Megan's Law
The megan's law website (link in title) shows registered sex offenders in Murrieta, but there is no mention of sober houses. The County Sherriff's Bureau of Corrections —could— be placing violent offenders in these homes to conserve jail space, but the accepted method for relieving overcrowded jails thus far has been early release. I can only assume that the supposed benefit here is to broadcast these offenders, wrists smarting from their small slap, over a wider area as opposed to concentrating them in one house in an upscale residential neighborhood. The logic here escapes me, seemingly the result not of a logical attempt at dealing with the problem, so much as trying to navigate through loopholes in a mound of red tape.
Though Bob Doyle disapproves, Jeff Stone's advocation of reopening old jails and augmenting them with portable units might be the only solution left in our current bureaucracy. After all, substandard buildings with portable trailers are good enough for our children, why aren't they good enough for our criminals?
Though Bob Doyle disapproves, Jeff Stone's advocation of reopening old jails and augmenting them with portable units might be the only solution left in our current bureaucracy. After all, substandard buildings with portable trailers are good enough for our children, why aren't they good enough for our criminals?
Unfortunately the location you’re talking about, Eagle Mountain, although ran by a private prison business, was shut down by CDC, California Dept. of Corrections. CDC regulates all correctional facilities within the state. Hence, since the location does not meet their guidelines/requirements it was shut down. It would be a waste of money trying to bring it up to par. Also, the early release, is under Federal order for overcrowding, many counties, including LA are also on Federal order to not exceed bed space.
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 4:18:00 PM
There is a solution that has not been explored. It could be called a final solution. There's no space in the jails. There's no acceptable residential answer. But there are crematoriums that often sit idle. By default, the way becomes clear.
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:26:00 PM
If Eagle Mountain does not meet CDC guidelines, then the problem lies not with the Eagle Mountain facility, but with CDC's guidelines.
If bringing it up to par means bulldozing it flat, building a fence and dragging trailers on site, how is that a waste of money when compared to the cost of building a new high-tech prison? I repeat my question, why are criminals the recipients of such governmental largesse while schools suffer?
There are no absolutes here.
J. L. Kunkle, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:20:00 PM
Agree with earlier Anonymous. If the pervs are being branded and harassed in society, they're going to be running loose with a 3rd strike mentality even if they don't strike again. Facts are facts. Being branded and hounded as they deserve to be, some of them will become even more psychologically unhinged. More likely to not just do perv things, but to try doing them without leaving witnesses. We're left with two choices. We can welcome the pervs into society, or exterminate them. I'm all for the safer option. Fry the bastards. I like the crematorium idea.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 5:09:00 PM
9:26 and 5:09: Disgusting. Not amusing. Not helpful.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 5:51:00 PM
5:51: Hello? Do I detect a bleeding heart liberal? If so, you'll love my next idea. How about Eagle Mountain as a dual use facility? No need to pay a private crematorium, when housing and disposal could all be handled in the same place. And no, I am not trying to be amusing. Dead serious.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:04:00 PM
I am not a liberal at all. But Your thoughts - of whatever intention - are in my opinion way out of bounds.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:55:00 PM
The registered offenders are all over the place. Look at the websites - unbelievable. If there's not one next door today there could be tomorrow or the next day. The answer as I see it is to keep the ones that are most dangerous or look like they'd be repeat offenders locked up. Like it or not we have to try to rehab the rest of them.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:46:00 PM
The best rehab for a sex offender is a bullet to the head. If anyone touched my kids that is what they would get. That is true justice. The idea that rehab will work is a cruel joke on society. Those evil perverts repeat their behaviors. Statistics on recidivism prove that.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:31:00 PM
You cannot rehabilitate or cure a pedophile. Theses people don’t think like you and I, they act on sexual impulse and some of them believe it’s perfectly ok, it’s their right. They will repeat their crimes, however, there are those that believe it’s a sickness, like a lot of other sickness. They say, they don’t choose this, it’s the way their born. Some of what we consider a sex crime isn’t even illegal in many areas of the first world. My personal opinion is you start knocking some of them off and I bet some of them find they can resist that impulse. However, I don’t think our society is ready to execute all sex offenders, even as much as I disagree.
