Lighten Up
I’ve had some feedback from posters to this blog who say I’m getting too negative. As a result, I looked back through my postings and Whoa, their right, I’ve been letting this recall nonsense affect my attitude. This is a bad thing. Murrieta old town does look great, but there is still a long way to go to cleanup this town. I will be helping with the clean-up on April 9, but from now on I will only be posting stuff sans opinion. I will, however, post topics to begin dialog strings, and if there is some subject that you would like to see discussed here, I’m open to suggestions.
While you're at it you might want to get Rick Gibbs to lighten up. Aside from souding like a whiny bitch in his latest council and forum outings, he managed to insult two people who have provided service to our city that will never be equaled by someone of Mr. Gibbs diminutive moral stature.
During the forum he cast aspersions on former council members Kevin Walsh ("as in the Walsh Medical Building") and Jerry Allen ("as is Jerry Allen Drive") intimating that because they had things named after them they were in the developers pockets - and therefore in cahoots with Van Haaster way back when.
Jerry Allen was fighting fires in this commnity - as was his family before him, and helped guide our infant city through some of it's earliest growing pains. There was no more dedicated public servant and to hear Jerry talk about the fire department was to hear a man proud of his city and his department. For this jack hole Gibbs, after gracing our community for a scant 5 years, to take shots at a pioneer like Jerry Allen is an insult to everybody - of course nobody will call him on it.
Same with Kevin Walsh - Kevin is a true elder statesman of the community and even today with his various infirmities he dsplays more class and intelligence than Gibbs can muster on a good day.
Cowardice and bluster - thy name is Rick Gibbs and Rescue Murrieta. What a sad and telling commentary on their perspective.
C. Ed Dodge
Anonymous, at Friday, April 01, 2005 10:03:00 AM
I say amen to CED's comments. After watching the forum pitting the Mayor against the two people who want to take his seat, I can see why the RM people are whining so much about forums that allow the citizens to compare their candidates against the incumbents.
After reading all the of overblown comments assessing Kelly Seyarto as being angry and arrogant, these clowns serve us up some guy who looks like he's going to blow a gasket over anything and everything. Rick "The Volcano" Gibbs hurled one insult after another at people who he never even met because he hasn't been around this town long enogh to know the difference.
After viewing all three of these forums on the tube (thanks comcast) it is way too apparent that we have the right people in office already. These debates were nothing more than a good laugh. They weren't even close.
In the first debate, Doug MacAllister had no problem handling any of the questions thrown at him. His challengers knew very little about any of the issues and had no solutions to offer.
In the second forum, I was actually embarrassed for Mr. Thomasian(?). He talked in circles and seemed to be just letting words come out of his mouth with no meaning. He said his wife was on the school board? You would think he would have a better handle on things. It was also rather apparent that Kelly knew his stuff and seemed unflustered at any questions asked, even by the audience. What I didn't hear was anything about wrongdoing by him. So we are supposed to oust somebody who works hard and is knowledgable because he doesn't take crap from rude and insulting people? Sorry, I kind of think that's a good thing.
The forum with the Mayor was really the big one for me. I had been reading and hearing all about the supposed conflict of interest issues that he was involved in and those questions were asked. Now, in retrospect, those issues seemed really quite mundane. His daughter wants to open a preschool? And he mentioned this project to the planning people before they voted on it? So what? I thought preschools were a good thing. But the really stupid topic was the big sewer line controversy. You think the average citizen like me gives a rats ass about some sewer hook up that was O.K.'d by the water company?
As a partially undecided voter (I didn't quite get why MacAllister and Seyarto were being recalled)and after watching the last debate, I have come to the conclusion that the RM circus is just that. A big thank you to all those RM zealots who cost the rest of us taxpayers all this money so you guys could whine and complain for months and months. Do you know how many potholes could be filled with that kind of money? How about a refund? Needless to say, after all these months of build up, I am really, really disappointed at these selfish malcontents. This whole recall thing is just crap.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 01, 2005 7:50:00 PM
It is very interesting to see the supposed Emails sent to the RCRP on the home page. How did RM get copies of them? To me they look like a Microsoft Word hatchet job. I think those Emails are FAUNCIFIED!
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 02, 2005 9:21:00 AM
RM is a perfect example of how a misguided and small, yet very well organized, group of voters can try to amplify their voice and influence. Look at their home page! I am sure that every one of their members is busy forwarding all their emails and are trying to convince others that they represent the majority opinion. They don't.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 11:08:00 AM
You guys are losing track of the reason this recall election gained enough momentum. That was the threat of eminent domain at zero valuation to gain rights of way along jefferson. That is what got me involved. RM's platform has gotten muddy and the issues are becoming harder to strip down because of the layers of BS, but that was what woke up many property owners in Murrieta. Citizens don't take kindly to land poaching.
The city was forced by RM and 8000 Murrietans to cough up $80,000 for this recall election. Now the three council members are beginning to behave themselves, but that $80,000 recall election is what woke them up. This was money that would be better spent for more police officers, but instead is an expensive reality check for the city council. You are trying to blame RM when the reality of it is, RM was just a focus point for citizens like me who do own land in Murrieta and would rather not be forced to give it away.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, April 04, 2005 8:19:00 PM
How can you tell what a Microsoft word hatchet job looks like? Please explain your post.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, April 04, 2005 8:23:00 PM
Another misstatement of the facts regarding eminent domain Joe. I appreciate that it was a driving force to get you involved and in fact the whole thing was mishandled by all parties - but the bottom line is the city was not trying to 'poach' any land. They were trying to acquire land to provide the much needed (and demanded) improvements to a major street. They are not running around town poaching land just for the heck of it.
