The Cindy Sheehan question
Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Sp. Casey Sheehan who was killed in action on April 4, 2004 in Sadr City, Baghdad, has become a rallying point for both anti-war and pro-war sentiments. Many feel that her vigil in Crawford, Texas (Camp Casey) is bringing the war to George Bush’s front yard, confronting him with the real effect of his administration’s policy. Since the time he arrogantly called an end to the war one month after it started, he has been comfortable making threats from the side lines (bring ‘em on), protected from exposure to the consequences of his decisions regarding Iraq.
Many others feel that her vigil shows total disregard for her son’s ultimate sacrifice and that she dishonors both him and America. Casey Sheehan died defending his country and that his mother should shut up and let Bush alone. By becoming a focal point for the growing anti-war movement in America, she is being disloyal to her country and she is dragging her son’s death into the spotlight just to attract attention.
She is frequently reviled on conservative talk radio and by that fair and balanced bastion of right-wing propaganda, Fox news, but beyond all the right-wing rhetoric, does anyone who has not suffered such a loss have the right to call her a traitor? I have a son and daughter who are of conscription age, and if George Bush keeps throwing his weight around the world, I believe that it is only a matter of time before volunteer forces will become insufficient to maintain his apparently insatiable appetite for conflict.
In World War II, it was readily apparent that stopping the axis powers was a just cause, and after that time, the only justification required for a war was to stop the spread of communism. This excuse began to show some wear and tear by the time Vietnam rolled around, and now that the Berlin Wall is ancient history, the war on terror is the justification for invasions abroad. But what does Iraq have to do with terrorists? I mean pre-invasion Iraq. No link has been proven, and the prolonged occupation of Iraq has taken money that would have been better spent eradicating terrorism where it is actually found, i.e. The Philippines, Indonesia, and possible terror cells in every American city.
It is hard to portray the Iraq invasion as a just war when the reasons for the invasion (weapons of mass desrtruction) were later proved to be lies. Does an American citizen have the duty to support a government that has used deceit to summon support when it is suspect that part of the underlying purpose was personal gain for a few prominent among the power elites? (Dick Cheney, Halliburton)
No doubt, these questions crop up in the minds of many Americans with children or spouses fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If war is good for American business, should I invest my son or daughter? Cindy Sheehan has sadly realized that to her, her son was killed in an unjust war and that George W. Bush is partly to blame for it. She feels that her loss has given her the right to question Bush’s motives in getting the U.S. involved in a war in Iraq.
It is difficult to imagine Bush investing his children.
Many others feel that her vigil shows total disregard for her son’s ultimate sacrifice and that she dishonors both him and America. Casey Sheehan died defending his country and that his mother should shut up and let Bush alone. By becoming a focal point for the growing anti-war movement in America, she is being disloyal to her country and she is dragging her son’s death into the spotlight just to attract attention.
She is frequently reviled on conservative talk radio and by that fair and balanced bastion of right-wing propaganda, Fox news, but beyond all the right-wing rhetoric, does anyone who has not suffered such a loss have the right to call her a traitor? I have a son and daughter who are of conscription age, and if George Bush keeps throwing his weight around the world, I believe that it is only a matter of time before volunteer forces will become insufficient to maintain his apparently insatiable appetite for conflict.
In World War II, it was readily apparent that stopping the axis powers was a just cause, and after that time, the only justification required for a war was to stop the spread of communism. This excuse began to show some wear and tear by the time Vietnam rolled around, and now that the Berlin Wall is ancient history, the war on terror is the justification for invasions abroad. But what does Iraq have to do with terrorists? I mean pre-invasion Iraq. No link has been proven, and the prolonged occupation of Iraq has taken money that would have been better spent eradicating terrorism where it is actually found, i.e. The Philippines, Indonesia, and possible terror cells in every American city.
It is hard to portray the Iraq invasion as a just war when the reasons for the invasion (weapons of mass desrtruction) were later proved to be lies. Does an American citizen have the duty to support a government that has used deceit to summon support when it is suspect that part of the underlying purpose was personal gain for a few prominent among the power elites? (Dick Cheney, Halliburton)
No doubt, these questions crop up in the minds of many Americans with children or spouses fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If war is good for American business, should I invest my son or daughter? Cindy Sheehan has sadly realized that to her, her son was killed in an unjust war and that George W. Bush is partly to blame for it. She feels that her loss has given her the right to question Bush’s motives in getting the U.S. involved in a war in Iraq.
It is difficult to imagine Bush investing his children.
I'm sitting here laughing. You want me and Rholmgren fighting don't you? I'm too tired tonight, maybe tomorrow. It's not Cindy Sheehan. It's every family that has lost a son or daughter. Wait three years when we are gone from Iraq and they have a Theocracy for a government and are basically back where they were minus Hussian. What does the government tell the families of the thousands of casualties? Sorry about that? We made a mistake? I don't blame them for asking the question.....why are we there? Tell us why are children are dying? All they do is hold up our flag and say we are defending America. It's not about that at all. It's about the oil. PERIOD. In the Sudan 12,000 per month are being slaughtered. If we are in Iraq because Hussian was a pig, why aren't we invading the Sudan. Because all the Sudan has is AIDS and sand. Figure it out. Bush and his plas thought it was going to be a cake walk and they ended up with cake all over their faces. Sheehan is just standing up and asking the question why our sons? As Bush drives past to a fund raiser. What a guy!!
