Supreme Court Chief Justice
As the attacks on FEMA, cronyism in the Bush administration, and fears of inadequate disaster response in America continue to monopolize headlines, I think it is important to note that the Supreme Court nomination process to confirm John G. Roberts as the new Chief Justice is still very much a relevant issue. Roberts is a conservative jurist and I think that his appointment should be delayed until the hurricane Katrina furor, like the south coastal flood waters, has subsided.
I was unaware that the newest appointee to the court would automatically assume the Chief Justice post. It would seem seniority on the bench would be a more effective way of guaranteeing experience at the top job in the Supreme Court.
I was unaware that the newest appointee to the court would automatically assume the Chief Justice post. It would seem seniority on the bench would be a more effective way of guaranteeing experience at the top job in the Supreme Court.
I don't believe that the newest SC appointee automatically assumes the Chief Justice position. I do believe that the President gets to name the Chief Justice.
In this case, the fact that Pres. Bush wants to name Roberts to the SC and also elevate him to the position of Chief Justice, suggests that Bush believes that Roberts, a relatively young justice, will be around a long time to advance the Bush agenda.
That's exactly what Nixon did when he choose Rehnquist as the Chief Justice.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 10, 2005 8:48:00 AM
The Ruth Bader Ginsburg precedent will haunt the Democrats in the Roberts proceedings and in Confirmations in many years to follow.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:57:00 AM
Fox news' new buzzword is "the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Precedent" which they are trying to program into their parrots throughout the nation. Ruth Bader was a conservative democrat that republicans thought was A-Okay in 1993, and they are now clumsily using this so-called precedent to manipulate public opinion into believing that a precedent was actually set. The average Fox news sycophant reminds me somewhat of the sheep in George Orwell's "Animal Farm", bleat it loud, bleat it constantly, and gradually it will metamorphose into the subjective truth.
for more info, go to:
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:10:00 AM
It's not uncommon for a chief executive to appoint a justice and later to regret the appointment. Giving an individual lifetime tenure, removes them from at least some of the pushing and shoving of the usual political world.
I heard a former Govenor of California privately lamenting an appointment he made to the California SC. Oh well, . . .
History will show whether any Justice becomes an idealogue or a judge who sees his/her role as dispensing justice within the applicable framework.
By the way, judicial activisim occurs both on the left and the right. The power to declare what the law is, or is not, should be exercised with great humility.
Roberts said that he would serve "humbly" - if confirmed by Congress, he should live by those words. The United States is bigger than either the left or the right.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:54:00 PM
The "Ginzburg Court" - consisting of those who tried to disembowel private property rights in the recent eminent domain ruling - is a clear and present danger to the property rights this nation holds most dear. The City of Murrieta may pose no danger (hmmm?) to its citizens, but the nearly autonomous public utility companies - water, elec, etc - have two-step removed checks and balances which do not serve the public well. Ruth may not be a siren in the sexy sense of the word (gag at the thought), but her warped sense of the constitution as the instrument of her desires would have our property rights wrecked on the rocks of socialist priorities. Property owners left and right and center all need to join in calling on our state, federal and local lawmakers to clamp down on the potentially disasterous long term results of the Court's ruling. Roberts has just stated in front of those grilling him that we and our lawmakers have the constitutional authority to do so.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:41:00 PM
J.L the Phrase that I refered to has been used for sometime now. It has been around for years. If Fox News is just now using it they are Johnny come latelys. I read a piece a few years back that debated whether the next nominee to the Court would be held to the Ginsburg standard or would they be "Borked." I do not know if you are basing the word "clumsily" on a few sound bites or not but after listening to the hearings at length today I can assure you that it was neither the Republicans or Roberts who looked "clumsy." Roberts' intellect is making the Democrats look really aloof.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:34:00 PM
Kunkle clearly indicates his biases and/or lack of comprehension when he states 'I was unaware...' Even Ed Faunce knew better and was able to point out that the newest member does not 'automatically' become Chief Justice - it is an appointed position and John Roberts happens to be that appointee.
