I have created this blog as a place for all Murrietans to post facts and opinions concerning the city and the people of Murrieta, California. Please keep your comments well thought out and civil. The point of this blog is to communicate openly about the issues in Murrieta and hopefully to come up with solutions to them.
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:44:00 PM
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J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:49:00 PM
Does the city of Murrieta really care about the effects of the street construction, and how it is hurting the older established old town businesses?
Do they care that the businesses have lost at least 75% of their normal business, from years past?
I don’t think so…
When asked if they would advertise, promote or at least participate in advertising the businesses they refused. They said, they didn’t have the funds for that!
Really? well seems to me they have plenty of funds for other unnecessary items.
They certainly have written a lot of checks to Contractor in charge of Washington street project.
We had to scream to get them to put up direction signs (after the construction was 2 months in progress..people were going down Washington street the WRONG way…
Travelers couldn’t figure out which way to go, it was and is still a mess..
The traffic light on Kalmia & Washington has traffic backed up during school pick up to the point only 2 cars can turn left from Kalmia to Washington, with cars backed up down 1st street just trying to get on Washington going north.
We had to scream to get them to fill in the pot holes!
I was driving south on Washington street, and notice a Cement light post leaning to the point that it looked as if it was going to fall over. I stopped and told a CITY worker about it. his comment was “Its not my light post” and just carried on with what he was doing. This is just a small showing of the attitude of the city. Its not my problem!
Explain to me why the city did not make Washington street the main thoroughfare for these business a priority!
Why the city has not had the contractor finish the roads first ( both ways) then do the sprinklers, side walks etc. after .
Having been a contractor myself I understand contracts and timelines…So there is no excuse.
I would love to hear the city’s councilmen, manger, engineers, public works, response too the above issue.
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 7:09:00 AM
To anonymous,
Thanks for making your opinion known. I've e-mailed the city council about this blog and we'll see what happens.
J. L. Kunkle, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 8:01:00 AM
Since I moved here 3 1/2 years ago, I have been following all the events which lead up to the recall and have a few observations.
First, before I even formed an opinion about the city council, when we first moved here 3 1/2 years ago, I watched a town meeting on cable. I had never met or seen any of the city councilmen previously and as I watched the meeting progress, my attention was drawn to Kelly Seyarto, mainly because of his arrogance, anger, and lack of respect for almost everyone in the room. I have since watched and listened to things he has said and done and even if he had done things totally to the benefit of the community, I would want him removed due to his attitude. I believe he truly does not understand the term "public servant" and all that is required of the job. As such, you NEVER have the luxury of losing your cool with ANY constituent EVER; no matter how "in your face" a member of the community may become.
As for Jack VanHaaster, he has readily admitted he lied, and I believe the majority of this community will NOT put up with that even once so he MUST go, again, regardless of what he may or may not have done in the past.
As for Doug McCallister, as he has shown on every occasion, we could just as well have elected a 5 year old child as he does not appear capable of forming an independent opinion that differs from Seyarto and VanHaaster.
What I am attempting to say here, and I am sure I am not the first to think this, is that based on their mannerisms alone, (Seyarto-anger,arrogance/lack of respect=bad attitude, VanHaaster-a self-admitted liar, & McCallister-absolutely proven incapable of thinking independantly) the three should absolutely be removed from office; I feel their actual decisions, which do not appear to be in alingnment with the desires of the majority of the community, an after effect which is an extension of who they really are. If people knew what the true nature of these three characters, which has really risen to the surface in the past year to most of us newbies, was before the last election, the vote may have been very different. I, personally, could care less what was said to motivate people to sign the recall. What I have personally observed and read on my own, without outside prejudice, is enough information, for me, to justify in my own mind the recall.
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 4:25:00 PM
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