Unscrupulous People
Police Chief Mark Wright has proposed ordinances intended to regulate certain "unscrupulous" elements wishing to do business in Murrieta; specifically, astrologists and massage therapists.
In certain areas, these professions have degraded to fraudulent fortune tellers and prostitutes, and Chief Wright would like to make it known from the beginning that these people are not welcome here. Fair enough.
Singling out massage therapists and astrologists for special regulation of unscrupulous behavior might be warranted, but then the next logical step is to pass ordinances regulating sober houses. But the City Attorney assures us that any attempt to do this will be illegal.
How is it that we have difficulty regulating proven offenders but independent citizens are more subject to control? Again, the conflict between individual rights and public necessity raises it's ugly head. I do know this much, a private citizen usually lacks the bottomless legal defense fund that corporations enjoy, which would apparently make them less of a threat to Murrieta City. Corporations that take a stipend from the state in order to do business, like the sober houses depend on the Dept. of Corrections, for instance,
If anyone knows Chief Wright, it would be good to hear some examples of difficulties other communities have had with astrologists and massage therapists. His proposed controls might be warranted, but if possibility of unscrupulous behavior is the reason cited, then car dealers and developers might also be subject to City regulation.
In certain areas, these professions have degraded to fraudulent fortune tellers and prostitutes, and Chief Wright would like to make it known from the beginning that these people are not welcome here. Fair enough.
Singling out massage therapists and astrologists for special regulation of unscrupulous behavior might be warranted, but then the next logical step is to pass ordinances regulating sober houses. But the City Attorney assures us that any attempt to do this will be illegal.
How is it that we have difficulty regulating proven offenders but independent citizens are more subject to control? Again, the conflict between individual rights and public necessity raises it's ugly head. I do know this much, a private citizen usually lacks the bottomless legal defense fund that corporations enjoy, which would apparently make them less of a threat to Murrieta City. Corporations that take a stipend from the state in order to do business, like the sober houses depend on the Dept. of Corrections, for instance,
If anyone knows Chief Wright, it would be good to hear some examples of difficulties other communities have had with astrologists and massage therapists. His proposed controls might be warranted, but if possibility of unscrupulous behavior is the reason cited, then car dealers and developers might also be subject to City regulation.
I think it's OK. Who needs nutso businesses in town anyway? But... Since a city council will probably go along with what a police chief wants, that makes the chief a defacto local legislator. Chief of the Council, so to speak. Perhaps the job should be an elected position?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:50:00 AM
I think you don't know all the players, anonymous. One, although I can be wacky, I don't feel that I'm "nutso". I own a bookstore that sells books on all religions. Many religions include divination as part and parcel of their practice. Barnes and Noble sells these books as well and are not considered "unscrupulous". The fact is, Chief Wright targeted the ONE metaphysical shop in Murrieta without even entering the premises and made assumptions without knowing any of the facts. As a result, my shop will continue to operate and my psychic, who has had two FBI clearances and has worked WITH Law Enforcement, will continue her nutso readings.
Jenny Wright
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:29:00 AM
Perhaps the chief had special insight as to what was in the shop. This psychic you employ, is there a chance she has been moonlighting down at the MPD?
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:21:00 PM
I think the police chief needs to keep his nose out of business decisions. Does anyone know what part of town will accomodate a strip joint? Where do I apply for a permit? I have heard that it is legally impossible to prevent one from locating in a city. At one point Rialto tried to zone theirs out of town , but they were legally not allowed to. There are some deep pockets who would love to bring their business to town. I heard that Deja Vu had shows at the California Grill in Temecula at one point, but I am not sure if they are there any more.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:15:00 PM
No, my "house" psychic hasn't moonlighted in Murrieta. However, I too am wondering exactly where the "zone" will be located. Is the Chief planning a red light district? In my case, perhaps a white light district? Anyway, just wondering.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 5:57:00 PM
A white light district would be good. I was just trying to make the point that it is O.K. to regulate a business but it is not O.K. to regulate it out of town or out of business.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 9:20:00 AM
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