Further, the Ginsberg Principle referred to by Fox (and many others) is the precedent set by the Judge during her confirmation hearings a dozen years ago reflecting her attitude that the confirmation hearings should provide 'no hints, no forecasts, no previews' of her views on future, potential or hypothetical cases to come before the court. The Democrats loved it then, hate it now (what a shock). No great Fox News conspiracy, just the facts that the Democrats (and Joe) would like you to forget (or hope you never knew to begin with).
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:25:00 AM
Anon at 9:25 does not seem to understand that I was trying to draw attention to a specific flaw in the American judicial system: the fact that the president is empowered to appoint the chief justice, which, as the swing vote, can potentially become the most powerful position on the bench. A great place to have a friend on your side of an issue. Please read my post again.
I would also recommend that you look more critically at Fox news and MSNBC. They DO use buzz words and catch phrases to influence public opinion (though considering the apparent nature of most of their viewers, this is more like preaching to the choir). Their writers are carefully screened against the possibility of a truly "fair and balanced" viewpoint getting hired. There is much reputable material on the web to reinforce this belief I hold, but to get more fully into explaining this issue to you is beyond the intended scope of this post.
As far as any bias you may suspect, let me assure you that I find the democrats in this country to be limp versions of republicans, and any governmental philosophy either party might hold has been long buried in a mire of self-interested apologetics.
Clinton was a mistake in a petty crime sort of way, he stole the silverware from air force one and turned the White House into a motel/brothel. My pet goat was a mistake in a much more profound way in that he is more of the white-collar criminal type. He has defrauded the American people repeatedly throughout his term(s) in office.
Looking the other way has become much more difficult for the Bush backers than in the early WMD days. He has played very recklessly with the powers granted him and it was only a matter of time before this caught up with him (and with us). The sooner the W04 bozos and evangelicals realize this, the sooner congress can get to work reigning in this madman.
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:39:00 AM
Knock off the eternal WMD fraudulant arguement. Bush was relying on info from an intelligence machine that had been left worthless after politically correct purges by madame Clinton and her Barney-sized puppet. Those purges will take decades to correct. Every time the libs stutter WMD, WMD, WMD, they just throw a spotlight on the tragedy of the last lib administration.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 1:00:00 PM
1:49, Don't blame George W. Bush, he's just the President, he didn't know any better. If George knew the CIA was compromised during the Clinton administration, don't you think he should have been aware of this and become skeptical of its intelligence output? It would be appreciated if you could find some facts to back your assertions regarding WMD's without reverting to conservative talk radio clichés, Clinton is no longer in charge (good riddance), but George W. Bush is.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, September 16, 2005 9:56:00 AM
J.L. Kunkle - If Bush was handed the controls of a damaged vehicle, he had to do the best he could with it. He had to look through the lens of a security apparatus that had been painted dark by an ideological fog. Our nation was damaged severely by a well meaning but horribly foolish group of young idealogues who were left in charge of very important national security decisions with long term consequences. For you to blame the subsequent President (whether he had been Republican or Democrat) for the result of being forced to make decisions under such circumstances betrays a prejudice in yourself which protects you from the intrusive effects of common sense. You have to live with that kind of thinking, but those outside your prejudice do not.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 12:35:00 PM
Come on. Let's talk about WMD's. That's all we heard about for three months straight. How long a wavier do we give Bush and blame Clinton. 8 years??? I wouldn't want to talk about WMD's or Plamegate or the Hurricane or Cindy Sheehan if I was on your side of the agenda and ideology either. I'd want to hide and pray that Bush doesn't do ANYTHING else. Hey what happened to social secruity??? Maybe it got better in the last few months.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 12:59:00 PM
