The open door policy
This from the Californian:
MURRIETA ---- Mayor Warnie Enochs has scheduled open office hours at City Hall to give residents an opportunity for personal contact and one-on-one exchanges.
Enochs, who was selected as mayor in May, will be available starting June 7 from 9 a.m. until noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at City Hall, 26442 Beckman Court.
The mayor said he believes the office hours will lead to better contact with the community and provide new ideas for the council.
To schedule an appointment, residents may call the city manager's office at 461-6010. Unscheduled walk-ins are welcome, but may have to wait, officials said.
MURRIETA ---- Mayor Warnie Enochs has scheduled open office hours at City Hall to give residents an opportunity for personal contact and one-on-one exchanges.
Enochs, who was selected as mayor in May, will be available starting June 7 from 9 a.m. until noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at City Hall, 26442 Beckman Court.
The mayor said he believes the office hours will lead to better contact with the community and provide new ideas for the council.
To schedule an appointment, residents may call the city manager's office at 461-6010. Unscheduled walk-ins are welcome, but may have to wait, officials said.
In the past, if Warnie Enochs has been consistent about anything, it is about being inconsistent. This is not to knock him, but just to state a fact.
It will be a refreshing change if he not only starts his "open house", but continues it on a consistent basis.
I am one of many, many Murrieta citizens who have serious doubts about "Warnochs". But I hope he proves my doubts wrong.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 8:44:00 AM
Hello. My question might not be cool or interesting, but I've never seen much of city hall. Does anyone know if the mayor has a private office? Just trying to picture the mayor's meetings.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 6:33:00 PM
One thing I would like to suggest to Mayor Enochs is term limits. Both Jack and Warnie have been around from day one and just maybe this council could use a little more new blood. Seriously how about we limit you guys to two terms.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 6:48:00 PM
What makes Warnie Enochs a better Mayor than Captain Jack?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 7:51:00 PM
Mayor Enochs should send Chamber of Commerce president Rex Oliver an engraved invitation to his open house. It was Mr. Oliver's decision to turn the CofC into a political action committee that caused the defeat of the former mayor. Mr. Oliver may not be the brightest bulb on the Chamber's tree, but he certainly knows how to get the public upset.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 7:24:00 AM
Nice try Sherlock - unfortunately it was not Rex Oliver who turned the CofC into a political organization. Every chamber in this state is getting more political - their charter is to advocate on behalf of their business constituency. You people that get half a fact and decide to embellish should try to get a whole fact - and make sure it doesn't come from either Warnie or Laura Mitchell. He may not be the brightest but he's burning a hell of a lot brighter than the 25 watts you put out.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 2:41:00 PM
I guess to many any replacement to Jack was an improvement. To them even Bozo would be better than Jack. Now we have Bozo's equivalent as Mayor of Murrieta. I just hope that another Council member has the same office hours in order to offer a counter point to Enoch's propaganda. I am already sick of hearing Enoch's embarrassing public comments in the paper. The 2006 election can't get here fast enough.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 3:04:00 PM
Hey no wonder boy...
Thanks for admitting that the C of C is a political organization. And... Since that admission comes tripping off the tip of the bumbling pen of their strongest advocate on this forum, it is now obvious that their fingers have no place in the public purse. You have done your city a fine service today.
By the way, how about flipping your switch to the "on" position for just a second, so we can see what kind of wattage you rate.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 5:16:00 PM
I understand you made your point, Anon. But, jeeze... You actually made me feel bad for No Wonder, and I didn't agree with him (or her) to start with. How about lightening up?
