Space Shuttle revisited
Now this is more like it (follow link), Nasa has decided to return to the Apollo-type space capsule and an eventual scrapping of the space shuttle, banishing it to the lemon-lot, as it were. The astronauts will be launched atop a single solid fuel shuttle booster, with ejection seats in the capsule in case there are any problems. The solid booster seal is what let go and took out Challenger.
The whole space program has become a moot issue. Developers have decided they want to turn Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center into an apartment complex. They have asked Kelly Seyarto, a previously unknown City Councilman from Murrieta California to come up with the logic that will make it a go. (Seyarto is credited with delivering an entire California city to a bunch of developers). The developers reportedly told Kelly: "We've got the lawyers if you have the nerve." Kelly said he's got what it takes, but agreed to sign on only if he could get the Chamber of Commerce and his friend Jack involved too. The developers agreed, and now everyone agrees the space program in America is history. Kelly said he can't take all the credit for the anticipated success. "My friend Ruth Bader Ginzberg deserves some credit for the role she played in giving me the power to condemn almost anything as long as big developers would benefit."
Anonymous, at Friday, September 23, 2005 7:11:00 AM
You're mistaken, Ginsburg and the Supreme Court have agreed that the developers have the right to eminent domain the moon, and to build Amberwalk condos and housing tracts there. This is the real reason why President Bush has tried to create renewed interest in the space program.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, September 23, 2005 7:50:00 AM
That wasn't me writing that Kelly, but I like it.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 23, 2005 4:43:00 PM
Murrieta Blogsters,
Sometimes the perspective gets a bit skewed in the forum. You can agree or disagree with me on this, but I'd like to add a tad of counterpoint to the entire mix.
I think Councilman Seyarto and Ed Faunce are both good sports to stick around and occasionally engage some of the more passionate of their detractors who haunt this blog.
As one who does not always agree with either one of them: I think it is fair to bring up verifiable complaints, and even to do a bit of clearly comical lampooning. The opening entry on this string, for example, is I think fair as a bit of satire, a political cartoon in words. Even if it is based on a serious concern, it is palatable.
On the other side of the coin - and there is always another side - both Seyarto and Faunce are sometimes hit with a blind-side salvo. Words that are harsh and unverifiable. Speculation which takes into account only the dim side of that which is speculated on. And that is unfair.
As an "Anon" who appreciates the opportunity for expression afforded by this great new form of communication, I would like to say "Thanks" to everyone who uses it with wisdom and self-restraint.
Remember that those who dare use their names have trusted all of us to be fair. We should honor that trust.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 23, 2005 5:24:00 PM
I have noticed that any post that sings anybody's praise in this blog is a worthless gesture without a name attached. It is precisely this omission that leaves the door open for "friend of", "wife" and "children" counters. If you want to talk someone up in a believable manner, you have to use your real name.
And I think I'm not alone in suggesting that the debates taking place on this blog are starting to sound repetitive. Any string I start has a tendency to turn into another debate on the recall, which is of course relevant, but this forum could also be utilized to suggest other areas of concern to Murrietans: like crowded schools, the new senior center, acknowledgement of the good job that the Murrieta P.D. and F.D. are doing, the beleagered library project, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, future city plans and discussion of necessary changes to the general plan based on Murrieta right now, not Murrieta circa 1988.
A reduction in personal attacks on councilman Seyarto SHOULD leave him open to discussions of what the council is doing to ensure Murrieta's future. If he is not able to step back from the recall issue and Jack VanHaaster '06 promotion, then it will speak volumes that no amount of criticism could reveal.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, October 10, 2005 12:43:00 PM
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