A few points...
(1.) The Valley Funeral Home has had its license suspended due to complaints about their service. Old man Sykes was buried in Laurel Cemetery yesterday Sept. 14. Connection? none. I just wanted to mention it.
(2.) My pet goat will be distributing large wads of cash to the great unwashed along the gulf coast to try to salvage his near to fatally wounded ratings. It's going to take a lot of bread and circuses to buy himself out of this one, but, like the credit card commercial says, "It's not as if I'M paying for it."
(3.) With Dubya's low ratings at the moment, it is not surprising that the insurgent elements in Iraq have turned up the heat. Al Qaeda has begun to make their involvement in these attacks less discrete. Houston, we have a problem.
(4.) After reading about the difficulty that Julian Charter Schools is having providing a safe place to load and offload children at some additional classroom space they require, it seems that privatization of education is still subject to some of the restrictions that public schools are. This makes me ask the question: with privatization of schools, will the money saved thereby involve curtailment of certain government protections that kids in the public school system currently enjoy, like governmental overwatch?
(5.) Apparently the Murrieta library is going to have to consider making some compromises regarding the amenities offered due to budgetary constraints. Perhaps we'll get a better library if we find some way to privatize the library system.Unfortunately, there is likely no profit in running a place for storage of knowledge, freely accessible to all.
(2.) My pet goat will be distributing large wads of cash to the great unwashed along the gulf coast to try to salvage his near to fatally wounded ratings. It's going to take a lot of bread and circuses to buy himself out of this one, but, like the credit card commercial says, "It's not as if I'M paying for it."
(3.) With Dubya's low ratings at the moment, it is not surprising that the insurgent elements in Iraq have turned up the heat. Al Qaeda has begun to make their involvement in these attacks less discrete. Houston, we have a problem.
(4.) After reading about the difficulty that Julian Charter Schools is having providing a safe place to load and offload children at some additional classroom space they require, it seems that privatization of education is still subject to some of the restrictions that public schools are. This makes me ask the question: with privatization of schools, will the money saved thereby involve curtailment of certain government protections that kids in the public school system currently enjoy, like governmental overwatch?
(5.) Apparently the Murrieta library is going to have to consider making some compromises regarding the amenities offered due to budgetary constraints. Perhaps we'll get a better library if we find some way to privatize the library system.Unfortunately, there is likely no profit in running a place for storage of knowledge, freely accessible to all.
People who bad mouth our governmnet (ie some Bloggies) = Dubya's low ratings = insurgents turning up heat = Americans dying.
Congratulations on your bloody accomplishments. (We already know your inability to accept responsibility, so save the strength in your fingers, and don't bother typing out a response).
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:42:00 AM
11:42 is way out of bounds. The site administrator has every right to censor that kind of blog entry or any other unjust attack.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:50:00 AM
Grants fine, but why should people who do not use the library have to repay loans through their taxes? Don't say it's for the public good, because 92% of school related research is now available on campus through subscription internet information services. And most of the remaining 8% is research performed by paid term paper research organizations. Librarys no longer serve the function they once did. Take a look at what is being checked out these days. CD's and DVD's. The low income alternative to working and renting from a local store. All this is well and good, but not with my tax dollars, thankyou.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:10:00 PM
J.L in relation to the 11:42 entry. Censorship is not in the best interest of this blog unless the entry uses foul language or threatens someone's safety. Other than that this forum should be a verbal free for all.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:39:00 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, September 16, 2005 12:44:00 PM
This blog is completely uncensored. Do not post any comments here that you wouldn't paint in 10 ft. letters on the side of a barn. Any censorship would negatively impact the veracity of the debates taking place. As has been mentioned elsewhere, however, brevity truly is the soul of wit.
J. L. Kunkle, at Friday, September 16, 2005 12:48:00 PM
How about just plain respect!! You know the person who wrote that post lives on your side of the fence.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 12:52:00 PM
9:10 Before calling someone a fool, read the blog that you are answering. There was no negative reference to grants. The reference was to loans... fool. You might want to try engaging your brain before starting to type next time.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 2:06:00 PM
12:10 - Tax dollars (sales tax revenues) follow commercial sales which in turn follow "rooftops". The more housing development there is in this town, the more commerical will follow, and the more sales tax dollars that can be devoted to open space, libraries, and so on. With enough residential construction, you will have an abundant tax base. Quality of life matters, such as Library extras, will seem more attractive as a result of all those tax dollars.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:48:00 PM
not everyone is willing to sell out their quality of life for your precious "tax dollars"
what kind of a value system would put our town on the auction block?
city elections do not give anyone rights to play games with our lives, our homes, and all we hold dear
to those who survived the recall election and still want to flush our way of life down the toilet i want to say STOP IT, YOU INCREDIBLE JERKS, STOP IT
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 7:23:00 PM
Developers could have built a library and filled it with books if they had donated that 500K to the residents of Murrieta. But they only make donations into keeping their key players. Tax dollars that would be gained would be lost in the maintaining of the low income community in police support. I'd rather donate my time and effort into a book drive to fill our library. Now...what developer do you work for?
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 8:42:00 PM
There was a post: FACT, that was inserted repetitively as if the repetition would reinforce the point. If these multiple identical posts were an accident, I apologize but I have removed all of these posts. I would have left one copy, but a software glitch took the last one too. Repetitive posting does not reinforce your point, sound logic, reason, and concision do.
J. L. Kunkle, at Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:35:00 AM
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