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:54:00 PM
I knew Mr Enochs was an anon! Or at least anon 5:16 sounds just like him. Mr Enochs thinks that the CofC will do the same job marketing Murrieta even if Murrieta stops paying $60,000 per year. Only in fantasy land do we get something for nothing. Maybe we should modify Mr Enoch's bright idea on spending the CofC money on Old Town. Instead we could spend the money on a homeless shelter and locate it in Warnie's neighborhood. Or maybe the 60 grand could be spent on a half way house for drug abusers, and we could locate it in the Murrieta Ranchos subdivision. Warnie's dumb ideas sure are inspiring.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 9:13:00 PM
Just a word of support for Anon 8:54, but only in regard to the suggestion about "lightening up". (I for one am still thinking about the core issues related to the Chamber.)
As to emotional attitudes displayed in expressing one's position, regardless of how cutting or clever a person's words are, I can only say that emotions distract from the issues. Words full of sarcasm are often words without much substance.
Logic is actually structured on mathematics. I have yet to see anger or sarcasm made part of a mathematical equation. If someone tried to do so, I doubt they'd be taken too seriously.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 9:50:00 PM
I'm not a fan of Mayor Warnie, but if Rholmgren is right about the guess he posted, I'd say Warnie is better at making a mean-spirited point than I thought he was. Holy cow. I thought Kelly was the only one who attacked like that, and even he has sworn off those tactics.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 7:20:00 AM
I don't know who the anon of interrest is, but I do know for a fact it's not Warnie. And I'm not Warnie either. There are so many Warnie haters on this forum that I think everyone's looking for something to jump on and call it "Warnie". How about going to his meetings and then you'll have a real Warnie to talk to.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 7:34:00 AM
Ooooh, a solid body shot by Anon. 'Admitting' the chamber is political? Did that come as a news flash to ya? If you had a clue to what's going on in the community you'd have known that years ago and you wouldn't have to rely on my 'bumbling pen' for your daily shot at learning something new. The city, like most in the state, has a contract with the chamber to promote business in this community. The city does not 'substantially fund' the chamber, as you warnites continue to profess, rather there are specific services provided for a fee. That does not give the city the right to dictate chamber policy, membership or representation. The chamber opposed the recall because it was a business issue - political unrest simply isn't good for business and everybody seems to agree we need more businesses in our community, not less. Chamber political advocacy isn't new either and if you understood either business or politics, you'd know that representing member businesses in Sacramento is vital to the region. Workers comp, affordable housing, taxation issues don't get resolved by warnie sound bites but by positive action in an arena where it is most effective and by people who know what they're doing.
Knecht - profound - 'words full of sarcasm are often words without much substance. Logic is structured on mathematics'? Why Mr. Spock, how wonderful to hear from you again. Sarcasm is often the only way to reach some people, yet it's subtleties are frequently lost on those lacking depth and perspective. But let's apply the mathematical logic test to the new mayor, shall we. So many Warnie haters on this forum? No just people who are concerned about our city and the impact this buffoon can have (and already has had). I've talked to Warnie, person to person, many times. Don't need his open door policy to enjoy that. I do agree that others should avail themselves of the opportunity to get to know the real warnie. If more people would have done that over the past few years, we wouldn't have this problem today. Putting warnie up front and center to showcase his talents and intellect is the beginning of the end for him.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 9:54:00 AM
noWonder, I was among those who felt Anon the Sarcastic went overboard in his reply to you. Apparanty you deserve each other.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 10:16:00 AM
Hey Kelly...I mean, "No Wonder"....
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 10:32:00 AM
The noWonder person may not be the old Kelly Seyarto or the current Kassen Kline, but he sounds like he could be either one of them. It is possible that a third person in the same city would have that same way of expressing things, but I think the odds would be against it.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 1:43:00 PM
Just for the record. There are plenty of us around town who aren't supporters of Warnie Enochs, but who want nothing to do with people like "no Wonder". His kind of words - and there have been too many of them - did us no good in the election.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 3:45:00 PM
Would it be possible to use the blog for something more productive than have the same people hurl insults at each other over and over again?
Why don't we use the blog to share valuable information regarding our city that can benefit all blog participants?
Nobody in this recall, opponents or proponents alike, had all the answers and walks away with a halo on their head!
