A hefty cash injection.
With the disproportionate amounts of currency spent by the anti-recall groups, it is not too hard to see the developer's special interests are at risk should the recall succeed. Why would anti-recall bring in over $300,000 compared to RM's paltry sum under $6,000? They are trying to protect there interests with a cash injection; would they do this if there wasn't a much bigger payoff later?
This recall is a good opportunity to show special interests that sometimes they can't just buy American votes.
This recall is a good opportunity to show special interests that sometimes they can't just buy American votes.
It's nice to think of it that way, but we all know the reality. If the recall passes, the lesson to the special interests will be that they didn't spend enough. The battle will be far from over, they will try to buy the replacements just like they bought the three stooges that we have now.
The real value of the recall is in the form of a statement. There are a lot of people who value the unique character of Murrieta and will at least stand up to the developers who make their money by bulldozing that character away.
Eventually, of course, we will loose, just like everywhere else in America, where democracy and virtue is loosing to "investment". But at least putting up a fight against the Goliath of corporate urbanism says something about our virtue.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:07:00 AM
Notably absent from the latest blizzard of anti-recall dis-information...The Riverside Republican Party endorcement.
They know that the recall is a winner despite Rancon's dirty politics, scare tactics, push polling and intimidation.
Note to developers regarding their current puppets on the city council... Act quickly to get your non infra-structure improvement projects approved.
Murrieta voters can't be "bought off" on the cheap.
New resident-friendly candidates will soon be in office.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:03:00 PM
It does not really matter if developers spend $500,000 or $5,000,000. The RMer's motivation for the recall is is just wrong. Read Barbara Nugent's editorial in the 4/28 Californian. Do you see the elitist atitude that RMer's have? BN spouts off with the same naysayer negativity that the rest of her RM group represents. Is that the type of mind set that should run our city? All they do is criticize the past and predict gloom and doom for the future. Their social utopian ideas may sound good on paper, but in the real world those ideas do not work. I hope the developers spend whatever is necessary to return RMer's back to their proper place. To the fringe of Murrieta politics.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:41:00 AM
If an "elitist" is someone who wants to be able to get to work, without hours of traffic....i guess i'm an elitist too.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:40:00 PM
Go look up elitist in the dictionary or ask MurrietanEyes what it means. After all she knows what is best for the rest of us. I can guarantee you that elitist and traffic have nothing in common.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:02:00 PM
Sorry ME you can't command me to do anything. I will bellow as much as I want. Sorry but you got the first name wrong. Hey re-read some of your old postings. You sound very elitist to me. Your postings make one point very clear. You can know every detail in th world and still be wrong. Rmer's love to dish out the bullying, but they cannot handle being verbally punched back. Your man Enochs would have been so much smarter if he would heve stayed neutral in the recall. Now he has a big political bullseye on his back regardless of the recall's outcome.Go ahead ME pick this posting apart like you have done to others previously. You just continue to show your true colors. You are just an inspiration for the RM cause!
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:17:00 PM
RM credibilty went out the door long ago. I labeled you AND RMers elitist because of the contents of your posts, Faunces posts and RM opinion letters. Believe it or not I was approached three different times at two different supermarkets (Ralphs westside and Albertsons Cal Oaks) and I could not believe the information garbage that the petition gatherers were trying to feed me. I have heard nothing but distortions of fact from your group. How horrible is traffic around here? The schools may be overcrowded but have you seen their test scores? I drive around this area all day long almost every day and the traffic is only bad SOMETIMES. 90 percent of the time it is very easy to get around in this valley. As for being a red neck: I appreciate the compliment. It sure is an honor to be lumped into the same hard working group that made Murrieta what it is today. Please continue to label me as anti intellectual. I really appreciate your help in making my point that your way of thinking is elitist. I guess us regular folk just have no business getting ourselves involved in local affairs do we? We should leave it to you RM intellectuals to do the thinking for the Murrieta masses.