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 11:03:00 PM
That was Jeff on the last post sorry.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 11:04:00 PM
Sorry for sure, Jeff.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 6:51:00 AM
Has anyone out there heard or read Sheehan's comments in their entirety? Oh and by the way her nasty comments have never been published in any mainstream newspapers or TV stations that I have read or seen. I heard her comments LIVE on KFBK 90.7 FM. If so I dare you to defend her and use her comments as a defense. She is an absolute worthless piece of propaganda trash. She met with the President once and had her chance to voice her concerns. Jeff people have been dying for freedom now for over 200 years. The rest of the world deserves freedom as much as we do. Oil and freedom are tied together . Deal with it. As far as the Sudan goes: Where is the U.N? We pay them billions of dollars a year. They should be taking the lead on the Sudan. No I take that back. The U.N. wouldn't know how to solve the Sudan problem any more than they could manage the former Iraq oil for food program.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:28:00 AM
J.L. O K there were no weapons of mass destruction. If Bush is a liar then so are all the leaders who acted on the same information. That makes Kerry, B and H Clinton, Kennedy, and the majority of the Democratic leadership liars also. They all voted for war based on the same information. Maybe it would be better to characterize everyone as mistaken. To me the war with Iraq was justified because Hussien had broken many parts of the '91 truce. I was sick of that bastard taking missile potshots at our planes as they flew over Iraq. Clinton the coward should have done his duty and should have taken Hussien out. Instead he launched worthless volleys of cruise missiles at Iraq to maintain the IMAGE that he was doing something. To me that is all Clinton was IMAGE. He accomplished little and made alot of nice speeches. He had his chance to make an impact and make the world safer. Instead he let problems around the world fester and grow while having an affair with an intern. Bush was in office only 8 months before 9-11. Do you think that it took the terrorist threat took only 8 months to grow? It actually took 8 Clinton years starting with the first Bin Ladin bombing of the World Trade Center and ESCALATING over the next 8 years into 9-11. The only legacy that Clinton will have will be one of missed opportunities and of negligence in protecting the American people. At least Bush has taken it upon himself to walk the unpopular and difficult path that it will take to clean up the Clinton Years Mess.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:30:00 AM
Hi to all the users of this site. Have you ever read the Murrieta Insider site? If you want to see more than just the view from the left side then go to the Murrieta Insider.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:39:00 PM
Yes Republicans, run to the Insider before you lose your heads with balanced thinking. And when you're done reading turn on Fox News and get a real balanced look at our world. Don't forget to recite your right wing slogans before bed too. Please let me remember to blame Bill and Hilary Clinton for everything bad in the world. Please make it so I can close out anything that anyone but Bush says and repeat his (Karl Roves)logic at least 1000 times to everyone I meet. And make sure all our friends and neighbors are afraid of everyone and everything so we can tell them that the right will protect them. Oh, and make sure that big business takes more money out of my pocket. And I forgot, please let all homosexuals die of AIDS and kill every man woman and child that doesn't believe in what I do. Thanks.
Joe Right winger (Jeff)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:14:00 PM
All right Bush supporters. Tell me. Why are we fighting and sending our children to die in Iraq and spending probably a trillon dollars by the time we finally pull out? Now you can't use excuses that have been proven wrong by Presidential appointed panels. No WMD excuses. No 9-11 excuses. No we are protecting the innocent civilians there, because the Sudan has lost ten times the amount that were dying in Iraq. No the terrorists were planning on flying here and blow up our innocent civilians but stopped because they could fight could fight the best military ever assembled.
So just one question, you know the one Sheehan has been asking the President.....Why are our boys dying and being mamed????? Is it just like playing army, like when we were little.
Do you think the poor people in Louisiana and Mississippi would like the use of some of those billions of dollars that we are spending for free to them on Iraq? I guess the infrastructure of Iraq is far more important then our states.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:23:00 PM
Hey Jeff, Change your 5:14 "Thanks" to an "Amen". You're a much better man than you had previously led us to believe. Maybe even a tad too much to the right, but leaning in the right direction at least. Bless you.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:31:00 PM
Jeff your questions have been answered repetitively and frequently on many different previous posts. You are either a stubborn moron or your brain is stuck in the deja vu gear. You will NEVER get it.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:33:00 PM
Oh and one more thing Jeff I have some friends who are gay and have also lost friends to aids. You are an idiot for painting right wingers with such a broad brush.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:37:00 PM
Oh and one more thing Jeff we are spending plenty on infrastructure stateside and fortunately we are so wealthy the we can also afford to help others overseas. Our spending in Iraq has not taken on penny away from our priorities here. The Federal budgets for domestic programs under Bush have been growing at a faster rate than they were under Clinton. Your arguement that America's needs are being neglected are empty and hollow. LET FREEDOM REIGN!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:43:00 PM
Another thing Jeff there will be plenty of money and help for the hurricane victims even while we spend billions in Iraq. It is irresponsible and intellectually idiotic to try to link any Iraq money as money taken away from economic aid or funding for programs. Can you name one program that has had its funding reduced as a result of our Iraq spending? Please name one welfare program or social program that has had its funding reduced. And don't mention the V.A as one of your answers. I use to work there and they needed to be re-organized in the worst way. I personally witnessed HUGE waste and mismanagement as an employee there.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:53:00 PM
Dang it Rholmgren... I didn't know anyone could stutter in a blog.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 6:26:00 PM
Salutations Blogster Rabble,
When I logged on and saw the title of this string I thought it said "The Charlie Sheen Question" (as might be expected through bleary eyes after a long day in the sun). So disappointed that it was about the latest prima donna of the fringe contingent. Disappointed because I have a Charlie Sheen question. That being, if his daddy plays president, and obviously actually believes he IS president, well then does his little boy actually believe he's the cool ladies man he plays on the "two and a half men" show? Any opinions on this? Is Charlie afflicted in the same sad way as Martin? Ooops. Sorry. Off the subject. Back to the prima donna.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:33:00 PM
6:26 I was doing my anti- mike imitation except I wasn't talkng to myself.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:41:00 PM
You have never had the integrity to answer my question with a straight three line answer. Never. It's always talked around things and never come up with an answer. Read around it but no answer except to call names and say you answer. Are you sure you're not Kelly? Answer the question, it's very simple. Why are we there? To help friends? First off they hate us. We were a purpose to an end, thats it. So why aren't we helping other countries that are far worse off. You have no anwsers because all the excuses have been pooh poohed on by government commissions. I would love to dispute your answer, but I have no answer to dispute.