Talk about WMD's till you turn blue, Jeffrey. It was the tattered remains of a stellar intelligence apparatus that told Bush about those WMD's. Tattered because of Mrs. Mao and husband. Are you even aware of what they did to our CIA? Or are you just coming off the wall, as you sound? Answer that question, sir. Answer. Answer. Got no real answers? Well, then follow the mindless liberal leaders and make up some answers and then blame Bush.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 2:01:00 PM
When did 9-11 happen? 2001. That's 9 months after Bush took office. Their was not one new program established by the Bush administration to fix any CIA or FBI or intelligence agency. We have facts and statements up and down from the British, from what is now known as Plamegate, from inside the agencies that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove were manipulating the intelligence data to support their ideology. We had weapons inspectors on the ground who said their were no weapons!!!! They said WE CAN'T FIND ANY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. But!!! Bush knew there were weapons. Powell had photos of trucks moving them and weapons labs all over Iraq. Well Powell quit he was so humiliated that Bush sent him to the United Nations to mislead the world and you and me. These are not me making things up. You have Fox News blinders on. Or Rush Limbaugh drugs flowing through your system. Those are real answers. Where are these weapons? To listen to all the Bushies prior to the war, Iraq had parking lots full of weapons. They kept telling us....we don't have no stinking weapons. They didn't have parts for their aircraft and most of their tanks were grounded for lack of spare parts. But Bush knew didn't he?? He also knew we would just walk in and the streets would be filled with people holding followers for the conquerors. What an incredibly brilliant man. Now youre going to tell me about Clinton thinking there were weapons too. Yes, you're right.....BUT HE DIDN'T ATTACK THEM WITH OUR TROOPS!! We think Iran and North Korea have WMD's too don't we? We aren't attacking them are we??? How come?? So the above facts are not coming off the wall. They are facts. You my friend are supporting what you have no clue about. Tell me what you think President Clinton did to destroy the CIA? But youre so afraid of Hilary, who is just a New York Senator all you do is attack them. This is all Bush's mess. Just like New Orleans is his mess. You voted for him because he told us how he was here to protect us, so where was he? On his ranch....when people were holding on for days in the floods, the Vice President and Secretary of State were vacationing instead of on planes to help in whatever way they could. Bush flew over two days later and then did his production shoots with some black people. He flew back quicker for a brain dead girl. He's a failure and most conservatives know it. They are throwing up their arms today because of his speech last night because it shows that he is not a fiscal conservative. He is just a silly man that fronts for Dick Cheney and Karl Rove and their conservative agenda. Our surplus is long gone but....what....the oil compnaies and Haliburton have tripled their numbers. Where are the weapons.....maybe Bin Laden has them? But we haven't even found a 6'6" dialysis patient. I am not a follower of any liberal leader. I want whats best for my family and these conservatives are not.
So maybe Bush should fly onto another Aircraft Carrier and say Mission accomplished. Did he say that last night too......mission mucked up.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 4:11:00 PM
George flying to aircraft carriers. Jeff flying out to confront him. All these guys flying all over the place, taking our attention away from the problems in our own back yard. Hey, come back to Murrieta folks! Is the Kelly, Jack and Mac team throwing things up in the air to keep our attention off of Murrieta? Some parts of this blog are talking about Murrieta's slide into "apartment hell". We've got a whole congress turning on George Bush and crew. They don't need our help. Our neighbors right here at home need our help. Don't lose focus, folks. No one is going to help us win our battle on the home front. Don't let down your guard!
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 4:49:00 PM
You're right, but we all have time to look at all issues. Maybe JLK can post some national questions as well as local questions.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 5:54:00 PM
Have we met the quota of low income housing so we qualify for Federal funding or are we way past that point?