You asked me what the RM cause is? I thought I answered that question already. It is a power grab by a fringe group of Murrieta residents (who erroniously claim publicly to represent the majority of Murrietans)who are angry because the city council votes counter to their political positions. The citie's past political losers are just trying another way to gain power. By the way have seen the Dendy strip mall at Murrieta Hot Springs and Margarita. What a beautiful complex! I am sure the one at Jackson and Nutmeg will be just as nice. Maybe they will put in a Wendys or Rubios. Maybe if you RMer's are lucky there might even be a nice restaurant that serves escargot and caviar.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:22:00 PM
Don'tcha just love this guy Rholmgren? I know I do. Spoken like a champ in the face of hostile adversity. These RM'ers are learning to hate this forum because too often their rants gets sidetracked by the truth. Bill Dendy consistently build good projects in this area and he listened to the citizens within the context of continuing to exercise his rights to build a neighborhood commercial project on appropriately zoned land. These whiners make me ill - between crying about 'their signs, their signs' when they're the ones tearing them down and defacing them and GETTING CAUGHT stealing them. Better go back to the RM website boys and girls, where you can spout all you like without fear of correction.
I wish I had a nice little neighborhood center with a Baskin Robbins, maybe a little Italian place like Rustico out in the (much maligned at the time) Hunter Rd center. And all you fools can think of to say now is 'we won't go to your stores'. Oooooh brillint. Those aren't Dendy's stores ya geniuses - they belong to your neighbors trying to provide a service to their community. So you're going to add to the auto congestion and pollution to drive to the next nearest center in somebody elses neighborhood. Damn, I must be missing the point. Somebody sure as hell is missing the point.
Oh by the way, Joe, that gratuitous damn and hell were a signal that you could stop reading now. (Otherwise he apparently doesn't know when to stop and just sits there mesmerized by his screen until his dog does something to rouse him - he told us about this in another blauuuugh.) I'm sick to death of this whole freakin' recall thing. Thank God it's in it's final death throes now. Time to pull the feedin' tube.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:24:00 PM
Hey No wonder: Don't you just love all the doom and gloom theat is thrown around by RMer's? If anything positive is mentioned about any current situation they will twist it into a negative. You say 25 million budget reserve; they say 86 million short for capital improvements and 7 million short for Clinton Keith bridge. You say there is good traffic flow most of the day ;they say there is bad traffic when the schools let out. You mention the 4 new restaurants coming to town as a result of the citie's $50,000 incentive program; they will say the restaurants are not upscale or classy enough. Naysayers are so easy to pin down. Rmer's complain, whine and criticize while at the same time offering nothing in real world solutions. They say we need more employers that pay high wages. Well that is stating the obvious. Then maybe we should be more patient. This city is going to be much more attractive to employers when the bulk of the citywide contruction projects are done later this year. We need the continued leadership of those who were wise enough an tough enough to get the city to where it is today. (Do you remember how bad things were around here in the early 90's?)As for the financial shortfalls: They may exist today, but I have confidence that they can be solved by the current leadership. Financial situations are never static are they? 5 years ago many of us could not afford to move up to a larger home. Now today many of us have already made that move. RM whiners inspiration and optimism is totally missing from your postings. I want to thank you for doing such a piss poor job of convincing the reasonable and thoughtful people of Murrieta to vote your way. Hey ME do you like my sign? Sorry but this guy who is an anti intellectual red neck with a low self esteem has got to go to work now.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2005 8:19:00 AM
At the risk of seeing nostalgic, in 1986 this town was a nice enough place that I didn't mind the drive for groceries.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, April 29, 2005 8:34:00 AM
Well Joe if you could live in the past it might indeed be wonderful. Fortunately the rest of us live in the present and plan for the future. In 1986 you had to drive to one of two places in Temecula or the Murrieta Market for groceries. You had lots of land but no parks, no police, if you needed a new pair of shoes you either drove to Riverside or Escondido - oh yeah - the good old days. I'm thinkin you could get the same buzz today in Aguanga, Joe. Maybe you, Faunce, Nancy Knight, Barbara Nugent, Hopeless Smith and the few other RM'ers could head east and close the gate before anybody else follows you there. Or just head west until your hat floats. If Murrieta is soooo bad, just get the hell out and leave the rest of us alone.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2005 9:08:00 AM
I will agree that there s a certain macabre quality to the rantings on this blog. Virtually anytime an RM representative opens his or her mouth there is a certain mordent & macabre quality. Doom & gloom, doom & gloom - Ooooh, the traffics bad, ooooh, they're fixing traffic but the streets are torn up, ooooh, they're changing the general plan, ooooh they won't change the general plan.
