Old Town Clean-up '05
The old town clean up was a great way to unite the west-side community in taking care of the heritage center of Murrieta. Click on the title of this post for photos. My section was sent to clean up between Kalmia and Ivy on Hayes, an area that is already patrolled by the old ladies of Murrieta (they pick up garbage along Murrieta streets almost every morning). We finished the section by somewhere around 9:30 so I went to take pictures and help offload at a collection site.
The only commentary that I wish to make is regarding the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I didn’t see Kelly Seyarto, he was probably on duty with the OC fire dept., but McAllister, VanHaaster, Enochs, and Ostling were there for the ceremony. I noted that out of all the council-members, only Enochs wore an orange safety vest, which implied that he was the only one who was actually prepared to work. McAllister, though he didn’t wear a vest, was working very hard at the event. Jeff Stone, who was also at the ceremony wore blindingly bright white pants. He was not there to work, but then again, I guess he doesn’t have to, it’s not his town.
The amount of junk pulled out of old town was impressive, but I think that this was only a good start. It is a good thing that the city is conducting these community clean-ups, and it behooves the old towners to make good use of these events. The citizens of Murrieta have done their best to help stop urban blight in old town, and especially by RMers, and now the responsibility for avoidance of an urban blight designation is back on the shoulders of the property owners.
I am starting to see the completion of the old town project on the horizon, and though it did seem awkward to have a ribbon-cutting when the work is still unfinished, I can understand the need for the council members subject to possible recall to do something tangible prior to the May third election.
The only commentary that I wish to make is regarding the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I didn’t see Kelly Seyarto, he was probably on duty with the OC fire dept., but McAllister, VanHaaster, Enochs, and Ostling were there for the ceremony. I noted that out of all the council-members, only Enochs wore an orange safety vest, which implied that he was the only one who was actually prepared to work. McAllister, though he didn’t wear a vest, was working very hard at the event. Jeff Stone, who was also at the ceremony wore blindingly bright white pants. He was not there to work, but then again, I guess he doesn’t have to, it’s not his town.
The amount of junk pulled out of old town was impressive, but I think that this was only a good start. It is a good thing that the city is conducting these community clean-ups, and it behooves the old towners to make good use of these events. The citizens of Murrieta have done their best to help stop urban blight in old town, and especially by RMers, and now the responsibility for avoidance of an urban blight designation is back on the shoulders of the property owners.
I am starting to see the completion of the old town project on the horizon, and though it did seem awkward to have a ribbon-cutting when the work is still unfinished, I can understand the need for the council members subject to possible recall to do something tangible prior to the May third election.
Wouldn't it be nice if JVH thanked everyone involved in the Old Town cleanup.
Jack's undisclosed property investments will benefit nicely from other's hard work.
There's a lot of cunning behind that "Aw shucks..." beard.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 23, 2005 4:30:00 PM
OH...KELLY, you poor thing.
Well lucky for you, after May 3rd
you will no longer have to un-
burden yourself on deaf ears. You
will no longer be "The educating"
city councilman Kelly Seyarto.
(you all remember, when Kelly said Murrieta Residents needed to be educated.)
You will now, have much more time
for your day job. As FireFighter
Kelly Seyarto. But from what I
hear, you don't do that well
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:21:00 PM
Now now, be nice.
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:57:00 PM
Sorry, Mr. Kunkle,
Just another frustrating day, of
replacing stolen signs again. Today was a new record. A sign I
put up today near the 15 South
on ramp, was gone an hour and a half later. I'll say one thing, the anti-recall people sure are
diligent. But so am I. I just keep
putting them back. I think it's a stubborn Irish streak I inherited.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:14:00 AM
Well Mr. Seyarto, you still have
your council seat. But not by much. So I hope, this all will be behind us now, and we can have a
more civil City Council. As to the
placement of signs on freeway on
ramps and off ramps. As long as they are not blocking or distracting in anyway they are fine. The no recall signs were on
freeway on ramps and off ramps also. By the way there are still
a number of NO RECALL Signs on
light poles around the city.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:55:00 AM
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