I would have said amen, as I am a Christian, but I'm trying to seperate the far-right from all of us true believers in "thou shalt not kill". Every day I ask to be forgiven for that.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:03:00 PM
Jeff here is a straight answer. We are there to kill Iraqi and non Iraqi terrorists. We are there to have a new base of operations in the Middle East to ensure our oil supply. We are there to show other people who live under oppressive dictatorships or authoritarian regimes that democracy and freedom can uplift the human condition. The fact is Jeff that America's freedom was won through bloody conflicts. It is arrogant to think that other struggles for freedom will be or should be bloodless. Now here are my questions. Is it a sin to kill evil people. Do people who strap bombs on women and young boys and send them into crowded areas to blow themselves up deserve to die? Should we kill people who decapitate and rape prisoners? Basically is it always evil to kill evil? Your "thou shalt not kill" quote is an ideal but in the real world Christians kill Muslims and Muslims kill Christians. Many Christians have no problem killing the evil scum of the world. The people we are fighting over there are murderers and they deserve to die.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:19:00 PM
OK, so Rholmgren, when we invaded Iraq, we knew that the civilian population or Sunni Islamic ethnic group were terrorists? They were, before we invaded suicide bombing each other? Well that is not a true statement. Yes Palestian factions were doing that to Israel but not Iraqis on Iraqis. Are the people we are fighting terrorists or insurgents fighting for their ideologies and home country. I see it as a country now divided in a Civil War that may never end. Yes, factions of Al Queda are part of this but we don't have a clue who they are. So you're opinion is kill them all including any innocent civilians and let the medics sort them out. Who cares, they believe in things that you don't believe in and their lives are far less valuable to the world then American or Christian lives, is that your point. I guess that like fish, they don't have feelings or thought processes.
There are many dictatorships in the world far more distructive to the people they rule such as the Sudan and other African countries. Yes, freedom is a great great thing, however, their culture and religion is not based on the freedoms you and I know and the more we push them to it the more they will fight back. But America's freedom is not an issue here. Not even a little bit. We would be free if Iraq was ruled by a dictator or Mickey Mouse. Just like we as a country did, we fought for our own freedom and it was our founding fathers who sacrificed. Instead, we are there forcing freedom at a cost to us. Why??? If they really wanted freedom, they would have revolted, but they didnt.
People who are strapping bombs on their backs are a fanatical people. For everyone of our casualties, three more of them will appear. We are 150,000. They are millions over there. We will never kill them all nor will we change their ideals.
The part of your statement that I have no argument is the oil and a military base concept. So you are OK, with us just taking from the world anything we need. Thats what you stated. If we think you have something we need and want, we can kill you. If we don't like your ideals, we can kill you. If you are a Muslim and I am a Christian, since it's been going on forever, I can kill you. None of this emulates the God that I love. None of this is part of being a Christian that I know. But maybe this is the new Christian. The one that wants to assasinante foreign leaders and invade countries and if civilian deaths get in the way....tough. Well, I didn't read any of that in God's teachings. I read how he loved the scum of the earth, the prostitutes and the evil doers and helped them. But maybe your reading the Pat Robertson Bible, the one our President reads.
I really question you, kill people to gain their oil and place military bases in their lands. Kill our soldiers to force our type of government on them. Many Christians have NO PROBLEM killing the evil scum of the world? Rholmgren, this is the picture of today's Republican party and the far right wing agenda. Good job explaining it to al of us.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:46:00 PM
Mad at Bush because you have blood on your own hands? Struggling for forgiveness for your own past deeds every single day? Was it the devil who made you do it... or Johnson... or...? Anyway, it was some bad, bad man. Let's see, who shall we blame? Easy to say Fox! Republican! Bush! Easy. Feels kinda good. Wait, the blood's still there. Let's yell it again... FOX!!! REPUBLICAN!!! BUSH!!! There, feels kinda good again. But wait, the blood's still there.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:43:00 PM
We learn friend from mistakes we make. Well some of us learn. Others don't have experience and can only sit on their chickenhawk perchs and send the poor off to die. You talk but I hear no substance except....well except nothing. You have no personal opinions, just nothing. No one cares what your opinion is of me, they are waiting to hear your opinions. But they aren't there, because all you know to do is attack when there is nothing to you can defend. That is the ideological approach.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:19:00 PM
I don't know your circumstances, but you have obviously suffered since the war, and have carried burdens that should never have been yours to carry. No one in a war is guilty of the insanity inherent in the nightmare. You were a fighter when it was time to be a fighter. And now, you are a man of peace. I choose to honor both men, past and present.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:11:00 PM
Cindy is doing exactly what American's are supposed to do. "Freedom" is exactly what our military fights for.
My son is in the Navy. He has not been to Iraq, and I hope he never does because this war is wrong. Our military is to PROTECT US, not to impose our form of government on others. We've tried before, with tremendous loss of life, and lost. Because, ultimately, people will revert to their own codes of government as soon as we leave.
Further more, I hoped that as humans we could have come up with more effective ways to solve problems and am saddened that in this so called "modern" age, we are STILL chosing to kill and be killed to state our points of view. We are little more than animals, oh wait, they kill to survive.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 10:07:00 AM
Cindy who?
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 12:53:00 PM
Some empathy would be interesting:
Can you picture what it must be like on the ground of a embattled nation during a carpet bombing? It's hard to imagine it after only seeing a Jerry Bruckheimer film. I imagine even Private Ryan is sufficiently detached to derail any sense of experience shared.
What do you think a 500 lb. demolition bomb would do to an industrial park full of tilt-ups? How about hundreds of bombs? Since the U.S. has little restraint in doing this to other nations, don't you think that as citizens we should try to understand what it is like?
I believe people who have experienced these things would not wish to inflict them on others.