Let me tell you, not too long ago I was driving home about 1: a.m. south on I-15. I looked west at the Ortega’s and I could see the outline of the mountain top in the moon light. On top of the mountain was a bright white portable light, the big road work kind. I knew that light was there to illuminate a crime scene. On that cold mountain top a little five year old girl lay, sexually assaulted, killed and then left there naked in the dirt. My little girl was three at the time. It made me ill to look at that light and know why it was there.
Ask yourself this,
You pop a video tape in the VCR and all of sudden the picture changes and you see your father, molesting your 8 yr old daughter?
Would you walk down the street, shoot and kill your father? He did. Was it right? I think so.
What if you watch a retail store surveillance tape that shows an offender, stalking a small girl through the store? Then pull her into a clothes rack and digitally penetrate her. Do you think this man deserves to live? After ruining her life? All of it caught on tape?
Theses people abuse for their own gratification, because they can’t deal with people in their own age group, or of the opposite sex. This is learned behavior, victims grow up to become offenders. Where do we draw the line? What should we do? How far are we going to let our society degrade before we say enough? You say execution is too extreme? These true examples are but a drop in the bucket of the depravity some molesters sink to. If you have kids, ask your self, what would you do? I know what I would do.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:02:00 AM
By not taking a more proactive stand in earlier years, people like the complainers above share the blame for what has happened to the children. The complainers cannot be prosecuted for the blame they share, although they should be. There are organizations out there that are doing a whole lot more than complaining. Excuse me if either one of the last two writers, and the death camp nut, are involved and contributing more than just words, but most complainers do nothing more. Give generously from your precious wallets and time, and less from your meaningless little fits of macho-style anger. Maybe then you can get rid of some of the guilt which you do share.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:32:00 AM
Sorry 8:32 but there is alot more than complaining going on here. I do support local charities and if there was an organization that advocated the death penalty for pedophiles then I would definitely contribute financially to this cause. I don't know where in the hell you drew the conclusion that guilt was somehow behind the process of thought. The people who should feel guilty are the enablers who release child molesters back into the community and those who run halfway houses in decent neighborhoods loaded with kids. Maybe people like you do not understand the growing anger and frustration that parents are feeling. Every time an evil wacko pervert is released early and parents read about it or watch the evening news; we wonder whose child will be the next victim. Why are we as a society tempting fate?
Pedophiles repeat their crimes more than any other type of criminal activity. Returning these people back to society is a mistake. Those weirdos are aroused by children. They crave relationship's with children the same way that adults lust after one another. The only way to stop them is to kill them. Any liberal (or progressive or moderate or whatever you people call yourselves) attempt to socially and psychologically repair these people is a big waste of time and money. Another posting stated that California pays $1400 to house a person at a halfway house. It is twisted and corrupted that the state created a situation that allows a highly profitable business to operate in middle class suburban areas. How many other types of businesses profit form the mainstreaming of molesters? Funding for these businesses needs to be stopped.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:13:00 AM
Wow. You contribute to charities? Surprising that has not stopped the child molesters. But aside from your two-bit bitching on this website, what have you done? Your half-cocked attempt to make yourself look good by taking wild shots with your "liberal, progressive" BS is typical of people who are all talk, no action. Next time your read about a kid being left by a road, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you did to stop it. Compain? Contribute to charities? Give me a break. I'm not going to do your homework for you. If you really want to do something more than shoot off your mouth (or your keyboard), a little research will yield a whole lot more information on political action groups and child protection activities than you can handle.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:14:00 AM
J.L. Kunkle,
Some Liberal sitting in a room does not dream up CDC rules. Although I’m sure they try. California Correctional facilities policies have been formed by the basic premise of innocent until proven guilty, the 13 Amendment of No Cruel and Unusual Punishments inflicted and the Courts. These rules specify among other things, inmate to guard ratio, diet, visitation, clothing and mail. Inmates can sue, just like you and me, and do, that’s how the Federal early release came about, inmates suing for having to sleep in showers and next to toilets.
You cannot house hard criminals in a portable trailer that was meant for Construction sites or Classrooms. They can and will escape, tear it apart to make weapons and then promptly burn it down. This problem didn’t just crop up yesterday, it’s been here for a while people just haven’t been paying attention. Theses ideas have been researched and tested in some areas. You have to respect the professional opinion of the Sheriff that Eagle Mtn is not a viable solution.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:20:00 PM
Share blame for what happened to these kids? Please. Prosecuted for Blame? What kind of illogical liberal mumbo jumbo is that? You talk about Organizations, what organizations, where? What are they doing? Wasting tax dollars trying to do the impossible? If you had done your research, you would see there are examples these people are not curable, they are predators. Criminals do not even tolerate molesters in their society. Yes, Prison is a society within our society and molesters are treated as animals. Give from my wallet, my time, please, that’s the liberal answer for everything, give more. Sorry, I give enough of my time and my tax money paying for enough useless social programs. You want me to pay for all of society ills, but don’t like my solution to this one.