We now have Warnie as our mayor and a new council member to change the dynamics of this team. Lets give them all a chance and support them, it will help them do a better job! The citizens in this town have spoken loud and clear during the recall period. Because of it, our council is more aware than ever of the public needs and concerns. Hopefully, this will lead to good decision making! We will have annother election in 2006, by then we will have a record and know if more changes are needed and can act accordingly.
( Hopefully without the influence and money from non registered Murrieta voters, including developers, chamber of commerce and republican party members! I know that is wishful thinking, but it is a nice thought!)
Have a nice weekend, everybody! P.S.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 03, 2005 9:23:00 PM
Anon 9:23: I agree with you in many ways. But I think the forum benefits from sharing information and emotions, whether they be the good, the bad or the ugly (within wide real bounds of decency, which is being handled well by the site administrator). What someone wrote under an earlier topic was good... Comparing this site's jumble of thoughts to a "public mind", having a lot of mixed thoughts and emotions, and trying to sort it all out. I think of it more like panning gold. It takes a lot of sifting through the mud to see something that shines. And then, you have to figure out if it's the real thing, or just a flash in the pan.
A public figure may think it's OK to put down the "Anons". But being able to write as an "Anon" gives freedom of expression to anyone who might want to say something, and yet retain their personal privacy. Not everyone wants to be a public figure. And if what they want to say offends a public figure, well, that's just part of being a public figure.
Anyway, I thank everyone who shares their thoughts here. (Even thoughts that have taken a swing at my thoughts). I am learning from all of you.
Anonymous, at Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:18:00 AM
In the last couple of weeks Vanhaster, Gibbs, Seyarto, and Mcallister were at the Vegas convention. This week Mr Seyarto attended the traffic workshop in La Quinta. Is Mayor Enochs attending any important meetings or functions?
Anonymous, at Saturday, June 04, 2005 5:51:00 PM
I do believe that he is on the ultra important Murrieta Creek Committee and Santa Margarita River Committee. I think he is on a transit committee also. It sounds like a real heavy work load.
Anonymous, at Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:13:00 PM
One of my kids asked why people run for city council. I had to think about that one, and just said there are people who feel the need to serve their community. That was the truth, but not the whole truth. I think two of the five on the council right now are there for an ongoing ego massage, one is there with a profit motive, and two enjoy serving their community. Do I need to specify who's who, or is that obvious to everyone?
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:09:00 AM
Oh, one more thing, for those who need a clue, two of those that fall under the same category disagree on everything.
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:22:00 AM
What ever happened to noWonder? I heard he was Kassen Klein.
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 8:53:00 AM
To Kelly Seyarto:
I don't think anyone was picking on you about the ego thing. Why did you think you fell into that group (see "anon @ 7:09")???
Just Curious
Anonymous, at Monday, June 06, 2005 4:43:00 PM
Council Member Seyarto said:
"The regional boards and commissions are the RCTC, RCA, WRCOG, RCHCA and the RTA. I am a board member on all but one, mostly because other councilmembers didn't have an interest or couldn't fulfill the meeting obligations required to serve on the boards."
I think you have identified an extreme weakness in our current system or practice. In selecting council members, the residents are selecting those individuals whom they trust to make the policy decisions to run the City. We do not choose council members on the basis of some type of professional expertise in whatever regional quasi-governmental unit are created or dreamed up.
That's not to say that regional planning is not important, it is very important. Some would probably say, too important to leave to politicians. After all, why should we believe that elected councilman (or supervisors for that matter) have any expertise in governmental affairs other than getting elected?
It's a tough problem, but maybe one solution is to utilize other City residents, and/or City staff, to cover the non-City meetings. Especially as City Council members are not "full-time" positions and most do not have the scheduling advantage of a firefighter.