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:02:00 PM
10:07... If I had a child in the military, I'd be worried no matter what the situation was. But, in that case, if I were not willing to stand behind the President's policies, I would have the good sense not to undermine our military with corrosive opinions that do absolutely nothing other than give aid and comfort to the enemy. If your son ever does get in harm's way, it may well be by your own hand that he finds himself there. If you think for an instant that you are helping protect your son by what you are doing, you are a well-meaning but thoroughly idiotic "den mother", whose son should have been locked in his room until he was too old to enlist.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:41:00 PM
You know absolutely nothing of what you are talking about. That is Bush's and Fox News' rhetoric about aiding the enemy. How old are you? Do you remember the protests here during Vietnam? They were 100 times more vocal and visual and in no way did they aid the enemy or undermine anything. We fought for what we were told and public opinion was not a factor. We knew exactly what was happening at home as replacements came and we went on R&R. Aiding the enemy is when we torture their Fathers and Sons or kill civilians in mistake bombings. Thats where the hatred grows and multiplies. They could care less what is happening in the US public opinion. They care when their husband or son is accidently blown up, whether it is by an insurgent or an American soldier. They hate us with each bomb and each death because we brought it upon them the same way Saddam brought evil upon them. Same evil, different source. By protesting and asking questions we are doing what it says to do in the Declaration of Independence. It's the job of the American public and our right. Bush doesn't want it to happen and the Republican party is scared to death as public opinion listens with 2006 elections looming. They want you to turn on Bill O'Reily and listen to him say "Shut Up!!!" But go read Thomas Jefferson's declaration. Then come back on here and tell us who is a den the way is this Barbara Bush writing here?
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:45:00 PM
You really think the enemy is not encouraged by the opposition to the fight against them being displayed on American TV? You've had screws blown loose.
Tet was a defeat for NV, but American TV turned it into their victory. 50,000 American lives lost to the filthy protesting rabble who were glorified for the sake of TV ratings. And now the filth is rising to the top again, like fermenting garbage, and TV is there to capitalize on it all.
I saw it from both sides, in the military and afterward at college, all when it was hot and heavy. And the party atmosphere at college (except for the bizarre aberration of Kent State)was centered on the adrenaline rush that came from mass protest. "Tin Soldiers and Nixon Coming" could be heard coming from clouds of pot smoke on campus. Among giggles. Mr. Young and crew made a few bucks off that one, too.
I could tell you all day long about this, but you'll never listen. You're as happy as those old college crowds were - and yes, they had a good old time as they cussed our government. So let the good times roll, Jeff!
(Oh, by the way, I'm waiting for the Katrina chapter of your Hate Bush book).
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 6:34:00 PM
Jeff study about the Nazi insurgency after WW2. It was censored in the media because the U.S. government felt that any news about the SUCCESSFUL Nazi terrorist attacks would only embolden the enemy. It took almost 5 years to completely defeat the Nazi's after WW2 had already officially ended. I think some Americans lack the patience to see this war to completion. I attribute that to their in-grained cultural need for instant gratification. We expect fast food, instant entertainment, and for they world to be saved during a 2 hour movie. We also expect the city of New Orleans to be saved in front of our eyes during a short T.V. time instead of real world time. You were in the Military Jeff. How long does in take to call up, equip, and move 20,000 National Guardsman? It probably takes days and people grow impatient watching the T.V. when they see that not much has happened by bed time. Come on this is not a movie! Everyone just needs to pray and wish all the authorities good luck in their attempts to control and prevent all the human tragedy that is occurring over an extremely wide area. Go on Google maps and use the satellite feature and zoom in on the areas affected. The scope of what needs to be done will more real and it will be realized that a T.V. camera captures just a sliver of reality.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:19:00 PM
Lets look at our enemy for a minute. These are people that are being hunted down. They are mostly driven by leaders who are being hunted down. What do you think they are doing, pulling up an armchair and watching CNN? Or googling the internet under Cindy Sheehan? A screw, I know facts that I experienced. These people could care less if some moms are protesting or even a Senator is saying we should pull out. They don't give a damn. They care about these things. They care that a son or husband was tortured in prison, a child blown up by a bomb, a wife who's arm has been shot off when she got in the way of a firefight. These are the things they care about. You bring up the protests during the Vietnam war. The people there didn't care about students protesting. They didn't care. Maybe the political leaders did, but not the actual soldiers, the insurgents. All they knew was that America was occupying their country and thats all the ENCOURAGEMENT they needed. Thats all the ENCOURAGEMENT that the Irai's need. PERIOD. They don't walk around saying "oh boy, there really protesting over there". So a screw loose, maybe you might have some completely missing. Put it in these terms. If we were invaded and occupied. Would you care about protests that were going on in the country that was occupying us??? Of course not. The only encouragement you'd have is to see a burning tank, or dead soldiers. You are so full of the Bush propaganda. What does Bill O'Reily say to people who protest against the war? "Shut up"? Thats exactly what Bush and all conservatives want. "You're not patriotic if you protest the war, youre against the troops". BS. It is the duty of, what the now 60% of Americans who think we went into War for the wrong reason to stand up and say, enough is enough. It's also our right. I'd rather take the advice from the Declaration of Independence, where Jefferson told us about our duty to protest. It's what he did. So filthy rabbling is exactly what the Tories in Colonial America called our founding fathers. Seems like you are just like them. No I take it back you are just like all conservatives who back ANYTHING a conservative politician does, and have no real personal feelings. Because as Bush's ratings continue to drop, you can see the future and the future is losses in the 2006 election. Then maybe you won't get to keep your assault weapons, and all the other little trinkets that conservatives keep hidden in their closets. I am not happy, because those are my brotheren dying, and for what I have no clue. But you can ask Rholmgren, he told us exactly like it is and I believe he is your atypical Bushie.
Another Fox News and Rush line.....that we who complain only do so because we hate Bush. I voted for him in 2000. I dislike his policies and thats why I protest. I do hate both liberalism and conservatism agendas as they do nothing for the American freedoms.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 12:35:00 PM
Here are more tidbits for all you that defend everything our President says and does. 15% of all LA and MS national guard members are in Iraq fighting, and I still don't know why. That is 6000 trained soldiers who could have been helping in the Gulf area as I type. The congress approved 10B dollars for emergency help and aid. But on a country with oil that we can confiscate and land we can use, we give a Trillion dollars. There is talk of not rebuilding New Orleans because of it's location, but lets rebuild a 3rd world country in the desert.
