Apparently the bureaucrats feel extremely threatened.
I just got an automated telephone call from someone representing themselves as assemblyman Ray Haynes. The message was warning me not to be fooled by this recall because it was actually a scam perpetrated by a "liberal Orange County attorney". No name for this attorney was mentioned. This humorous allegation was absolutely preposterous in the true tabloid sense of the word.
If Ray Haynes was behind this, I know never to vote for him as I don't think liars should hold the public's trust. If he is not, he should immediately take steps to apprehend this fraud. The Republican party apparently sponsored this last ditch telemarketing barrage.
Speaking of Republicans, I think it likely that if the anti-recall people are getting this desperate, you can probably expect to be harrassed at the polls tomorrow, so be prepared.
If Ray Haynes was behind this, I know never to vote for him as I don't think liars should hold the public's trust. If he is not, he should immediately take steps to apprehend this fraud. The Republican party apparently sponsored this last ditch telemarketing barrage.
Speaking of Republicans, I think it likely that if the anti-recall people are getting this desperate, you can probably expect to be harrassed at the polls tomorrow, so be prepared.
Which part is the lie? Did he or did he not come from the O.C.? Was he or was he not registered as a democrat when he lived there? Is he or is he not an attorney? I doubt that those glossy brocures made up the pictures of his registration. I think Eddie is trying to hide something now that he lives in an area dominated by Republicans. And why would that be?
Anonymous, at Monday, May 02, 2005 5:39:00 PM
Just vote NO to recall
Anonymous, at Monday, May 02, 2005 8:52:00 PM
Rholmgren said...
Just vote NO to recall
I just did.
J.L. Kunkle said...
you can probably expect to be harrassed at the polls tomorrow, so be prepared.
I believe that harassing anyone at polling place is a serious crime which someone can get arrested…I don’t think you’ll see any harassing by either side.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:21:00 AM
It's everyones right to vote. I did along with 12 neighbors this morning and we all voted YES to the recall.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 4:17:00 PM
Did you Vote??
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 5:52:00 PM
I voted--- Remove these guys before it gets any worse, if that's possible. It's a shame to have leaders who seem to be "holding hands" with the developers. I would have said something else, but it probably would have been inappropriate.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 5:57:00 PM
I'll bet the anons live along or near Nutmeg....
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:17:00 PM
I live nowhere near Nutmeg...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:32:00 PM
Well the moment of truth is almost here. If the Johnny come latelys and NIMBYs of RM have their way the egotistic Warnie Enochs will be Mayor, which is more important to him than the walfare of our city. Once he gets the attention he so craves he to will fall in line with the developers. Speaking of developers to bad those of us who have lived in this valley for 20 or more yaers didn't do something so your homes weren't built, but that won't be fair would it?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:05:00 PM
Just too many of those red tile roofs goin' in! Some people always bitch after they get THEIR home.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:23:00 PM
It doesn't look good for RM. It sure was predictable. I am sure that the thoughtful rational, and intelligent Murrietans will carry the day.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:42:00 PM
So do you think Richard will quit as promised?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:47:00 PM
Richard and Warnie should both quit. This city has outgrown their poor type of leadership
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:49:00 PM
Yes I do live near Nutmeg and soon you will discover that your way of thinking is flawed and in the MINORITY
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:52:00 PM
Oh and let's develop the roads; the schools; the commercial centers; and more houses and condos; Most of us want a full blown city with all the conveniences!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:55:00 PM
The disagreement is obvious. When traffic increased on Jackson. I moved from my house overlooking Jackson and bought a house overlooking a canyon near Greer Ranch. If you want a country setting then maybe La Cresta or the Tenaja are will be more to your liking.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:02:00 PM
The people of RM talk about property rights of the residents. What about the property rights of people who have owned property zoned comercial per the general plan and have waited for years to develop it. Then the people of RM complain it doesn't fit in with their "new" home they bought. I guess it's ok to amend the plan then?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:04:00 PM
Well I guess some people view a city as a monster. Others like the suburban city lifestyle. This is a wonderful community and I will love it more when it reaches buildout. I am really happy to see all the condo construction near downtown. Murrieta really needs more entry level housing.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:08:00 PM
As a matter of fact I work locally and I drive around this area all day long. Believe me I need no reality check when it comes to the traffic patterns of this area. In a previous posting I said that traffic flows pretty freely 90% of the time. Maybe the traffic you experience is near rush hour or when the schools let out.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:12:00 PM
No I am not a developer. I am one of those right wing Republicans.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:14:00 PM
I am not in a dream world. A couple of times a month I have to travel to Orange and San Diego counties. Traffic hell is located at those two areas. Like I said I drive locally almost 5 days a week and the traffic here is not that bad.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:17:00 PM
Well I do agree with you about the motocrossers. They need their own areas AWAY fro the city. I am right on the border of Murrieta and Wildomar. There is a lot across the canyon that is used for motocross a couple of times a week. Its too noisy and does not belong near homes.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:46:00 PM
Traffic... are you kidding me. Traffic here in Murrieta is NOTHING compared to our neighbors San Diego, Riverside, OC...
