I offer this post to those who would like to continue the camera debate, the original string being hijacked early on by a debate about Mayor Enoch's license plates, the legality and inherent character flaws thereof.
To JL Kunkle, Just wanted to share this, as it pertains not only to the camera debate but to all other issues being discussed in this Murrieta-focused forum. I’ve known for a long time that many Murrieta citizens don’t even know about this Murrieta forum, let alone how to access it. As a result, I started thinking about what could be done to help people discover and use methods of communication such as this. The result of that thought process was born today, in the form of WWW.MurrietaCalifornia.US. It is a site designed to help people discover this important forum, and also to make their voices heard loud and clear in many other ways, including directly to their elected representatives. Results won’t come quickly of course, because it takes time for a domain name to become recognized by search engines. But it will happen. Once again, as I have done before, I thank you for providing Murrieta with this important arena for local political expression. Tom Suttle
Hijacked or not I think we found out alot about our Councilman Seyarto and so did the other Council members as they have also been reading each post he made. It is what they all need. We the residents of Murrieta need to know that all is not harmonious at City Hall and then we need to cure the cancer. That's all that was about. Mr. Kunkle how about another string listed as City Council comments and then any other strings you want to create we will not take them off subject. I think these strings are really good to understand how we all feel and I thank you for creating this site. Jeff
Jeff: I think it is wrong to overstate the difficulties inherent in a city's normal political wrangligs. There is no "cancer", which implies a growing and potentially very serious problem. There are, instead, intense and ongoing political pressures and stresses which affect every level of government in a democracy. Everyone may influence the process and state opinions if they wish to do so in the privacy (by choosing not to use full names) of a blogsite like this or in the privacy of a voting booth or in the privacy of discussions among friends and neighbors. Or they may do so publically in speaking at city hall or writing to the newspapers or even producing their own political ads for television. That's our form of government, and if people are nice in the way they go about it, great; but if they are not nice, that's OK too. Sometimes your words are not pleasant to read, sometimes Mr. Seyarto's are not pleasant to read, and the same is true of other writers. It's all OK. It's our system of government. It's freedom and democracy. In fact it's not just OK, it's good.
To Tom Suttle, I tried to access WWW.MurrietaCalifornia.US. but got a 404 page. If you have any suggestions on how I might improve this blog please e-mail me at jockodinbuster@yahoo.com.
If anyone posting comments would like to see a more diverse group of opinions, perhaps you could tell everyone in your address books about it. (if you think they might participate)
I have created this blog as a place for all Murrietans to post facts and opinions concerning the city and the people of Murrieta, California. Please keep your comments well thought out and civil. The opinions expressed in this blog come from independent sources throughout the community and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management.
To JL Kunkle, Just wanted to share this, as it pertains not only to the camera debate but to all other issues being discussed in this Murrieta-focused forum. I’ve known for a long time that many Murrieta citizens don’t even know about this Murrieta forum, let alone how to access it. As a result, I started thinking about what could be done to help people discover and use methods of communication such as this. The result of that thought process was born today, in the form of WWW.MurrietaCalifornia.US. It is a site designed to help people discover this important forum, and also to make their voices heard loud and clear in many other ways, including directly to their elected representatives. Results won’t come quickly of course, because it takes time for a domain name to become recognized by search engines. But it will happen. Once again, as I have done before, I thank you for providing Murrieta with this important arena for local political expression.
Tom Suttle
Anonymous, at Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:58:00 PM
Hijacked or not I think we found out alot about our Councilman Seyarto and so did the other Council members as they have also been reading each post he made. It is what they all need. We the residents of Murrieta need to know that all is not harmonious at City Hall and then we need to cure the cancer. That's all that was about. Mr. Kunkle how about another string listed as City Council comments and then any other strings you want to create we will not take them off subject. I think these strings are really good to understand how we all feel and I thank you for creating this site.
Anonymous, at Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:59:00 PM
Jeff: I think it is wrong to overstate the difficulties inherent in a city's normal political wrangligs. There is no "cancer", which implies a growing and potentially very serious problem. There are, instead, intense and ongoing political pressures and stresses which affect every level of government in a democracy. Everyone may influence the process and state opinions if they wish to do so in the privacy (by choosing not to use full names) of a blogsite like this or in the privacy of a voting booth or in the privacy of discussions among friends and neighbors. Or they may do so publically in speaking at city hall or writing to the newspapers or even producing their own political ads for television. That's our form of government, and if people are nice in the way they go about it, great; but if they are not nice, that's OK too. Sometimes your words are not pleasant to read, sometimes Mr. Seyarto's are not pleasant to read, and the same is true of other writers. It's all OK. It's our system of government. It's freedom and democracy. In fact it's not just OK, it's good.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 10:18:00 AM
To Tom Suttle,
I tried to access WWW.MurrietaCalifornia.US. but got a 404 page. If you have any suggestions on how I might improve this blog please e-mail me at jockodinbuster@yahoo.com.
If anyone posting comments would like to see a more diverse group of opinions, perhaps you could tell everyone in your address books about it. (if you think they might participate)
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:33:00 PM
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