We need to stop money headed to Iraq and as I have said in SO MANY posts on here, that we need to put it into our infrastructure and systems. Maybe if we had not reduced budgets that leeve would have been completely rebuildt instead of in the process at the time of the hurricane. Maybe if we had spent money on our country, thousands and thousands would have had quicker relief. But we didn't and it pisses me off that we are spending it on the supposed freedom of a country that wil always be ruled by it's religion. They can never possibly be free. But, we do know we can have fun killing them and taking their oil.
We lost 10 billion dollars in cash to fraud there. Thats the ten billion that could be spent for emergency issues like we are seeing. Going back to my previous posts about infrastructure where Rholmgren fought me and called me names. You can see where the conservative agenda is, and it's not to build the best for what we have. It's to use our military to kill and to gain monies and power. I recommend we all keep voting Republican, they are so much fun!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 12:48:00 PM
The terrorists do not need to watch our TV's, because they know WE do, and our demorization and internal confilct is what they care about creating. Because of people like you, who then give megaphone announcements to magnify their deeds, they win. You yourself, Jeff, as you already know are almost nothing in the equation. But you and others of your mentality incite other soft minds and pretty soon a big noise is made. This cheers the terrorists on. You are like an explosive vest, in a way Jeff. You make a big noise, and the result is that a lot of innocent people end up dying. Congratulations on your seedy accomplishment, Jeff. Are your hands still looking red? Yes, they are. Freshly red. Congratulations, hero.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 4:44:00 PM
Jeff from now on you are Bennedict Jeff the traiter. The more that people think like you; the more down the tubes our country will go. If I thought like you Jeff I would take a rope and tie it to a tree and hang myself from it. You sound so sad and depressed go seek help.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 10:21:00 PM
One more thing Jeff if you hate both liberalism and conservatism then your political opinion is pretty worthless. You definitely prove that political afilliation is more than from right to left. It is three dimensional in your world and you are out there, somewhere, floating around.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 10:28:00 PM
Yes, we should stay on the course we are on. Life is so wonderful under Bush. Let's review. We were attacked and the Twin Towers destroyed on Bush's watch. The architect of that adventure is still on the loose. We have an unending battle with terrorists, but to add to that we are now occupying another Vietnam, losing American lifes daily. The cost of gas has gone up from $1.35 to almost $3.00 with no end in sight. We are in the midst of a hurricane disaster, and we responded to the needs of the people a week later because our leader was hiding from a grieving Mother on vacation for over a month. The deficit has skyrocketed....but wait got a tax credit.....horaay. But wait, the entire Bush administration has proven to be liars and cheats along with countless Republican congressmen. We had a President who rushed to DC in the middle of the night to push forward a law that turned out to be illegal to save a brain dead women because the right wing religious base put their foot down but he couldn't rush back to take control of the current disaster. It took a week to do that. Our infrastructure is in shambles beause we cut every program to pay for the tax cuts and the war. Conservatism is doing so great for this country. You should hide your head in shame. opinion is worthless.....and you feel I should hang myself....again this is the voice of conservatism friends. The only defense for this failure of an adminstration is to attack attack attack anyone that questions and challenges because they know what I'm saying is true. He isn't coming back and disputing anything....just attacking....LOL LOL.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 11:12:00 PM
Bin Laden is still loose on Bush's watch. Jeff and other subversives like him are still loose on Bush's watch. If Bush does not watch it, there are some voters who will stop supporting the effort to remove the two term limit from our constitution.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:16:00 AM
I agree with 10:16. Bush tries too hard to appeal to the middle. We need another conservative in office. Not like Nixon who made the mistake of getting cozy with China. I miss Reagan. I really do miss him very much.
Been There
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:33:00 AM
What are gas prices at? What is it doing to your pay check? Where are this country's deficts at? Were we at war 6 years ago? Did we have the Enron's of the world stealing our 401k money? How about the money being diverted to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy, taking away from our infrastructue? Maybe if we didn't give Bill Gates an extra 10 million we could have saved that leeve in New Orleans.
10:16 and 10:33 comments....could they be the same person typing within 17 minutes?
Neither offer answers in their posts to my complaints. Neither offer positive things that have been done, because they aven't got anything to offer. They only comment about people who question and attack them. Thats what conservatism does. They show their true colors with each post. They can't defend Bush because he
's a joke, so they attack.
It's not about my comments, it's about fixing the issues. Instead all they know is to attack the religious issues of homosexuality and abortion with gun control thrown in. And by the way, where is the Christian right during this crisis???????? I see celebrities and singers and prominent citizens stepping up, giving money and their time. Have we heard one comment or one offer of donation of time and money from them???? You know the ones who flooded our TV when it was about Terri Schaivo? They flooded our TV when it involves Sponge Bob.....where are they?
So yes, we need more conservatives. I just read where a Murrieta resident wants to let citizens walk around with loaded weapons. Oh yes, hey and Kelly can we get a location for shootouts like they have in the movies?? LOL. Who are you conservatives really???
Subversives, you sound like Joe McCarthy. But then that's who you are. Are you related to him?
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:58:00 AM
Jeff is always whining about people not answering his questions. Jeff: When will you ever get it? No one gives a flying hoot about your endless tantrums OR your questions.
And it's just like a liberal on the dole to start off by wondering how the person in office is going to affect how much money they will get. Talk about votes being for sale... Jeff's is up for bids. And no wonder he hates Republicans... their philosophy would prefer that ALL dependants be weaned away from the mother's milk of the federal government. That means you, Jeff.
Self reliance. It's a wonderful thing. Think about it. Go for it.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 11:28:00 AM
Again you prove my point. You make this so easy. You make me right with each post.
Self reliance.....let's see, I own my own company which employees over one hundred people. I pay taxes and have never paid a bill late. Been married for 28 years and had 3 sons I am proud of. don't know about that you right wing suckup. But in the same sense, I treat each employee the same whether they are virtually self-reliant or they make a lower wage.