When the burden of attending meetings becomes so great that only a few can devote their time, then delegation to others would seem to be in order. While you may be both able and willing to spend so much time attending meetings, that is not a long-term solution. What, God forbid, would we do if something happened to the one council member who was attending so many disparate meetings?
In fact, that was an argument made during the recall campaign, towit, that the City would lose years of your credit. This is reminiscent of businesses that rely on a single vendor for an important product only to find that the loss, or threatened loss, of that vendor assumes a disproportionate impact.
A system that builds redundancy and instutitional memory would seem far preferable to one that depends on the largess of a single council member or two.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Monday, June 06, 2005 5:07:00 PM
K. Seyarto bridges the gap of his own erratic temperament to condescendingly instruct us, and scold our shallow knowledge of psychology. Ah, is there no limit to the prolific display of intellect that trickles from this fount?
Anonymous, at Monday, June 06, 2005 7:55:00 PM
I think Mr Seyarto's comments were neither condecending nor shallow. His reponse was a direct way of answering the stupid anon ego attacks. Mr. Faunce maybe we need more council members with the "scheduling advantage of a firefighter." As of now one long time council member is pulling more than his own weight while two other long time council members do not have the time (or maybe motivation) to attend functions on their own time. Maybe those two council members should be replaced with people who have the "scheduling advantage" to serve. Your ideas on city staff attending committee functions have some merit. Although I would be concerned with the fact that the city staff members would not have to answer directly to the voters.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:01:00 AM
Mr. Seyarto was the one who was calling people "shallow". Not the other way around. You, Rholmgren, are the one calling people "stupid".
The name calling engaged in by the two of you creates quite a bit of amusement for all the rest of us. Hope you keep it up.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:31:00 AM
Mr. Seyarto: Please don't play word games. You just got through calling someone "shallow". I suppose you could dance around that fact all day long, picking apart definitions of what does or does not constitute "name calling". Whatever. By creating your own definitions of all things good and bad, I guess you could come out looking like a real sweet guy. Of course, we'd all have to be re-educated to learn all those new definitions. But you're kinda into that re-education thing, aren't you?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 10:25:00 AM
Mr. Seyarto: Please don't play word games. You just got through calling someone "shallow".
Councilmen Seyarto has posted multiple paragraphs about city issues yet all the replies in this threat, with the exception of Mr. Faunce, have concentrated on a few lines then have been replied to by making only insults towards Councilmen Seyarto and not addressing any of his comments on the way our city is run or even to ask questions on other issues.
This blog thread started with how Mayor Enochs will now have an open door policy, yet we have a councilmember here to discuss and debate city issues from inside the comfort of our homes and yet people would rather use their words to attack and insult.
Councilmen Seyarto and Mr. Faunce my hat’s off to you both, I really am interested in what both of you have to say concerning our city, we are getting a chance to look a both sides of the issues.
MK (Mike)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 12:44:00 PM
MK (Mike):
I agree with you. I don't know why people can't see yet that Councilman Seyarto is no longer the person who once purred in the lap of developers while shrugging off "the little people" - the citizens of this town.
So, Mike, the main thing we know about you so far is that you like to put down other people's words as "attacks" and "insults". Well, I, for one, find your attack insulting.
Perhaps you'd like to add something substantial to the ongoing conversation. What's your take on the C of C controversy? Does it trouble you that taxpayer money has been, in the past, spent to support what amounts to a political action committee? Or perhaps you'd like to comment on the weakness of our council in its formative years, like Mr. Seyarto did, as he bemoaned bygone matters in the midst of his criticism of other council members. Or maybe you'd like to add to the praise Mr. Seyarto heaps on himself. Oh, wait, you did that.
Can't wait to hear more from you, Mike.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:41:00 PM
I also do a "Hat's Off" to Mr. Seyarto and Mr. Faunce. But I don't agree with Mike's assessment of everyone else's input. It's all part of the ongoing conversation.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 4:27:00 PM
I don't have an opinion to mention on any of the political matters. I just listen, read, and vote.