WE all share blame for allowing the liberal left to continual push this rehabilitate/cure mentality on us. WE all share the blame for allowing the continual eroding of moral values, by Hollywood, an expanding Porn Industry and this “if it feels good do it” mentality of special interest groups, like NAMBLA.
This view is my personal opinion from my individual observations and experiences dealing with molesters and criminals. You can rest assured I have no guilt about my belief or what I have done to alleviate this epidemic. I do however excuse you for popping off about a subject you obviously are not familiar with.
2:02 a.m.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:41:00 PM
Hey Mr. 5:41, I'm not exactly sure where 8:32 is coming from but there's one real good point he or she is bringing up. You and I both know what we hate, and it's the same thing. But what have we been doing about it except type and gripe? I for one am going to get directly in touch with my elected officials and demand strict legislation. Thank you, 8:32. You seem a bit off the wall, but may be more helpful than some of us moaners and groaners.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:51:00 PM
To 1:20
I choose not to prescribe to your "sheriff knows best" approach. The corrections policies should not be based on a grand master plan formulated by wise men in bygone years. In case you haven't noticed, there is a lot more people now than there was then.
As you stated, these policies are shaped by corrections staff to deal with certain requirements demanded by the state. The problem here is, the gears of correction reform are moving far too slowly to deal with the problem.
Surely you realize that it is not the trailers that house the criminals,it is the 12 foot electrified razor-wire fence surrounding them. If these criminals want to tear up their living quarters, that is a decision that they as an incarcerated group must learn to deal with.
It might be the most effective lesson in personal responsibility they have ever had when they are left to live in their thrashed trailers with busted toilets, and because they are so hardened, they will probably have to be fed through the fence.
Status quo is apparently not working, I cite every early release as an example.
Is there a problem with overcrowded prisons or not? I am sure B. Doyle is a very good sheriff, but if he cannot think of a better solution to overcrowded jails, then he is not really qualified to speak out against others who would like to see a solution to this problem.
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:27:00 PM
2:02 a m is full of hot gas. Claims to be an expert of some kind but does nothing except call people liberals and spout typical talk-show catch phrases. Peculiar. Sounds way too limp-wristed for a real jack-boot wannabe. Seems like he's claiming to be some kind of a pro at dealing with "molesters and criminals". Yeah, sure. But that's probably on days when he's not on a top-secret mission for the CIA.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:30:00 PM
Some of this string is starting to sound ugly. We are all facing the same problem, and we all want realistic solutions. The anons at 7:30 and 5:41, and some of the earlier posters, lose whatever good they could produce when they engage in name calling and insults. There is strength in unity of purpose, and we should all look for common goals.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:48:00 PM
8:32 You are assuming that I am all talk. You are also ignorantly asserting that I am all talk. I am all action comrad. I have always been the FIRST to jump in and stop a crime in progress. Close friends of mine have witnessed and participated in any actions I have taken. I am one of those neighbors who would be the first out of my house to aid anyone in peril. I would even attempt to save a pitiful liberal like yourself if you needed it. Before accusing someone of being all talk you had better sure as hell know them personally. Otherwise accusations like that make you seem as brainless as a liberal donkey.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:52:00 PM
Sorry, J.L.
