanhaaster, while mired in a dung heap of allegations of corrupt politics, comes out smelling like a rose. He actually managed to get his arch enemies in Rescue Murrieta to participate in a clean up of his own backyard, for free. Again, what a deal. Hats off, Jack.
I bet vanhaaster's got a bunch of trash.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:35:00 PM
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:39:00 PM
What a bunch of bitchin' fools! Damn none of you know when to stop.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:08:00 PM
Are you for real jkunckle? you need to take a prozac or something and do it quick cause your bringin the rest of us down. All this rain must be coming from that black cloud that follows you around. Have you ever a move to the Catskills where you can be with more of your people?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:41:00 PM
It looks like the Ivy road project will be done soon. Sell your property, buy an airline ticket, and move to the wide open expanses of Texas! Just like Jerry Allen!
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:57:00 PM
After reading this particular topic on this blogsite, I decided to do some research on what our $4.5 million dollars was paying for, because I was somewhat shocked that all we were getting was a nicer road (and it is shaping up to be very nice looking), some nice lamps and some nice landscaping.
But I found that the project also included much needed storm drains and sewer lines as well.
Anyone who has a well on their property and depends on the our underground water supplies can probably appreciate the installation of sewers that can help replace old, leaky septic systems that are probably leaking sewage into our underground water supplies as we speak.
As for the storm drains, anyone who was witness to the flooding that occurred in 1994(?) can attest to the need for storm drains. I remember old town being under a foot of water. In fact, the water marks can still be seen on some of the older buildings. As much as people like Mr. Kunckle complain about the diminished accessibility of the old town due to the current construction activities, the old town area in the past has been rendered completely inaccessible by flood waters, not to mention the damage caused by the rising water.
The new sidewalks and lamps actually make the old town area more appealing for people like me to walk around. That should help businesses in the future.
Instead of criticizing the city for spending money on old town, maybe we should be thanking them for directing some of those tax dollars our way and dealing with some problems that have been big problems for years.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 25, 2005 11:18:00 AM
Oh darn, Joe. Here's another lost soul that thinks on their own and isn't buying your line of BS. Don't you just hate when that happens? Thank you Anonymous for doing the simple research that puts the lie to another RM rant.
Just a couple messages down you're giving credit to Barbara and somebody else for the old town clean-up, then trying to spin it around to criticize Jack for the same thing they're doing. Is there ever anything positive going on in our town according to Joe? Can't you be remotely fair minded and give credit where credit is due - or are you really just a sad, sad little man with nothing to do and nothing positive to say. By the way, they are anticipating numerous teams and as many as 500 Murrietans to pitch in on this effort. I know I'll be there - why don't you pitch in and actually contribute something besides negativity.
C. Ed Dodge
Anonymous, at Friday, March 25, 2005 5:10:00 PM
Mr Kunkle's descriptions were pretty superficial. Utility, sewer and storm drains are an unglamourous (and expensive) but necessary part of redevelopment. Thanks for the more in depth description. Looks like that 4.5 million was money well spent. It will be a nice to take the family when it's done.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 25, 2005 6:22:00 PM
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