I must have missed all the old intelligent and thoughtful residents who've left this blog. Can't seem to track down much intelligence in this blog at all. Once in awhile Kelly comes on and explains reality but is promptly attacked. But as I posted some time back - I'm just here to tweak you and it's soooo easy. Just poke a hole in those empty thought balloons you keep floating out there and you get all jittery and blustery and defensive. This is entertaining on a primal level and it's good to have someone of MurrietanEyes caliber to joust with, someone with at least a limited command of language, not like the RM'er promising an anonymous 'ass woppin'.
Oh master blogger, kindly enlighten us on the 'usual standards for online discussion'. If you sense some derision, ME, it's only because many of the posts here are worthy of no more. If you want to hear someone standing aone bellowing at the world, look no further than Ralph's or Long's when Hopeless Smith is standing out front.
Apparently 'tis time for all us intelligent, thoughtful residents to depart. Ta ta.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2005 3:07:00 PM
J.L. Believe me I am nostalgic ablout this area too. I killed my first deer in part of what is Murrieta today. Way back in '83. I remember the wide open spaces. Wasn't there a pond west of the 215 off the Antelope Rd off ramp? ME I do not give a rats ass if you call me an ignorant Nascar lovin' redneck. It matters even less to me if you or any RMer's read my posts at all. This election is almost here and RM's political neck is under the guilotine. I predict that if the voter turn out is under 20 percent Tues. then RM wins. If voter turnout is over 20 percent then the recall loses by a wider and wider margin as the percentage of turnout increases. Have you done the math ME? Do you know anything about statistical analysis? I will bet anyone (only one person)who is not anon $100 that the recall and RM will go down in flames. Oh ME we know the truth alright. We know it does not reside at the Rape Murrieta headquarters. I also think that the words thoughtful and intelligent and Rescue Murrieta do not belong in the same sentence. As for being alone? I have lots of friends here in town ME. I have lived here ten years. We are that optimistic yet simple minded redneck group of anti intellectuals that you pass by on the way to the supermarket. We are the gaggle of Geese that you see as you drive by soocer and softball fields. We are the residents that cause the traffic jams as we return to work every evening. We are the residents who are at those fast food drive thrus that you hate so much. We are the people who crave more mini malls for the convenience off it all. Don't you and RMer's just hate it ME that most of us just don't think the way you do? What are you RMer's going to do after May 3? Rmer's are the majority? What a lie and joke.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2005 8:07:00 PM
Sorry ME but a man did not perfom the calculations. I just saw the results of some interesting pollings.Boy those developers really have you guys cornered! I wonder if anyone will take my bet? If RM is so sure they will win then why won't someone put their money where their bellowing mouths are?
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2005 11:28:00 PM
NW Doesn't it seem kind of strange that RM raised such a low amount of money? It is almost like they went out of their way to raise nearly nothing. Think about it. If they had 500 members and each donated $10 they would have $10000. 1000 members and they would have $20000. With such a rabid group as RM( and remember most are home owners), you would think that RM's members would dig deeper into their pockets. You would think that people as desperate as them would fork over $100 no questions asked in order support an issue as important as recall. Either their numbers are small or they purposely are reporting low donations as a way of maitaining their David vs Goliath strategy. One more thing: It sure seems like the number of signs and replacement signs add up to be more valuable that the money that they claim to have raised. There is nothing with this group that adds up. I see there are no takers when it comes to my $100 bet. You RMer's are confident with your words and weak with your actions. Show your confidence in Tues. Take the bet!
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:19:00 AM
In my last posting I should have listed the donation amount as $20. Oh well I guess that is what I get for typing too fast and not proof reading.
Anonymous, at Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:34:00 AM
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