Have been to a couple meetings at city hall. This is better.
Wish 2 things: 1) That anons all had names. 2) That more from council were joining in.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 5:07:00 PM
Anon 8:31 if you are in any way involved with the ego gratification arguements then yes those arguements are stupid. I am calling the arguement stupid. I am not calling you as a person stupid. The ego arguements on previous threads have very little to do with the issues being debated. I think that most people in the public arena need large egos, or a teflon attitude, in order to maintain their social sanity. If you have noticed many of us that were hurling verbal insults during the recall have have been practicing more restraint toward other bloggers. I want something productive from this blog. Mr Faunce's and Seyarto's postings have been way more informative than anything I have read in the local papers. I hope their participation continues.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 6:39:00 PM
To Anon at 5:07 ("I"):
You're not alone. There are plenty of us in the community who don't have any agendas or bones to pick, but who want to follow the local debates.
On Line
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:06:00 PM
Councilman Seyarto:
Could you spell out what the acronyms "RCTC, RCA, WRCOG, RCHCA and RTA" all represent?
Also you said: "The implication that somehow these boards and commissions are "dreamed up" indicates to me that Mr. Faunce doesn't really feel these boards serve a purpose. Pehaps, after Rick Gibbs has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the various commissions and their functions, Mr. Faunce can have that discussion with someone that he trusts."
I did not mean to denigrate any commission by referring to it as "dreamed up." I was referring to the tendency of higher legislative bodies, the County or State, to set up regional commissions (dreamed up) which are actually quasi-public agencys.
Over the last three and half decades, I have represented employees of numerous public agencies including some rather large regional districts, e.g., Metropolitan Water District (Met).
One of the problems I see is that these types of agencies are formed with the specification that various members of city councils and county boards of supervisors are to sit as the governing board. The political science theory, I believe, is that by specifying that elected officials shall serve on the governing board that somehow this makes the "new" agency subject to the will of the voters.
In practice, this seldom works. Local residents have their hands full just keeping up with what's happening on their block and down the street. The thought that local voters will elect or reject a council member because of a decision made by the Met turns out to be ludicrous. What happens is that these types of agencies operate pretty much out of sight.
Now, don't misunderstand. The Met is needed. It also does good work, but in large part it has its own bureacracy which acts to perpetuate itself, accreting large salaries, benefits and pensions.
The question in my mind is whether we have so much democracy that we essentially have very little. Consider that conscientious residents must focus on City council elections, then school boards, then water districts, then County supervisors, then state assembly and senate races, judges, govenor and all that before we get to the Feds.
All, or most of them hold fund raisers ($500/plate) etc. The average Joe and Mary are completely priced out and certainly do not have the time and energy to cope with multiple contested races.
It is in this context that I used the term "dreamed up" when referring to this multiple-jurisdiction regional commissions. One more level of government which the average citizen is unable to cope with.
But, there is a need for regional planning and implementation. So what should be the response of a progressive and energetic community like Murrieta?
Maybe we need more than five council members? Maybe we need to have a bunch new city commissions coextensive with the regional commissions to which one of our City Council members is a member?
I kind of like the latter idea because such a committee could help develop the instutional memory I previously mentioned. It could also begin to provide a training ground for future Council candidates who are knowledgeable about regional matters. Finally, having an active citizen committee (doing reasearch, etc. to back up the council member) would quickly catch the attention of the regional shakers and movers thereby elevating Murrieta as a community.
Finally, let me say that your service on the various commissions have clearly qualified you to speak to their importance. I do not distrust your statements in that regard.
I do believe that your suggestion to hire a firm to educate the City residents on "what's happening" actually was a recognition that there is so much going on in Southwest Riverside County that people who live here cannot see the forest.
My thought is that by involving more city residents in the regional commissions will begin to accomplish that education. I can forsee the use of the internet and dedicated websites to begin to accumulate the kind of information that will allow interested residents to inform themselves, on their own schedule, about these important regional commissions.