But what do you know? You are just a chicken-hawk. You don't know me but continue to attack me. Why???? Because I question all you have been told and all you know. And still you don't have any answers because your wrong and on the wrong side. My problem is that I want a side but each one is too restrictive for someone that thinks outside the box. Just like your buddy Kelly the Councilmen who the developers have in their pocket. You want to call names and belittle me because thats all you have. You say I ask for answers continually, but you have had not a one answer. Go back to Fox News and get some more talking points and then come back and talk with the men. You are either Rholmgren posting or his brother or have watched Sean Hannity a little too long. Or your that other Kelly...Bennett I think. LOL.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 12:30:00 PM
Your "point" is more like a punch line. Good for nothing but a laugh. But even as a joke, you're getting kind of old. And really, there is absolutely no one in this whole town who truly cares about your self-serving questions.
Say good night, Jeff.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:16:00 PM
Oh, hey Jeff, one more thing (this is 2:16 again), How about entertaining us with another one of your fake "breakfast" blogs? Only this time, make it a little bit more convincing.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:21:00 PM
2:16, 2:21, or Rholmgren or Kelly Bennett,
This is the conservative ideology. We have seen it almost at every turn since Bush started his campaign in 1999. It's really the Karl Rove way of doing things lie, lie and lie for your agenda. Then when things go really wrong because the things you are doing are so stupid. Wrap yourself in the flag and in Jesus (I am a Christian) and call everyone an atheist, gay, a traitor or a coward if they disagree and question how stupid things are going. All we have to do to see how stupid and crazy this White House is, is to drive over to the gas station. It's on the big sign for all to see and it says $3.00. But now, how many want to send more troops to Iraq, and spend more money on rebuilding that country. How many people want to see gas prices go to $5 so that oil companies can double the profit they have now. The more troops we send and the more gas prices go up the more oil companies (Bush family is in oil) and military contractors (Cheney gets a monthly check from Haliburton) profit. Let's see now is there a connection here??? Did we see that same connection with our little town in Van Haaster, Seyarto and McAlister and their connection to developers? How does this all tie in together?? They are all Republican and conservative. Support the big business of this world and you will receive a big personal pay check no matter what it costs the people you serve. Did you get that connection conservative boy? Did I say it plain enough for you?? Defend that?? YOU CAN'T, BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Did I entertain you?
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:47:00 PM
100+ employees - no - its more like millions of employees when someone is on the dole they have the whole government working for them. Some people are out for more of my money and Im not one of those who finds that very funny or entertaining. You are not just a first name anon to some of us. Tell the whole truth about where you get your money. If you dont then maybe someone else should do it.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:27:00 PM
I'm confused by your post. What truth is missing here?
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:44:00 PM
Whatever you want to call it or benefit umbrella sounds good. But sure youre owed every nickle youve ever had handed you from the taxpayers of this country. Good people close to me have suffered and died to allow you the freedom to throw your hateful fits, and as big a deal as you make of your own problems others Ive know have had it worse without turning into a hateful person like you are. So go ahead wear your Christianity on your sleeve and and belittle the benefits you have received and spit your venom at people you dont like.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 4:50:00 PM
Well, again, I don't know what this has to do with what I was writing about but, you are right. I have it really good in this world. I am not talking about me suffering today, because truly I'm not but I am talking about the people that are suffering, be it the poor people of New Orleans or the poor in general here in the states. I don't belittle any benefit I have recieved but I stand up against those who don't take care of the benefits we all receive. The last thing I do is hold up my Christianity on my sleeve, my relationship is not with any church but with God. I do hate politicians who lie and cheat just as I disliked Clinton's lying during the Monica days, I dislike most of what Bush has done in office. I don't dislike people who get on here and call me names or tell me I should hang myself, they have that right, as I know.
But I have suffered and lost a part of my physical self defending that right you have to come and talk freely. It is a right I spent 6 years defending for you. Everyone in this country should have a right to state their opinion without consequenses. But you can see that if you state it, you will be told to commit suicide, belittled, called unamerican, a coward and by who? The conservatives. You don't hear JLK calling anyone names and me either. Everyone has the right to state what they think, as long as it isn't to cause a riot or damage. I know because I fought so you could.
Still I don't know what the taxpayers have handed me that every citizen doesn't get.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 5:13:00 PM
Jeff you are imploding and it is cracking me up! Don't stop please! You call conservatives hateful and then proceed to spew hate yourself. Again Jeff: If Bush Lied so did Kerry, the Clintons, Kennedy, Boxer, Feinstein, and other Democratic leaders. They were all saying the same things Bush was saying based on the same information. Jeff I never met a tax increase that I liked or a tax reduction that I hated. I still believe that the rich pay too much in taxes and the poor pay too little. The poor should also have nearly half of their checks taken away from them so that they will understand how the rest of us forced Socialist supporters feel.( and when I say poor I mean the rich U.S. poor as compared to the poor in Africa or the poor in Central or South America. I've visited poor areas in these three areas and Tijuana slums look like the Taqj Majal by comparison) Jeff you are so left wing that you should go join Nascar and race cars that make nothing but left turns. I also think it is a good idea to allow people to carry permited weapons. I would love to strap my .45 on and walk around like a cowboy in Murrieta. Yee Haw!