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 5:55:00 PM
The answer to those kind of questions are the grease in the wheels of multi-family development billionaires and their political kin. The further prostitution of our community for the sake of raking in big government dollars will have disasterous long term consequences. The reason big government temps us with fistfulls of cash is in the final analysis to get the low income population pressures off the more established affluent communities. They are trying to in effect shift the low income population onto communities which can be bought off with public improvement development funds. Easy money, with all the consequences of easy money. Short term dollar signs, long term misery. This is the scourge of mismanaged communities which have failed to develop a thriving commercial community with resultant impressive sales tax revenues. Let's cut Murrieta off the umbilical cord of big government welfare while we still can. The term used in another string in this blog is perfect: If we don't do it now, Murrieta will become the long-term "apartment hell" welfare haven of Southwest Riverside County. By the time this tragedy becomes full blown, the current civic leaders will have moved far upstream. This is not a nice picture to describe, but if this travesty of master planned madness is not stopped in its tracks right now, it is the future of Murrieta.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 7:09:00 PM
7:09 Thanks a lot. You've just made the worst possible arguement for keeping Murrieta a beautiful rural community. There are many of us who love Murrieta as a simple rural town, and have no fear of low income people. In fact, some of us who have live here for decades are unpretentious people living simple lives, and we just want things to remain simple. We don't need fancy roads or fancy parks. Just give us room to ride our horses, and uncrowded neighborhoods. Most low income people I know are better than many high income people, but high density is not OK no matter what the income level. I just say keep the apartments out of town, and to heck with government money.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 7:37:00 PM
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Anonymous, at Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:11:00 AM
Sometimes this city has sporadic traffic issues but overall I would rather live here now and into the future than almost any other city in So. Cal. (Almost meaning if I could afford a more expensive house on the beach I would probably live there.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:59:00 AM
I don't make jokes; I just watch the Government and report the facts.
--Will Rogers
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:32:00 PM
M.E you can thank Ginsberg for the Roberts strategy. The Dems loved the Ginsberg strategy 12 year ago when it worked for them. They hate it now that it is working against them. Hopefully Roberts will be like Scalia. As for Brown : Someone had to get fired and be scapegoated. At least Bush took responsibility while the Mayor of New Orleans And the Governor of Louisiana acted like high school kids playing the blame game. Everyone knows the Mayor and Governor played a large role in the relief foul up. Do you think they will ever take responsibility for their roles? They continue to make fools of themselves with their continued strategy of deflecting all the blame to others. Real leaders take command and the Governor and Mayor make the Keystone Cops look like geniuses.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:25:00 AM
Rholmgren, you are not only a fool, you are a stupid fool.
So, to you everything is dem vs. republicans. Did it ever occur to you that they are both wrong?!!!
Why would you support screwing up the SC with a bad appointment this time just because you think the dems screwed it up before. Don't you see that the American people are losing at every level of government?
Bust took responsibility? What a jerk you are. What does taking responsibility mean? In Japan, a CEO who messed up even a tiny amount, compared to Bush, would have fallen on his sword. What penalty is Bush imposing on himself? NOTHING.
No, Bush's taking responsibility is nothing more than a cynical attempt to deflect the deserved criticism of his failed administration.
Your cheerleading for such a poor excuse for leadership renders your opinions worthless.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:58:00 AM
Rholmgren would be for Donald Duck for justice. Whatever Karl Rove wants, Rholmgren would defend. He has no thought process of his own. He listens to the conservative talking points and then repeats them. If you are a felon or a crook, but are conservative, Rholmgren would die defending you. Watch his comments. In each one he attacks the poster, but doesnt have any defense in his comments that contain facts. What he wrote above is exactly what Rove said in an interview Saturday. He should just open his mouth and put a mic in there and let they conservative brain trust talk for him. How do people like this get through life by themselves when they let others think and speak for them. Now watch his response. It will be to either attack my person or repeat my conservative rhetoric or dismiss what I say as repetitive. It's all he has been taught to do.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 1:30:00 PM
I see that the City Council will be voting on an ethics policy. What should be included in this policy are statements made that undermine the ability of this body to work as a team. This of course will work against the undermining of the current council's decisions to advance the Van Haaster re-election agenda. Councilmen Seyarto keeps repeating in posts directed to me that these are my fantasies and not reality. We shall see very soon. There is an agenda in our growing town to get the voting block back to what it once was. We all need to stand up and say how we feel about unethical politicians handling our tax money and serving us in a self serving manner. We need councilmen who are down to earth and don't treat us as uneducated nerds. We need councilmen who aren't full of themselves and take pleasure in power for themslves and not in the power we can have in dictating the good we can do in this community. The backers of the past little three councilmen will tell you all the good they have done in the past, yet even a poor politician or a self serving one can't help but doing some good. I would like to see us stand up again in this election and make sure we get the right candidates to serve. I think we need to hear debates run by non-involved committees. If the Chamber of Commerce in Murrieta steps into the political process we need to show them that we don't want that, by boycotting it's members who would force that activity to stop. When the local vendors feel the pinch, they will remove their support. We need to speak even louder this election. We need to do more then just vote, we need to use our power through our dollar, because our dollars far outweigh the developers contributions. We need to go door to door and use our people resources to get our message across. I will be the first to volunteer my time and my money. So I make that pledge.