If those of you that bought land in Murrieta 15 years ago could have stoped the growth. BUT what, why now? Its TOOOOOOOOOOOOO late for that now.
I am personally looking forward to having Murrieta finished. A shopping mall, Restarants, Techi businesses... Bring them on!!
Told ya I am here to stay. I bought my house out here for the growth and development. Here it is knockin...
Have a great evening. See you RMers at Starbucks.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:48:00 PM
I'll be at Starbucks May 4 with my Kleenex for you whining crying RMer's!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 10:06:00 PM
The current returns appear to favor the anti-recall forces; hooray!
I moved here because I knew it was a small community that was growing to a particular buildout size. So, let's build it out to what it's supposed to be - developments, businesses, and yes, the evil of all evils, condos! I lived with my 5 children in a condo in Orange County. WE moved here to get a house, but that condo served an immensely important purpose for us - affordable housing until we could move up. What is the irrational fear of condos? An area needs a mix of different types of housing, including, yes, condos. So, count me in for building this city out to what the general plan says. Yeah, all plans have changes made to them, that's why the council has the legal right to make those changes.
I still commute to Orange County. Murrieta has the best traffic of all the communities I drove to and through in OC and San Diego. Who got the bizarre idea that Murrieta is "gridlocked?" I suppose if you've been here 20 years, then in comparison traffic is horrendous. But, you know, the point was made earlier that the time to agitate for "no growth" in Murrieta was when it became a city and then created a general plan that said how big the city would eventually be, meaning lots of development. Once that plan was approved, your opportunity was largely gone.
There are still communities where you can build a non-development home: wildomar, lakeland village, lake elsinore (maybe). I chose Murrieta because I saw what it was and, more importantly, what it was to become!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 10:28:00 PM
Wow a traffic hellhole? That is just the type of irrational exageration that perfectly portrays a RM supporter mind set. You guys will never understand why you lost.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:00:00 PM
News: Californian
Recall cliffhanger: McAllister apparently survives, Seyarto and van Haaster up in the air
By: LAURA MITCHELL - Staff Writer
MURRIETA ---- City Councilman Doug McAllister apparently survived a recall election Tuesday but the vote was too close to call for Mayor Jack van Haaster and Councilman Kelly Seyarto. The outcome will ultimately be decided by outstanding absentee and provisional ballots.
With 18 of 18 precincts reporting, Seyarto was ahead late Tuesday by 211 votes, with 5,923 ballots cast to keep him in office and 5,712 to recall him ---- a difference that may not stand once absentee and provisional ballots are counted.
Van Haaster was losing his bid to retain his seat by 163 votes ---- 5,911 to 5,748. McAllister apparently beat the recall by 1,046 votes with 6,368 votes in his favor and 5,322 ballots cast to remove him, according to preliminary results by the county registrar of voters office.
Officials with the county registrar of voters said Tuesday they will not know until this afternoon how many absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted. The city sent out 9,192 absentee ballots and 5,289 have been counted. It is unknown how many of the others may have been brought to polling stations Tuesday.
If van Haaster is recalled, retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rick Gibbs, 58, is set to replace him. Gibbs garnered 5,367, or 74 percent of the votes cast for candidates vying to replace the mayor Tuesday night. Gibbs beat helicopter pilot Casey Evans, 20, who got 1,776, or 24 percent of the vote for van Haaster's seat. If van Haaster is ultimately recalled, Gibbs would fill out the remainder of his term, which runs through December 2006.
If Seyarto is recalled, Gary Thomasian, 52, who garnered 65 percent of the vote, is poised to replace him. Thomasian gathered 4,667 votes to Brenda Dennstedt's 2,381.
If McAllister would have been recalled, publisher Nancy Knight, 60, would have filled the rest of his term. Knight led with 3,497, or 50 percent of the vote, over challengers Andre Hurst and write-in candidate Larry Francis, who each gathered less than 18 percent of the vote. Jon Sparks, who dropped out of the race for McAllister's seat, gathered 17 percent of the vote.
"No matter what happens, I'm glad it's over," Seyarto said Tuesday night.
Members of Rescue Murrieta, the group behind the recall, cheered when they heard the preliminary results.
"Jack was the one who should have been recalled," said Ed Faunce, spokesman for the group.