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 5:50:00 PM
All I have to do is say.....there it is friends.....this is the conservatives of the world. The ones I have been addressing. I am only imploding from laughing at you. It's good that you are so honest so that normal people who sit on the fence can actually see what our President, his administration and other leaders that back him really think. Have you been certified? It is too bad that their are people in our world like you.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 6:39:00 PM
Jeff, I have been living in riverside county, in murrieta for twenty years now and want to know where have you been. You are a businessman and a veteran. Everything you say makes sense to me. I have also voted republican for the last 8 elections. With the way you have hammered on george bush's policies and been right with each comment, you have showed me what he is about. These other guys havent defended anything but just said bad things about you. I dont think you want it about you. You want it about me and thats what I like to hear. Have you thought about running for the government? You make sense and arent calling these guys names. I want so badly to believe in someone that is thinking about my well being. I dont trust bush or arnold anymore.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 8:37:00 PM
Oh boy... This is too good. 8:37 - You ARE Jeff, right? The same guy who said he went to breakfast, etc? Come on now, confession is good for the soul.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:54:00 AM
8:37 is probably Jeff's relative. Anyway Jeff Why does the head of a company such as yours live so close to the freeway? Surely you can afford better digs.Jeff I am damn proud of the way I think. I am a red necked motocross lovin tatoo lovin Nascar lovin and people lovin guy. I want the best for America and you lefties had your 50 years of rule and screwed things up. It is our turn now to stack the court with two more Scalias and move all the courts to a less activist position. In general Jeff GW has done more in 5 years to make the world more safe than Clinton did in 8 years. Libya gave up its Nuke arms program and Isreal and the Palistinians are taking positive actions toward peace. Do you remember how the Clinton Administration approved selling the N.Korean's Nuke technology which enabled them to advance their weapon's research by decades? The Iraq actions have put many of our enemies on notice hasn't it! Bush's actions are superior to the Clinton ways of hollow threats with words or Clinton's impotent way of misusing military force which yielded no results. You will see how certifiable I am and how wrong you are when the results of the 2006 elections are in . Keep reading those poll numbers and feel good for the moment. Pollster bias and Question bias have a huge impact on poll results. Why do you think the polls have been wrong so much over the last 5 years? Many pollsters seek a preordained result and the ask the right type of question to get the result they want. They then use the poll numbers as a way to sway public opinion. Polls are false an made up news Jeff. It is fortunate that enough Americans are sophisticated enough to see through polls for what they really are. The recent election results are proof of that.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 11:00:00 AM
Is the military all that matters to you? Yes he has been more militaristic. But any President would have done the same as Bush after the Twin Towers were destroyed. It's actually the military leaders that recommend the call and the President would have been forced to react no matter what. So his response after 9-11 was not really a decision, it had to happen. The reaction to our military might has swayed Libya into stopping the Nuke search.
How can you even start on Clinton selling technology. It was a conservative Reagan AND Donald Rumsfeld that sold the WMD to Hussian. Bottom line, thats why we went to war.
You have this thing, about killing is OK when its about getting us what we want. But the only killing you know is DOOM on the computer. You love the power of knowing about the killing. It shows in your posts where you said, it's OK for Christians to kill. It's not what God has said in the Bible. He said, thou shalt not kill. He didnt say except when you want to for your country. And it doesn't say that the US is his chosen people.
You talk about the election. Well I wont go into my feelings there but it wasnt a landslide my friend. 51% in both elections and probably closer in the first election. After the 9-11 support his ratings have fallen from 89% to 40%. All experts use these polls even far right wing Fox News. They are proven and have been used for years and years.
You always want to dis polls. But they are real and even if they are off, they arent off when its 35% to 65%.
I don't feel good about the momentum because it is from his incredibly bad mistakes that have cost this country dearly. First we all know that the war in Iraq is a total mistake. You can defend all you want but no one is buying it anymore and most feel this President is a liar. Let's face it, he did lie. Second fact is he has continued to lie through misleading us in so many ways its hard to list or I'll be complained that my post is too long. But Plamegate, last throes, mission accomplished, are all misleading or twisting the truth. Third fact is that he has stripped this nation of its excess and we have gone into the biggest deficit ever. Fourth fact is he has stripped this country of it's infrastructure. Look at the leeve's in New Orleans. More and more issues such as that will pop up as we get deeper into the coming years. Where he took money from the citizens to pay for the war and his tax breaks for the rich. All the above are facts. Fifth fact, since you are a redneck boy, most of your toys will cost more to run and one day you won't be able to afford the fuel if you want to take care of your kids and family. This does not count for lives that have been lost and mamed in the war, and in the breaking of the leeve in New Orleans. These all are with Bush. Bush does not have the majority of the American public behind him and that rating is falling faster and faster. The faster it falls the more he will give to the only people that support him, the supossedly Christian right. They only support him because of his far right conservative views. They are the ones that will back the Republican party in 2006 and 2008. It was not them that swung the last election. It was plain fear. Fear that Bush got us through 9-11 and he would in the next four years. What he did would have been done by any President domestically. But he has destroyed us internationally. We have few friends in the world and the ones we do have are only in it for the money and power we have, with most of their constituates against us. These are the facts sir. I am not mis-stating things.
I am not happy and thats why I complain. Thats why I question. If I was happy with the world I would not even address this blog. I would hate to be stuck supporting this loser and his administration. All I could ever do in his defense is call people that challanged him cowards, unpatriotic, cheats, lovers and helping our enemies. Oh, wait......thats all you do. Thats all you have.
We will see where Americas heart is in the days ahead. Hopefully you and the rest of the good ole boys see the light.....but no, youre too busy playing DOOM. Bang bang.
Clinton is past as is Bush Sr. and Reagan and Carter. This is Bush's nightmare alone now and yours to defend. You have to be thinking...what is going to happen next....LOL.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:13:00 PM
Your facts Jeff are as skewed as ever Jeff. How do you know that the only killing I know is on Doom? I have been shooting and have owned rifles and pistols since I was seven. I'll just say Jeff that I have had a pistol or two pointed at my gut a few times in my life. I am a firm believer in a good citizens right to carry. Jeff when I mention the elections I am looking at a much broader picture than you are. Your myopic hatred for Bush is blinding your political view. The GOP has been consistently gaining political power in local, state, and Congressional elections for about 15 years. If a Democrat wins the Presidency in 2008 I see little change in this ongoing broadbased trend.
Jeff just remember that every time you call Bush a liar you are also callng most of your Democratic allies liars also. Your third and fouth facts hold absolutely no basis in fact. Find a domestic social program that has had its overall funding reduced during Bush Jeff.Show me how the infrastructure budget has been reduced. I want to see the numbers Jeff . Go through the year to year budgets and show me the dramatic cuts Jeff. Do it or lose credibility. Show me Jeff Back up erroneous "facts." Hey Jeff maybe the funding for the arts have been cut. That is major isn't it.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:45:00 PM
The funding to the Army Corps of Engineers was cut, I don't have the figures I read this morning but dramatically.....cost thousands of lives.....thats the first one. I will show you many facts but that won't change your mind. I could show you a video tape of Bush lying and you's make an excuse. I am not a Democrat. Period. I vote for the best candidate. I would like to see John McCain in office as President. Because I trust him.
