Proposition 80
It's time to start looking seriously at these initiatives that are coming up for the November 8 ballot. It's risky business having the people create the laws, but I wouldn't have it any other way...
Prop 80 "The Repeal of Electricity Deregulation and Blackout Prevention Act"
This initiative will give the PUC (public utilities commission) increased authority over electric service providers.
Electric Service Providers' rates and terms will become subject to PUC oversight, but there is no specific terms about what degree of control this will actually be.
It will also solidify certain PUC guidelines regarding Investor Owned Utilities and Electric Service Providers and the priority order with which cost effective renewable source electricity will hold preference for purchase over energy requiring fossil fuels.
These providers will be required to prove that they can handle all demands for power with some left over, and the initiative will accelerate the timing on a current requirement that 20 percent of electricity supplies must come from renewable sources from the year 2017 to 2010.
Prop 80 "The Repeal of Electricity Deregulation and Blackout Prevention Act"
This initiative will give the PUC (public utilities commission) increased authority over electric service providers.
Electric Service Providers' rates and terms will become subject to PUC oversight, but there is no specific terms about what degree of control this will actually be.
It will also solidify certain PUC guidelines regarding Investor Owned Utilities and Electric Service Providers and the priority order with which cost effective renewable source electricity will hold preference for purchase over energy requiring fossil fuels.
These providers will be required to prove that they can handle all demands for power with some left over, and the initiative will accelerate the timing on a current requirement that 20 percent of electricity supplies must come from renewable sources from the year 2017 to 2010.
Looks like there is alot of proposition apathy. Good. The lower the voter turnout is the more likelihood that most of the props will pass. Arnold's numbers are low, but the Legislatures poll numbers are even lower... significantly lower. The recall cleaned out state executive branch and now these propositions will hopefully begin to clean up California's wacky legislature.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 1:12:00 PM
Well Rholmgren, I agree that the legislature should not be in charge of drawing up the lines for legislative districts.
But the proposition that causes me the most angst is 75. I can understand why the Gov opposes labor union money, but he took business money to oppose the unions.
In my view, neither source of money is theoretically good for a democracy allegedly "for the people, etc."
As long as the pols are taking money from business, there must be a counter balance of money coming from the unions. Otherwise, the corporate takeover of America will be complete. (It may already have reached that point.)
On another note, I keep reading your responses to Jeff where you eagerly predict Republican victories over the Dems. I don't take any particular joy in either party's prospects. Voting Republican just to keep the Dems out of office has given us the current mess.
Maybe we - the people - should rethink our "winner take all" system. Maybe a parlimentary system really is better because then all viewpoints have an opportunity to require the Government(s) to consider minority viewpoints.
Seems to me that the Reps have screwed up their ideals just as badly as the Dems! The common citizen just keeps dogging along with no one willing to say no to the $$ that own and run this country.
Sooner or later the collective weight of unwise policies is going to cause some unintended consequence and perhaps the American people will exert themselves. But for now, they seem to sleep. Reminds me of the refrain from a famous poem, Pippa Passes "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world."
Not to offend the Christians or any other religious persuasion, but God may be in charge in heaven, but our pols are in charge here and now.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:07:00 AM
Mr. Faunce i think that most Conservatives have had enough of Bush's moderate stance and the his last Supreme Court nominee was the staw that broke the camels back. Bush in not a Conservative. I voted for him because he was way better than the aternative.
Wht do you think the chances are that prop 75, or the other props, could get tied up in court? I am for prop 75, but I think it will conflict with the first amendment and be overturned.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:10:00 AM
Rholmgren, I haven't studied the First Amendment questions that Prop 75 might raise. However, given the fact that Corporations are allowed to make political contributions (commercial speech), it does seem unfair to preclude unions from doing the same.
After all, as a corporate consumer, I have no say in how they spend their "commercial speech" dollars. Of course, I could, in theory, refuse to buy goods and services from corporations who make contributions that I disagree with.
Practically, however, the theory is useless because no one has the time or energy to track down all the corporate giving and connect the dots to specific goods and services. Especially as there are a lot of "gifts" which are off the books.
No matter how we slice and dice our situation, what we find is that individual citizen voices are marginalized out of existence in comparison to our Pols's need for the big money contributors whether they be Corporate business or labor union.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:12:00 AM
I'm looking for the blogging website where people talk ablut city of murrieta political subjects. Someone said try but nothing is there it is closed down.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:06:00 PM
Bloggers please excuse this private message which is off topic. This is addressed to those members of the "original" coffee shop discussion group who have not met during the past month: Our Murrieta meetings will resume after Nov. 5. Only a couple to a few from the "Dirty Half Dozen" have been getting together "unofficially" off and on during the down time. A couple newcomers have popped in and have been allowed to use the group computer and the "portal". If you've noticed a few dumb posts in the past month, you can blame a couple of them on the green guys. We've been working on getting them wised up, but we've made it known that the regular group can't accept new members at least for now. (And maybe never, unless these new guys get a whole lot smarter.) Looking forward to joining the rest of you in a cup of java after the 5th. Till then,
Anonymous, at Friday, October 28, 2005 12:32:00 PM
In our family a decision on this matter was not final until today, election day. We're not fans of government regulation, but in this case a need has been demonstrated. Rolling black and brownouts are monopolist pressure tactics designed to put the squeeze on the government. Big business is not good for the public if monopolist power is involved.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:30:00 AM
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