You got me, I guess we just need to open the doors and let them all out. You see, I live in the real world and your solution of letting them live in an Escape from New York style prison simply is ridiculous. The bottom line is crime costs, Jails cost money. That’s not going to change. So, if you want them locked up you must pay for the Real thing, a Jail.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:10:00 PM
Talk about letting them all out, it looks like someone threw keyboards into the cages at the zoo from what I'm reading in this topic. I've never seen such a jumble of disorganized raw emotions. Sorry I looked in. I'm outta here.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:44:00 PM
7:30 did I strike a nerve? Hit a little to close to home? Are you in disagreement with how to handle child molesters. I’m sure you have opened your house and home to them right? Or maybe you have some skeletons in your closet?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:24:00 PM
And the march of the morons goes on and on and on. Why don't all you guys go back to your comic books? If you want to join a serious discussion, how about sharing some rational thoughts on the Eagle Mountain question.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:30:00 PM
I think that topics pretty much done.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:03:00 PM
We need to face this problem, and not run away from it. It is easy to see why some of us want to turn to guns and "crematoriums"; but in order to make our discussion beneficial it must lead back to something that can actually happen, for real. Let us reason together. The only alternative is the status quo.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:23:00 PM
The website is only showing your high risk offenders. Low risk offenders also are supposed to register with local authorities, however they do not show up on the website currently. There is some pending legislation to change that, so they all show up. So you still might have one next door.
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:24:00 PM
A child killer is being sentenced to death today, as he should be. And there will be people who cheer from the sidelines, but who never really do anything other than that. They read the paper, then they pump their fists in the air and make noise as though they were part of the victory against injustice. Nonsense. They are like the people who choose this or that sports team to cheer for, and then act like they share in a victory. If you are one of those people, put your energy to real use. Write real letters on real paper to your elected representatives (letters have been proven to get more attention than email). Join those of us who do more than talk. The rest of you can just keep beating your chests, yelling, and calling people like me "liberals"... and if that's what gets your juices going, I guess that's just who you are.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 7:10:00 AM
Im here much more a reader than a writer, but someone help me. I read about the supreme court eminent domain decision on this web site several hours before it was handed down. Now this "killer is being sentenced to death today" on this web site several hours before the sentence was delivered. This one today could maybe have come from logic or even just guess work, but the supreme court decision popping up early in this little blog still blows me away. From what I've read, no one outside the Supreme Court is supposed to know even what subject is being dealt with on any given day until the decision is handed down, but the blog entries related to it in here started hours before the announcement. I'm sorry this bugs me, but it does. Can someone give me a clue??? Aside from that, good for the punishment decision today. One less worm to worry about.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 3:30:00 PM
3:30 First, I too applaud today's punishment decision. Second, the matter that puzzles you goes all the way back to the "Laura Brandt" string. I was surprised at the coincidence too, but if you read through that string carefully, you'll see that the coincidence came from some discussion of redevelopment agency powers, followed by Knecht's question "Can the city take a property by eminent domain and then sell it to a developer?" Kelly Seyarto soon thereafter offered a comment, and not long later the court announced a decision. All in all a notable coincidence, but still just a coincidence.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 4:12:00 PM
Anon 7:10 Have you ever stopped a crime in progress? Do you chip in and help people in person? Or do you just write a letter to your elected offials every time you see a problem.
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 10:30:00 AM
You have already pronounced yourself a hero and denounced others as cowards so many times throughout these many strings that everyone knows what you think of yourself. If you're even a tenth the man you claim to be, you're far better than all the rest of us combined. Whatta guy! Please don't take offense if the rest of us offer one another suggestions, such as writing letters, because those suggestions are not intended to offend you. But maybe the rest of us should take sensitivity training so we don't hurt your feelings. A good liberal like you would probably approve of such classes. You're a real winner, Holmgren.
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:15:00 AM
Someone's not being very nice to Rholmgren. I know at least one other person who thinks he's a closet liberal, but I doubt it. Or at least I'm reserving judgement.
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:50:00 AM
11:15 wanting to help another person does not make me or anyone else a hero. It would make one a good friend or neighbor though. And please don't worry about my feelings or offending me. I am old enough to have had plenty of humility fed to me.It also strikes me that some people on this blog take any form of insult so personally. There is nothing personal here. Debate all these blog thoughts and insult and bash away! From my perspective the blog postings of others are far more interesting than my postings. You or some anon was asserting that writing letters was a form of action that was superior to any wordy debate on this blog. I just think real face to face action does more to solve a problem that letter writing. I find it to be absolutely hilarious that I am somehow a liberal. WOW!! Keep reading my other strings. I am more right wing than the honorable Ronald Reagan. In today's political climate it is easy to call out liberals as cowards. Their rhetoric has cornered themselves into a corner of inaction.
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:06:00 PM
Oh Holmgren. Hero of the neighborhood. Warrior of words. He who is greater than Reagan, greater than those who have stood on the front lines. Republican? Please. Don't humiliate an entire political party with your pretended membership.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 29, 2005 7:51:00 PM
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