I won't even argue the gun issue with you but if you have had guns pointed at you, the people you hang with are not ones I think most people embrace. But I think some of your brotheren are in New Orleans and they have many rental openings. But if you had guns pointed at you and you feel it would have been better if under your jacket you had a hand gun, then someone may have died. With your name calling and other high class personal traits, someone would have died. It's better for all of us you didn't.
If it's facts you want, I would get thme and will, but I'm wasting my time.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 9:04:00 PM
Here is the first one and comes out of the Washington Post,.....took one minute. Credibility......
O'Malley stood by separate comments, in which he called Bush's budget plan "a lie." Under the title "Strengthening America's Communities Initiative," the administration is proposing to move a 30-year-old economic development program known as Community Development Block Grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Commerce Department. Commerce also would absorb an additional 17 community development programs from other Cabinet agencies.
Together, the 18 programs receive about $5.7 billion in federal funds. Bush would spend $3.7 billion on the new Commerce Department initiative, a reduction of about $2 billion.
One minute and a program lost almost half it's funding......Face it you can't defend him.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 9:09:00 PM
Jeff please! YOur answer is a fragment. I am not talking departments here! Look at FY 2001, 2002, 2003 2004. Where are the OVERALL social program reductions. Come on Jeff a reduction in one social program within the budget can easily be offset by a drastic increase in another social program in another department. Again where is the OVERALL reduction for social programs and infrastructure? Your claimed facts are worthless aren't they? It is so easy to defend Bush! His social spending has INCREASED at a faster rate than it did under Clinton. Come on show me the numbers!
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 10:54:00 PM
When you are not shooting at rabbits read this article and get some facts.
There are almost one million posts when you google (bush, budget cuts, social programs). Funding for the leeve that broke and killed thousands was cut right wing boy. Thats part of our infrastructure. This politician is a loser. Wait Wait.....the security alert is at afraid afraid, only george can save Haliburton makes millions more.
You must have never seen our poor and homeless, living in cardboard boxes in 10 degrees below zero weather, families in abandoned cars. To have poverty like this in the richest most powerful nation in the world is a disgrace. It's the fault of all politicians.
But I did hear that George needs another vacation, because the stress is getting to him. Condi, Dick, Donald and Bush are all headed to the Texas ranch for a BBQ. They are serving lame duck.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 6:43:00 AM
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 9:47:00 AM
One more thing Jeff: I grew up in poor conditions. I really never got my financial feet under me until my mid twenties. I have been to areas in the third world with smells and conditions that I will never forget. I know what it is like to be poor here and somewhere else. I would rather be poor here.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 9:55:00 AM
No Rholmgren,
These are reductions, real losses for the poor. This is money directed away from education and less resources for the poilce and fireman of america. You aren't going to see the light, it is blinded by your ideology. If someone is so focused on ideology, they will never see the truth, only what they are taught by the liberal and conservatives gods. If you did see the truth, it would mean that your ideology is a lie and it would crush your world. Turn Rush back on, thats all you know.
I'm glad youve experienced life. It's too bad you resent your past and don't want to help other Americans in the same condition. You'd rather pack up their sons and send them to Iraq, strip them bare with high gas prices so your almighty corporations can pay their CEO's a fe hundred millions each.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 10:55:00 AM
Jeff I'll tell you what: you are right. For the grand prize I'll give one million dollars next week to the poor. No I take that back; I'll give them $500,000 instead. Oh my Jeff I am such a scrooge! I cut half a million from my proposed gift to the poor! I cut my gift by 50 percent! Jeff you know you're wrong with your social and infrastructure spending "facts" because you fail to post the FY 2001 2002 2003 and 2004 numbers. You know if you post those numbers you will look foolish and wrong... right Jeff?
You are grabbing individual budget items and then you are trying to assert that is proof of that overall social spending is being gutted. Look at they numbers Jeff! You say you run a company and you should know what an increase or a decrease looks like! You call Bush a liar Jeff, so do not try to pass such an obvious lie off to the rest of us.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 1:57:00 PM
Gee whiz, why don't you two get a room! Agree to disagree and move on.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 10:44:00 PM
10:44 that is good advice. Jeff and I are at two different poles.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:28:00 AM
I would love to agree to disagree, but there are people out there who agree in some bizarre fashion with Rhlomgren and if I walk away from this incredible misrepresentation of facts, they will sit there and say...Rholmgren must be right. It's what conservatives and liberals have been doing the last 6 or 7 years. Spinning facts and I'm tired of it. But like all of us, you have a fair choice to read this or move on. That part is up to you.
As far as Rhlomgren's statement goes, just think I'm in the middle, that's how far right he actually is.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:39:00 PM
Jeff you are in the middle only in your own mind. Read back over your own posts because your ideology is apparent. Your posts could easily be signed off by Nancy Pelosi, or Ted Kennedy, or Barbara Boxer. You are following the current left wing dogma which is to claim the center while spewing out anti corporate pro taxation rhetoric. I am and always will be a proud right wing supporter. You lefties will alway be in denial or lie about your true affiliations or intentions.Most of the people that I know in my age group who are right wing are followers of the Reagan legacy.We predate the influence of radio personlities such as Limbaugh or Hannity to tell us the right wing way. You on the other hand continue use the same terms and thoughts that I see on the DNC web sight and you use the same criticisms that I hear on left wing talk radio and from the Democratic leadership. You should not be the one to accuse any one of using talking points when you are obviously using them yourself in place of individual thought.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 8:41:00 PM
For the edification of our readers and also to put Jeff down once-and-for-all (something that I doubt you will ever accomplish) would you please post the FY 2001 2002 2003 and 2004 numbers that you keep citing in your rebuttals? If you can prove that Bush is not a liar than I'm all ears.
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 12:16:00 PM
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