The '0' offer sounds like a tremendous injustice and if it was my land I'd be raising hell too. But while the property owners are in fact losing some portion of their property, they are also benefiting from the improvements the city will make which ultimately translates to a higher sale price down the road. Granted that doesn't help much when you're losing some of your land today but eventually when these people sell they will no doubt happily pocket the increased price and not offer to share it with the city. That was the whole point the city was trying to make (poorly, at times) that their loss of land would be more than fully compensated for down the road. When that didn't fly, the city said OK we'll pay you today and then when you sell, you can compensate the city for the difference - but that didn't fly either. So the residents got their way - they get money now and more money later. And they continue to complain. It's the American way.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:46:00 PM
I understand the need for public works, roads and such, especially with regard to anything that will ease the traffic burden in this town; but the city should have assumed that they would have to pay now and get recompensated later. Failing that, it is just to make the agreement that was eventually settled on. It takes some major PR skills of persuation or salesmanship to talk someone out of a piece of their property and make them feel happy with the transaction.
It just seems to me that when you mention the increase in sale price down the road, you are assuming that the increased sale value will apply to someone who lives in Murrieta with no intention of moving. Eminent domain doesn't only affect monetary value, people who live in this town live here for many reasons besides just property values.
J. L. Kunkle, at Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:35:00 PM
Absolutely. I can't believe we agree on something but you're right. The city should have assumed they would have to pay and should have been negotiating in good faith in person and not in the Californian. When you start out telling somebody you're just going to take their land it takes more than PR and salesmanship to turn that disaster around.
I also agree that most of us live here not just for the property values but for the quality of life and weather like today's. I lived here when our property values took a big dump in the early '90's and I imagine people are much happier now with their property value than they were then. I also assume that everybody will eventually sell. I know a lady who has lived in the same house since 1917, but that's pretty much an exception. Everybody moves eventually and either they or their heirs will benefit from the improvements.
This situation was mishandled and got well out of control before cooler heads prevailed - but I'm not convinced those cooler heads belonged to anyone at RM and I disagree that our city is running around poaching land right and left. In nearly 20 years here, this is the first time I've heard of it happening so it doesn't seem to be the rampant issue to divide a city over.
no Wonder
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:59:00 PM
Remember when someone came forward with a copy of a letter from President Bush's official National Guard record and it was later discovered to be a modern reproduction that was created using Microsoft Word? That was a Microsoft Word hatchet job. In other words it looks like a phony fabrication. When all these emails and letters are posted on RM's site they are hard to take seriously because they are anonomous. Their words would carry much more weight if the authors were known. People should not be afraid to express their opinion and attach their name to it .I may not agree with you on this recall issue, but at least your message has more punch since your ID is obvious.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 05, 2005 8:58:00 PM
It seems odd that Kelly "disappeared" from this blog all of a sudden, but yet we are getting the same type of rhetoric and defensiveness for the current council...hmmm, might he now be "Anonymous," as was likely encouraged by his consultants? It does not seem likely that Kelly can keep his mouth shut...ever. Recall is the only answer here. I was recently undecided, but now, after the fancy pamphlets and panic by developers, I am convinced there is much more going on in this city than we all know. I cannot seem to figure out why the developers are panicking over the councilmen in Murrieta, CA? Why are they so concerned? I mean, do they not develop anywhere else in So. Cal? And before Kelly can respond, no, I am not advocating they go elsewhere, I am simply amazed at how freaked out they are over this whole thing. Do they really think we are going to tolerate three new candidates that do not have the best interest of the city in mind? Even though RM is endorsing three candidates, we are all able to vote for whomever we feel will do a better job than the existing ones. Are the developers that afraid they won't be able to control the new ones if ALL of their connections are ousted at once? Seems obvious to anyone who has paid even a little attention, of what is going on around here. And no, I am not signing my name...Kelly isn't signing his.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 07, 2005 10:12:00 PM
Those of us who are against the recall are spending our time networking with nre like-minded people who are against the recall. I am sure that Mr Seyarto has more important things to do than deal with this blog so close to the election. It's not like this blog is that popular anyway. There are other blogs on the anti recall side that are far more active.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 08, 2005 8:26:00 PM
And as for being freaked out... RM should be freaked out. They can't even put a debate together. Could this be a sign of how unpopular they are to mainstream Murrietan thinking. (Remember the majority of us are recent arrivals from outside the community) We want many of the shopping and entertainment opportunities that we left behind. Think about it
Anonymous, at Friday, April 08, 2005 8:33:00 PM
RM only problem is that they did not pick three strong candidates. I think Ross, Knight and Gibbs would have been better. The fact remains kelly, jack and doug are not good for our town and should GO.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 09, 2005 7:56:00 AM
I can't believe these thing I have been hearing about Murrieta here in Sacramento. it sounds like the problems I have with the democrate here. Recall the bums and I will send Maria to have a fund raiser. Da people should decide not the special interst.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 10, 2005 12:34:00 PM
Yo Arnold! Come to Murrieta and take care of our girly men on the council. Bring some testosterome they ain't got no balls
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:08:00 PM
"One last thing, if we did have a council made up of Knight, Ross, Gibbs, Ostling and Enochs...."
Just the thought of Gibbs makes me **Puke**
Anonymous, at Monday, April 11, 2005 8:46:00 AM
What about "the thought of Gibbs" would make you "**Puke**?" That's a strange thing to say.
Anonymous, at Monday, April 11, 2005 4:30:00 PM
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