Edward Faunce
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 11:19:00 PM
Checked the newspapers this AM and for some reason did not see report about what happened at council last nite. Anyone have a few brief tidbits to share?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:40:00 AM
Same here. I looked at the online version of NC Times but saw no report there. Curious about the chamber of commerce decision.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:58:00 AM
In last night's meeting Mayor Enochs was illegaly trying to do a financial shakedown of the Cof C for at least $30,000 dollars. (He was told by one of the staff that he was not legally allowed to negotiate from the podium) It was funny watching the man bumble through the issue. What a piece of dead wood! Mr Oslting was basically MIA. Why is that man on the council anyway? He really needs to particpate more at the meetings.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:00:00 AM
The decision was 4-1 to keep the Chamber contract
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:02:00 AM
Anonymous 3:41 said...
So, Mike, the main thing we know about you so far is that you like to put down other people's words as "attacks" and "insults". Well, I, for one, find your attack insulting
I guess my post was a little harsh, and I guess it looked like I was talking about everyone in this forum, which wasn’t my intention, and for that I apologize for painting every poster with such a broad stroke, I just get tired of seeing after Mr. Seyarto posts something then come a couple of posts are just used to make personal insults.
What's your take on the C of C controversy? Does it trouble you that taxpayer money has been, in the past spent to support what amounts to a political action committee?
No it doesn’t businesses are going to do what they feel is best for them, the money going to the Chamber of Commerce when the city first started out was to help both the city and businesses. Now I do believe that the time has come where the Chamber of Commerce is now self-sustaining and no longer need financial help from the city.
Or maybe you'd like to add to the praise Mr. Seyarto heaps on himself. Oh, wait, you did that.
No nothing to add…you forgot I also praised Mr. Faunce, my hope is to see them both keep posting here.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:09:00 AM
Well said, Mike. You have passed the "skin" test (teflon, alligator, or any other such protective coating), which is what it takes takes to be a successful participant. You didn't take the tough words personally. Welcome.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:26:00 AM
If anyone in Murrieta is still happy to see WE in the mayor's chair, please raise your hands.
Now, will both of you go down to city hall and stand out in front so we can see who you are?
(Put your hands down while driving, please.)
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:58:00 AM
It is painfully obvious which council members come prepared for meetings. Mayor Enochs trys real hard to wing it in order to cover up how unprepared he is for council meetings. Newcomer Rick Gibbs even displayed more competence than either Mr Enochs or Mr Ostling. Councilmen Seyarto Mcallister again showed that they were both well prepared and very engaged in the evening's issues.
Is there anyone out there who is proud to proclaim that they are an Enochs supporter. Just wondering
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:29:00 AM
A much simpler method of discerning different posters would be for them to get a blogger handle by registering on blogspot. To the best of my knowledge, the information required is minimal and you won't be put on any mailing lists.
Through posts to this blog I have learned a great deal about how much attention to detail that is required to run a city. I would like to thank Mr. Faunce and Kelly Seyarto, and also the many relevant postings from anons. These posters should get more credit for their posts than just "post 7:25".
I can see that all I have to do is post something about Warnie to guarantee a lively mudfest, and if that is enjoyable for some, I don't see any harm in it. But when a relevant stream is taking place I hope that the mud can be put away for a bit. In the meantime, I agree that a thicker skin is a useful item when participating in a debate.
You can e-mail me at if you have an issue that I have overlooked so I can post it and hopefully start a string of debate. The blog is a brand-new political tool and I think that we have only scratched the surface regarding its potential.
Finally, regarding all these boards in charge of city functions, water, school, etc. Is there some way of creating a form of liaison between them? I have noticed that the lack of formal communication between these boards leads to much dilution of effort. It's difficult to provide adequate services to a school district when the district makes little allowance for the needs of the majority of citizens and vice versa. It seems like a case of too many chiefs and not enough indians.