I want a better run city council where each councilmen has my back. A council that isn't in place to help the developer but to make our lives more enjoyable. To build a community that works as well as lives together.
What if one of the three councilmen had stood up and said to the developers to put their contributions into library books, or other community ventures. We would have the best library in the county. Shouldn't a councilmen be able to win re-election or election on the same level playing field as all the others running for election? Shouldnt they do this on their ethics and campaign efforts? Wouldn't you want a councilmen that would be willing to sacrifice an election to ask for those developers dollars directed to benefit us, like to books for our library?
Some of our councilmen want to increase the density of our community with more apartments for low income families. I would like to see us do our fair share but not overun our community and become like Lake Elsinore. The more people the more tax dollars and developer dollars. More tax dollars do not mean that the money will raise this community to the next level. It means more crime and gang activity. Tax dollars are then spent on more and more policemen, not to raise the performance level but just to maintain the protection we have today. Low income families take jobs our youth can fill and overun our streets where there are no parks. Low income familes attract more of the same into our community. We worry about stores selling alcohol near schools but we are OK with the build up of apartments that bring more undesireable elements into our town. Councilmen Seyarto mentioned in a post about homes for our kids and thats fine. Condos that demand respect to property and carry rules to improve the homes. People investing in a condo want the resale value to grow but renters for the most part run the apartments down. If thats what we want moving in then our property values will fall and what once was going to be the diamond of the valley will be the diamond in the pocket of the developer.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:12:00 PM
M.E Bush taking responsibilty is like falling on the sword for others. I do not see anyone else taking any responsibilty even though there was plenty of blame to go around. Time will tell if I am a fool or if you are. I just laugh at all you people who hate Bush so much. You hate to the point of mental blindness. Guess what M.E. I ran out of gas going to Menifee yesterday. It was all Bush's fault. I also saw a car accident on the 215. It was Bush's fault. My kids also would not behave yesterday. Again it was Bush's fault. One of my customers failed to pay me last week. Damn that Bush is screwing me too! There you go M.E. that is how irrational you and Jeff sound to me. What fantasy world do you live in M.E? The last time I checked there were only two major political players in our country. The Dems have gone over the deep end to the left while my party has been hijacked to the center. I hope to God that a real right wing fiscal conservatism takes hold in Washington. Many of us who are really right wing support Bush but we are unhappy with his spending on the domestic side of the budget. He has grown that side of the budget faster than Clinton did, and I never supported that true liar. In your eyes the country is going to hell while in my eyes I see a challenging yet optimistic future so long as you wacko liberals are held out of power.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 9:14:00 AM
Apartment developers have started planting propaganda in some of the strings on this website. The phrase "commerical follows rooftops" is one of the oldest lines in the book used by apartment developers. The fact is that apartment developers do not care about you or about the commercial development in your city. They want to build, and split. And they always have very close relationships with city and county government officials who always try to make themselves seem idealistic. Don't fall for it. If you want to protect the value of your property, and your quality of life, don't fall for it. Those kind of developers and the politicians they own come off sounding like gold. They are anything but. If you care about your families, and the quality of life in the town in which your family lives, and the value of your own homes, please don't fall for it. "Apartment Hell" is a term that did not just appear out of nowhere. It refers to what happens to an area after the area has been fully exploited for greed. By the time the dirty deed has been fully executed the politicians have moved on, and the developers who left the mess will be living in ranches or mansions far from the smell of what they left behind. Please, for the sake of your own net worth and the for the sake of the people you love, do not eat what is being spoon fed to you by these developers and the politicans who support them.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 10:26:00 AM
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