Is The Recall a waste of money?
The signatures are approved and at the city council meeting last Tuesday, Kelly Sayarto, Jack VanHaaster, and Doug McAllister, the council members who will be subject to recall, postponed setting a date for the election until the next city council meeting. The council has allotted $80,000 to pay the expense of conducting this special election which should take place sometime in April. Also during this meeting, the council passed a measure giving Griffith Construction an additional $50,000 to cover the increasing cost of concrete and steel. The contract Griffith signed makes no mention of this obligation on the part of the city. However, during this emotional meeting, Warnie Enochs mentioned something that I think it important that all Murrietans understand. That is that the signatures are in and this recall election WILL be held. There is no stopping it now. Kelly Seyarto suggested that since the money has already been spent, that the council should try and rustle up some other initiatives to include on the ballot so us taxpayers can get more bang for the buck. Please give your comments on the recall election. This divisive issue is generating a lot of negative energy in this town and hopefully, with a neutral place online like this blog, the two perspectives on this issue can communicate and maybe even resolve some of these issues.
Councilman Seyarto went on about lies told by the rescue Murrieta people to get signatures but I still don't understand how 2 people can be a voting block on a 5 member councel.
Anonymous, at Friday, January 07, 2005 3:16:00 PM
They interfered with the paperwork or else the recall would have been voted on in Nov.
Anonymous, at Friday, January 07, 2005 3:42:00 PM
$80,000.00 were would that money have been used if not wasted on the recall? Police? fireman? much needed road work? Parks to keep kids off the streets? There is alway going to be change, get used to it!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:12:00 PM
$80,000 is not a waste of money if it removes those that waste the tax payers money on meaningless projects like the $100,000 gate to block Hayes near Thompson Middle School. How many other roads will be blocked AFTER the planned and approved development of the future???
Anonymous, at Sunday, January 30, 2005 8:13:00 PM
"I do realize that there are a great many people who didn't feel that the street should be closed. But no one showed up to support not closing it. "
What good has showing up to oppose something EVER done in this City??? Mr. Seyarto, you talk both sides. In one breath you say you watch out for the majority in the City, newcomers and oldtimes alike, in the next you are implying nobody came to oppose an issue, therefore, there was nothing you could do to change it? How about trying something "middle-ground," like street signs and police enforcement, before we block roads? Even better, how about the City Planning anticipate some of these issues and redesign things before everybody moves in!
Anonymous, at Friday, February 11, 2005 1:21:00 PM
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