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:05:00 AM
Pardon me, Native Americans.
J. L. Kunkle, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:07:00 AM
re: Ed Faunce, 11:19
Many interesting thoughts, but what strikes me most is the thought of having more city residents on regional commissions. Active, strong involvement from citizens across the community. I see many advantages, not the least of which is reducing dependency on a small number of politicians for the work to be done; and as a side benefit reducing the potential for political mischief.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:29:00 AM
Councilman Seyarto this past year has been willing to take the abuse toward his self in this venue in order to explain in detail much of the work that is involved by those council members whose dedication to their community drives them to provide the best service to the citizenry.
We have become aware of the extensive, time consuming educational process required by those who would desire to improve our city.
Now we know that Mr. Seyarto, who held such promise for utilizing his expertise for our city in the State Legislature, will retire a the end of his term.
We will then have successfully removed the only two members of the council who were willing to go the extra mile for our community; two highly qualified and dedicated honorable men whose families are exhausted by the constant vilification.
Reflection will show their selfless dedication. Reputable men, that time will prove, never considered or received financial gain for their service save the seven hundred dollar a month salary. Their only desire was a better community in which to raise their families.
These are men who voted each issue with the better good of the whole community as their sole guide.
We now have persons representing us who will vote each issue depending on how the wind is blowing on a particular day. Politics now does truly rule the council. We have a mayor who makes everybody happy by promising them what they want leaving staff with the difficult duty of discerning if what he promises is fiscally possible and available to all on an equal basis. If you don't get what the Mayor promises, he can blame staff. Yes, his constituents love him.
In time new persons will rise to the occasion and hopefully trustworthy men will take up the cause for the city. It takes time for a man to prove his worth not by his words but rather by his deeds.
But, you can be guaranteed that opportunist will rise against them also, good men are vulnerable, and we will destroy them, because that seems to be what us a a populous do to those few respectable persons who come to serve in public office.
There are statesmen and there are politicians and as a citizenry we love politicians. You can emotionally maim and politically destroy a statesman but a politician will spend his time dancing around your attacks, appealing to your vanity, and survive.
We are a big city now with big city politics. May God help us.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 09, 2005 6:53:00 PM
Anon 6:53 You are right that it is sad to see the ambitious and motivated leaders of our community torn down. It would make me sick if more councilmen with the political inclinations of Mr Enochs were elected. ME your negativity cancels out your creativity.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:40:00 PM
Anon 6:53:
Your verbal style is so far over my head that it leaves me feeling like an intellectual dwarf being tossed about on an ocean of truths... The little craft that is my mind in danger of going down into the deep, never again to bob about among the great vessels that cruise effortlessly throughout this blog. That being said, if you were expressing gratitude for the service of Kelly Seyarto, I agree to some degree. If expressing concern about the capabilities of our current mayor, I agree to a greater degree. I disagree that "statesmen" and "politicians" are mutually exclusive terms. The greatest of politicians are great statesmen. (Generic gender terminology, includes women equally). I disagree that statesmen are necessarily destroyed by even the most viscious verbal attacks. In fact, I prefer my that my statesmen be tested and hardened by verbal battle, and still proven able to stand unaffected with the banner of my community, state, or nation firmly in hand. Your concerns are well taken, but as you see, I see the same issues differently.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 10, 2005 2:14:00 PM
A politician is a salesman, a statesman is a politician with ethics. Both professions are similar to that of the salesman. How's that for oversimplification?
J. L. Kunkle, at Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:06:00 PM
hey this is Warnie Enochs youngest son. I think its funny all the stuff thats being said. Your just lucky you didnt have to live with him for 17 years.. If you have any questions, I'd be more than glad to help you out because i am currently not living with him anymore. so feel free to ask. If you do not believe this is who i say i am, my email is you can email me your questions.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:20:00 PM
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