Doug McAllister withdrew from the vote on Bill Dendy's project. I think he did the right thing, though the odds were in favor of the original decision going through as voted. A deadlock would have caused the original approval to stand.
I got an e-mail from RM about a poll being conducted by SWTFG opposing the recall. If the claims made by this poll are true, then it is up to citizens to make up their own minds about the recall.
If they are untrue, then SWTFG is pulling the same tactics that RM has been accused, but never convicted, of using. Here is the text of the pollster instructions sent to me by RM; I would welcome commentary regarding the misleading slant, if any, reflected in this poll. I am ambivalent on the matter, but I am still suspicious of the amount of money that has been poneyed up for resistance to the recall.
Here is the poll as sent to murrietablog:
No on the Recall: Stand Up for Murrieta
website: (I checked the link and at the time of this posting there is was yet no site, just a "to come" page, I've embedded the link in this post title. - JLK)
40119 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, Murrieta CA 92563
Tel. (951)696-4040
1. Please only speak to the person listed.
2. Please code on your sheet only the voters you speak to.
3. Leave literature only with Supporters and UND voters.
4. Shake gates to ensure that there are no dogs in the yard.
5. Never go inside the house even if the owner invites you in.
6. After ringing the doorbell, step away from the door so that the voter can clearly see you.
7. If you run into any problems please don't hesitate to call the office at (951) 696-4040
No Recall = Supporting No on the Recall or Voting No on the Recall
AV = Supporting No on the Recall w/ a completed VBM application that you bring back to the office.
U= Undecided - Voter is uncertain as to how they will vote.
Yes Recall = Supporting Yes on the Recall or Voting for the Recall
MV= MOVED - Voter is permanently unavailable (moved, dead, in prison, etc...)
Gated = House is inaccessible and can't get in.
Hi, is (Name listed) home? Hi, my name is (Your Name) and I'm walking in your neighborhood today with Stand Up for Murrieta. We wanted to inform you that Murrieta police and firefighters oppose the Recall. If this recall is successful it will make our traffic problem much worse by blocking the plan that is in place. (Voters will be mailed the traffic plan for Murrieta)
Can we count on you to vote NO on the Recall?
If Supporting NO on the Recall: (Circle "No Recall")
Thank You!! We are encouraging everyone to vote from home this election. There is nothing else on the ballot. It is the best way to guarantee your vote counts. Would you like to vote by mail?
If yes (Circle AV): Great (Show the voter the application and get the clip board in the voters hand) All you have to do sign here. (Point to the application). Your ballot will be sent to you shortly by the county registrar's office.
If Not voting by mail: (Circle "No Recall") Thank you and don't forget to vote on May 3rd.
Did you know the City council has a plan to deal with traffic and improve our quality of life? They're working hard to protect your safety and guard your tax dollars. The people behind the recall oppose traffic improvements. That is not what Murrieta needs; before we put our city in Jeopardy please take a serious look at what is happening. Thank you
If Supporting Yes on the Recall: (Circle "Yes Recall")
You should know that Fire Chief Phil Armentrout, Assemblyman Ray Haynes, Supervisor Jeff Stone and every former Murrieta Mayor and Councilmember oppose the recall because they know it will delay needed road improvements.
(It is to be noted that no disparaging remarks against recall proponents were made - JLK.)