Recall supporters contended the mayor abused his authority when he met with planning commissioners concerning his daughter's proposed preschool last year. He also had a conflict of interest when he voted for road improvements along the street that runs in front of the site, members of the group contend.
Van Haaster apologized for his lack of judgment in meeting privately with four members of the Planning Commission before the commission voted a year ago on a permit for Rachael van Haaster's proposed preschool for 394 children on Douglass Avenue. The commission approved the project ---- for just 200 children ---- but it is tied up in a lawsuit brought by neighbors.
Members of Rescue Murrieta also said the three councilmen should be recalled because they approved developers' projects despite overwhelming opposition by residents, are responsible for unfettered growth and traffic congestion and failed to follow the general plan.
Van Haaster, Seyarto and McAllister, however, have said they voted in the best interests of the city as a whole, not just favoring one neighborhood over another. They also said the city is making many improvements, which is one of the reasons traffic is congested --- but that the backups are only temporary until the road work is finished.
Rescue Murrieta collected more than 6,437 signatures, representing 20 percent of last year's 32,185 registered voters, for each of the three councilmen to bring about an election.
The voter turnout reflects 19 percent of Murrieta's 38,888 registered voters, although all absentee and provisional ballots have not yet been counted by the registrar's office.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 6:42:00 AM
To P Murphy
I am sure the the developers used the same logic when they discovered this town. By making self centered statements such as "I got mine". It is hard to feel sorry for you.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:06:00 AM
Ray Haynes is a useless ideolog who should be replaced. He is responsible for the traffic on the 15 and 215. He put his personal opinions ahead of the people of the valley and we lost the funding. Recall Haynes and Hollingsworth.
PS I hope the remainding Murrieta councilmen got the message.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:32:00 AM
Anonymous said...
PS I hope the remainding Murrieta councilmen got the message.
Good question,
I would guess that van Haaster and Seyarto (their seats are still up in that air at this time) would not be intimated by the recall and continue to vote for what they think is best for the city. From reading McAllister’s comments it sounds like he might back off his convictions and go with flow…so to say, only time will tell.
P. Murphy,
I know how you feel when I moved to Murreita in 1991 I loved it back then and not so much now, but we need to move forward or we'll end up a city with litte income to provide city services.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:15:00 AM
Pmurphy - Didn't your existing home sit on some of that previously prestine landscape? New or existing, you live in a home that has contributed to what you say you don't like. Now you whine because other people are given the opportunity to have what you have. Perhaps you can move so that your house can be torn down and the land can eventually return to that prestined landscape you desire.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:27:00 AM
jmteacher- you're right, it is ridiculous. That's the point. It is as ridiculous as the arguments that it is o.k. for my house to be built, but the rest of the land should be preserved for me to look at. The attitude that anyone who builds or buys a house after I've got mine, is ruining my life, is ridiculous. What ever happened to the property rights of landowners?
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 4:49:00 PM
Those of you who think Kelly, Jack and Mac care about the city are fools. They care only about themselves and their narrow circle of associates. They lost their credibility long ago. After spending almost 1/2 million dollars they still almost we all swept out of office. Kelly should take the hint and re-establish some character and resign as he once promised.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 6:46:00 PM
On May 28, or so, it will be day 1 Murrieta held hostage by BOZO THE ENOCHS. Let's just hope the city does not get sued under his 3 RING guidance.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:49:00 PM
JM don' t worry. You will soon discover that scapegoating somebody for problems they have very little control over makes no sense. I am sure that now that Gibbs is in office taffic on Murrieta Hot Springs Rd will improve and 79 south will flow freely. Caltrans will also now coordinate all their traffic signals with all the Murrieta? Temecula city signals. And I am sure that now the county will stop building houses in unincorporated areas. Oh our problems are now solved! Oh by the way don't be a coward and call people names as a semi-anon. Call me names with your backbone and show courage by signing off with your real identity.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 10:31:00 PM
Why does the counsil get to vote in the new mayor?
Why cant us Murrieta citizans have a say in that process?
Someone explain that to me. Please
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:58:00 PM
I am on your side with regard to the recall (pro), but I cannot believe how much you are gloating over barely getting one councilman out. Have a little humility and put down your sword. There is no reason to be on the attack.
As I said in another posing in another section of this blog, I do not agree with rhomgren's stance on the recall, but you have to appreciate that he/she is committed to his/her cause, just as you and I are committed to ours. You make people like me look bad with your name-calling and hateful words so ....knock it off.
We all need to work together now to make this community the best it can be in every respect. That starts with respecting others' opinions and not taking this stuff so personally. I agree with rholmgren, if you are going to have the guts to call him/her names, do it un-anonimously.--Z
Anonymous, at Friday, May 06, 2005 7:56:00 PM
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