"It seems that...."
There has been too much "it seems that" in this recall. There are definitely many possibilities; VanHaaster and MacAllister are/are not operating their council seats with a blind eye towards conflicts of interest, Enochs has/has not been deliberately kept out of the mayoral slot, RM is or is not a power grab by Enochs and Nancy Knight. The nonsense is building up by the hour and unless some unspun truths come out, by the time of the election this town will be completely polarized between those who value developer money and those who value quality of life in Murrieta.
Murrieta's leadership is doing many right things, but it looks like they are doing them in the wrong way. Old town Murrieta did need flood control, Jefferson does need widening, a senior center is a good thing, when (if) the old town project is completed it will be nice, but did they need to do all these projects at the same time? You still need to keep things running, you can't just tell all the people in the old town area to take a 9+ month vacation until the construction gets finished.
Anonymous, at Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:20:00 PM
Mr. Faunce made some convincing commentary on the post: "We Need Proof" of this blog. The ball is now in the other court, can Mr. Seyarto, Mr. VanHaaster or Mr. McAllister or their supporters please provide a counter? The recall is going to be on us soon, its time to make this info available so people can make informed choices.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, January 24, 2005 8:05:00 PM
Thank you Mr. Seyarto, but the flyers that were passed out to old town businesses had only two phone numbers to call, and both were disconnected. You offered no warning to the people effected and I sense that the human aspect of your decisions is not factored in to your decision making process.
J. L. Kunkle, at Saturday, February 05, 2005 4:00:00 PM
What you fail to realize is that when a construction project is localized the citizens can plan a route around the construction. However, when you tear up all of the streets at the same time for one whole year, the citizens suffer for one whole year...Even more so when you continually approve building permits for apartment complexes, etc., in the same area.
In my opinion the city has failed the citizens of Murrieta. In my opinion, the city council is trying to build a typical Southern California big city here, just so they will be able to say "Look what I built".
Anonymous, at Saturday, February 05, 2005 4:01:00 PM
Councilman Seyarto has made it amply clear that old town was destroyed this way so that the city could save a buck.
J. L. Kunkle, at Monday, February 07, 2005 12:56:00 PM
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